
CHAN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 09:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>> She says any money she makes from the cards will go to kids with concussions. And as telt disappears and the black eye fades, liz has advice to other fans. Pay attention during the game.and maybe take a baseball glove. Eric sorenson, "global news," toronto. Ouch, that is "global national" for this wednesday. I'm dawna friesen. Tonight's your canada is clear lake in riding mountain nationalpark, manitoba. We would love to see your cana please e-mail it to viewers at And thanks for watching. Hope to see you here again tomorrow. Bye-bye. [ ] >> Sophie: cyber attackers to strike again. >> Has been a cyber atten on the indigenous health authority. >> Sophie: the latest breach and ransom demands a targeting london drug. >>> A grieving family living in fear. >> Very nervous out in public and in town. Sophie: more than a month r her mother was murdered and why she feels forced into hiding and the suspected serial bc. >> We think the connections made in british columbia. >> Sophie: how investigators believe new evidence could help crack cold cases in this ovince. >> Announcer: you are watching global bcp or thiss global news hour at six. >> Sophie: go evening and thanks for joining us here good -- london drug refusing to give in to demands from a multimillion dollar ransom and it's not thenly high-profile target in this province and as aaron mcarthur reports, another breach being made public this time it is a health authority. >> Reporter: methods are not subtle pay up or the data is dumped on the dark web london drug latest targeted by the group as the hackers richmond based company to retrieve its employee data and by international standards, london drug a smaller company but experts say it doesn't matter. >> There most likely to pay gap under sigcant pressure to purchase. >> Reporter: all 79 london drugstores shut down for a week in april to deal with the cyber attack in the company confirmed what happened and despite claims from lock but it offered 8 million and ransom, london drug unabl to pay saying we may leak corporate files and this is deeply disng cyber attacks on the rise around the world. Bc hit several times in just the last few weeks I first london drugs and then the provigovernment and now a new attack, first nations health authority targeted. >> I ca tell you that it is different from what the province faced but different from what the london drug >> Reporter: the health authorities says the attack discovered may 13th and in a statement says while investigation at early stage, uncovered evidence that certain employee information and a limited personal information of others impacted. Cyber security industry say companies thense targeted need to come forward about the nature of their attacks and out direct access to the information, other companies remain vulnerable. >> Coo prettyightlipped on exactly how this took place and we don't want other companies to get into that same issue and we need. >> Reporter: london drug paying up to two years of credit monitoring for its employees potentially compromised and experts say everyone should pay close attention to their online profiles after these kinds of attacks aaron mcarthur, global news. >> Sophie: tipsing in about a dead serial killer who may have victims here in bc. Gary allen srery who died in custody linked to several murders in alberta ns catherine uruqhart reports, police convinced he's committed simil crimes here in this province. >> Reporter: lasteek, alberta rcmp announced a huge break in cold cases saying gary allen srery had savagely assaulte four young woman in calga in the cases went back nearly0 years and now investigators say they received seven tips with some linked to bc where the serial killer lift for more than 20 years. >> Some of those tips are regarding fi that have happened in british columbia specifically more tds the west coast and already in communication with the detachments inveating those files that mackey had an

extensive criminalord in the U.S. involving sex crimes against young woman and around 1974 he fled the u.ser posting bail for a rape charge and then entered canada illly he's known to have been in the calgary area from 1975 until 1979 before spending mohan two decades in bc on the sunshinest and in the fraser valley. In 1998, he was arrested for a violent assault and new stminster and deported back to the U.S. in 2003 after serving a five-year sentence. >> He makes a very viable suspect like I said any sl homicide of a similar victim in ther alberta or any neigring province or any other place in canada he was known to trav. >> Reporter: dna used to solve the four murder cases inafter evidence found on the victims matched to who died a U.S. president in 2011. New advances in dna science will be pivotal and potentially solving more crimes. >> Tecogy has changed is the amount of a dna sample we needed in the nineties into thousands, we need a much lower sample size. >> Reporter: rcmp historical homicide investigators say they welcome any new information f the public as they continued their workve more cold cases including one in bc. Catherine urquhart, global news. >> Sophie: a plea for jce from the daughter of an okanogan woman who'sody was found in a wooded area more than five weeks ago. No charges laid in no suspect has been named and as claudia van emerick repor that's left the victim's family living in . >> Every day I start to fully understand the fact she won't be here anymore a bit more and more entire world change last month when her mother's life was tragically to cut short. >> She was a very kind woman and always put herself and she put her family Bter: the 16-year-old along with her nine-year brother after greed -- agreed their mother and according to police, the resident was last seen with her ex-husband on april 13th and her body wasound the next day on the outskirts of town. A manas arrested in the area but released a short time later on a series of conditions and more than five weeks later, no charges laid and no suspect has been named leaving the familyhaving to live in hiding and in fear. >> I would like to seeho did this be put behind bars so I can continue live my life and not in constantworry or fear and I'm very nervous out in public and in town in the city house and anywhere we go. >> Always looking over our shoulders and not good feeling. >> Reporter: her partner jason kudrow saying it's a lon and exhausting five weeks waiting for some type of closure. >> It is baffling as we have number words we haven't had a chance to even grieve properly and I look at my phone and see that I get a for major crimes unit and we're just praying for the day. >> Reporter: contact the rcmp to get an update but we're told there are no be made public at this time in the family doesn't hold any ill will towards police saying they are working within taws but it's those catch and release laws they so desperately want t see changed in honour of their slain loved ones. >> I want to fight for change and I think it's right not only for us before any other victims. >> Reporter: for now, family taking itay and thinking the community for the outpouring of support. >> I feel very supportive living in lumby and the community is amazing and helped us in so many ways. orter: honour a woman remembered for her big heart and zest for life. >> Generally the best mother I cove asked for. Claudia van emerick, lumby. >> Sophie: for the second year in the row, bc received a nearfailing grade on the poverty report card. Richard zussman explains, without heavy political intervention, the grade is not expected to get better anytime soon. >> Reporter: at the mustard seed food ban it is all hands on deck. >> See increased demand day over day so everything going on in e world and folks are really struggling seeing a lot of people come to our doors. >> Reporter: food bank usage across thevince rising dramatically in the pressure is getting worse as food banks candidate released the annual poverty report card wednesd with bc getting a failing grade when it comes to peoe spending more than 30 percent of their in on housing and a failing

