
CHAN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #10

>> Sonia: ) thank you soh for joining us, and we are assuring on the rest ofedmonton. >> Speaker: let's go oilers. >> Jason: another bat next year, for sure. >> Sonia: all right. Whwe're gonna take these jerseys often aond. But coming up on "global news morning". >> Jason: they are easily preventable accidents beside sadlypen every year. Falling from a balcony or through ann window. Tips on how to keep your children safe during these warmer months when we come back. Summer's on its way... And Wayfair's big Victoria Day Clearance is here now! It's the talk of the town. Right now h May 25th, get up to 70% off everything home. Save on finds for indoors and out. Plus, score surprise flash deals that'll make your day. And get it all w straight to your door. Save up to 70% off Wayfair's Victoria Day Clearance now through May 25 and kickstart your summer with savings! Wayfair every style, every home Listen up! Here's a lesson about Activia Fibre a simple way to add fibre and 1 billion probiotics to your day that contribute to healthy gut flora It starts inside Activia Woman: My granddaughter is so determined and driven. Her grea was like that too. I learned through Ancestry Marie was an accomplished lawyer who always fought for what's right. Get to know your family y at My life is full of questions... How do I clean an aioli stain? Use Tide. Do I need to pretreat guacamole? -Not with Tide. -Why do we even buy napkins? Thankfully, Tide's the answer to almost all of them. -Do crabs have eyebrows? -Except that one. For all of life's laundry questions, it's got to be Tide. Sometimes the difference between a summer road trip and the road trip of the summer is an ice cold drink onald's. Like a Small McCafe Iced Coffee or a refreshing Coca Cola for $1 plus tax. Step up your summer today. Nice hand towel, huh? What do you need a hand towel for? Can't you use a big towel for your hands? What's next, foot towel? Turkish... for eight bucks? You're getting this towel. Deals so good, everyone approves. HomeSense. Major league show jumpingreturnsto ThunderbirdShow Park May 24th to the 26th. Tickets are on sale nowexclusively at This is major. Bbq Tips is brought to you by Johnstone's bbq Fanily owned and opereated >> Sonia: all rig cat for forecasted they all know about you guys bsa felt like blustery fall day. >> Mark: it's all very well bethe website for quite a while a steady rain today. D last night the weight really pounded on a cluster of its ity brought a plant for honest here. I picked for the highest values on different stations. Jericho beach, and moment there many clumber this is late last evening. A decreased quickly. Sand hffered rich man. I also have two austin got 80 km/h as well. Dell's last name. Later when today and clearing again half already sunshine this morning, and sunshine to the afternoon and metro vancouver the fraser valley will take acloser look at vancouver island. Mostly sunny too. From reacting our pawn forecast for the day moderate category. As you see here. That's a bit from yesterday in some respects. This is the clearin vancouver island, north coast look at that beautiful weather. An upper low down here that is weight loss name. Here in metro vancouver is moving that way. On the southern half of the interior many show and risk of thunderstorms a letter also sk of an afternoon thunderstorm in peace river region today. 40 percent chance of showers, site chance with 80 percent chance of showers this afternoon for a white horse paid more than bc coast awesome mostly sunny skies, 14 prince rupert, 22 for terrace in-line. Cool it was some rain signingand for tomorrow. Site chance of precipitation october the really diminishing showers wi a cariboo central terior, increasing sunshine especially farther north you go. Clouds and some rain for the southern interior including the kootenay region, columbia and you'll get clearing soo risk of thunderstorms and there too. Same idea for thompson okanagan several showers and risk of aften thunderstorm and risk of thunderstorms later tomorrow after morning son. Finally the coast, lr areas had snow in the areas especially older higher. We'll get into sunny periods through the da-day mace clearing. As going on vancouver makes a

sun and cloud small, possibly start friday night and a few breaks of sun and cloud. >> Jason: thank you, mark. Warmer weather means the bar opening the windows and as insing the risk of falls for more on this is christy hay from bc children's hospital, executive director of clinical operations. Great to see christy, thanks for >> Guest: good MORNING.on: what are the dangers were children that comes with the warmer weather? >> GuestST hearing mark's weather report it definitely was a blustery fall day yesterday. However we did experience some nice warmer temtures about a week and a half ago. An they will be warming up. I happen s suddenly, people open their windows how to get the nice breeze into theirhomes, and money have young toddlers especially their curious, they often like to explore, and on themselves by window and if not prop latched the safety device, or a child climbs in a close eye. >> Guest: highly patients each year due to. >> Jason: ow or balcony falls? >> Guest: at bc children's hospital emergency leasingbetween 15 and 20 actually a year. We do try toet these public service announcements out earlier and ear to prevent that number. We as the screens opening definitely not safety devices. In faulty windows. If you doe a screen, please don't rely on that to stop are known to fall. >> Jason: what is the average for these falls? >> Guest: they're typically quite young so toddlers are learning to walk it's under three, 4. These falls can result in significant injuries >> Jason: yoution 15 to 20 bc children seems like such a gh number like a high gear. What can do to make their kids summer at home? >> Guest: definitely it is hard as mother myself now that my children are grown. I try to supervise you children. If youre on a balcony, by safety device tok your window so it doesn't open all the way especially for those older buildings, it is obviously a new building codes in the building, pleading want to make sure t the window doesn't open greater than a few inches because he don't want that child to reach out and get their head to that window. Definitely moving furniture away windows, so if you have tables or chairs that are closer to window they climb up, you want to prevent them from getting up thereloring, try to keep your curbs away from windows because you know, kids do play in their cribs and also try cribs, that is another way kidscan go. >> Jason: thank you so much for joining us,. >> Sonia: thank you for having >> Amber: looks very nice on a landscape bridge, we have two lanes into delays on marine drive northwest vancouver. Martha ando and a single front lane. So this all coming off a drawer shaped by them in. Use any part because I try to get torso bridge ridge. 5,300 cash purchase credit on the 2024 ciara 1,500 ultimate. Visit your local gmc dealer today. Galen? >> Katelin: thanks so much amberbe able shot there will take this on a starting to peek out which is excellent news. Let's take a look over at the streridge not so much good news here if you're making way northbound at the north and there's is a stalled vehicle there. Receiving a little bit of must make your wayough highway 99 on thiel street bridge also a the same can be said for the next street bridge as well. Coquitlam remains very busy as

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