grad on people having trouble accessing healthcare and a failing grade on the poverty rate and a d. On unemployment partt gives bc an overall grade of d+. >> The country is struggling in the residents are struggling. >> Reporter: no greaterdrop-off than food insecurity falling from a b-232 and f. In 2024. >> The purchasing power of households has declined substantially so while they might have been able to meet thei expenses and afford sufficient food, a couple years ago that that purchasing power declining so quickly. >> A number of factors of white bc is doing so poorly a the cost of food in this province up moren 5.4 percent higher than the national average and when we talk about housing, rentup more than 80 percent higher than the canadian average. >> There cracks in the system and all of that is connected as they athings weighing on them in different pressures experiencing >> Reporter: federal ndp leader points toreed is the problem pushing for a vote in the house of commons to impose an excess profits tax on grocery companies. >> You see record profits made by these corporate grocery stores and people are paying recordor food. >> Reporter: back at the mustard seed, one more recwith more people than ever using food banks. Richard zussman, bull news, victoria. >> Sophie: welcome news today for the thousandsresidents forced from their homes due to that wildfire preparations are underway for them to return home. Brain has helped to dampen the parker lake wildfire so steps are beingaken to get the town ready for the safe returnf its 4700 residents. Mayor rob frasers' utility crews working to restore essential services including hydro, natural gas and telecommunications steps being taken t ensure business including grocery and gas stations up and running. No specific date given for a return I resident evacuated on may 10th.

>>> Canadian taxpayer federation blasting a controversial deer coal on sydneyand near victoria calling ahocking waste of tax dollars. The federation sayt's obtained information showing parks canada will spend millions to eliminate here which hunters could do for free. Paul johnson REPORTS.Reporter: when parks canada hired a team of helicopter borne sharpshooters to kill invasive deer on sydney island, we heard from many that were worried the plan was dangerous and inhumane now another voice says it's not just an ethical controversy t a financial one as well. >> It's appalling f parks canada to be blowing $12 million on a proje that local hunters have been doing for a decade for free. >> Reporter: that is carson from the canad taxpayers federation and says and access information request revealed ottawa was planning to spend almost $12 million to completet about double the figure it previously had been known. >> Parks canada has dreamed up the most expensive w imaginable of hunting these dear >> We have ocean spray. >> Reporter: parks canada hoped that b eradicating hundreds of deer that they can restore the ecosystem back to the way it was before the european tear arrived the plan has the support of biologists, first nations and the spca was some iders felt it was excessive. >> I think we have been quite hoodwinked in f and not told the truth about what parks canada was planning to do. >> Reporter: we asked about the figure cited by the taxpayers group but did not hear back in time for this report. One particul appears in years past, islanders themselves organize hunts that kd hundreds of dear but no bill to the taxpayer let alone a $12,000, interest cost costing more from the federal government en they are sending to the prces for healthcare, it's unacceptable for the federal government to be engaged in these kinds of cost overruns. >> Reporter: paul johnson, global news. >> Sophie: bc ferries getting a $75 million loan to help by admission zero vessels in dose alone coming from credible cration and in a statement, and says terminal upgrades done by 2027 and the vessels will join six hybrid electric island class ferries that have joined the flee over the last two years.

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