
CHAN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> Bc ferries getting a $75 million loan to help by 40 emission vessels and I all charging infrastructure. Loan coming from federal crown corporation canada infrastructure bank in saysupgrades will be done by 2027 and the fairies will be usedy small volume and shorter routes in the vessels will join six hybrid electric ferriest have joined the fleet over the last two years. >>> Despite the removal o a transit shelter, city of vancouver says it's still committed to the idea of a on the street sartre -- street cart side they've remove the stop near granville island due to deteriorating condition more than $8 million -- the line was shut down shortlyer the olympics after repairs in the city says no plans at this point to remove the the idea being to preserve them for a future stree line along the corridor. >>> What could be a game changer in long-term care for bc seniors >> The fact they are there and they know that and if they can't vocalize, you can see it in their eyes. >> Sophie: ma mpc model offering a transformative approach to caring for living with dementia plus the essentials when it comes to sun safety. >> Big delays in surrey where crews on scene to a multivehicle accident westbound on highway 17 west of the bridge traffic downto a single lane and heavily backed up on the approac through karmic care for kids, provide expert care for kids and when you choose kirmac, you choose t support bc children's hospital. I'm trish jewison up and He made it abundantly clear that I was interestedin Joe. This is actuallythe hardest management situation I've ever been in. You need to figure it out, or you're both gone. (Announcer says words on screen) Stream on StackTV andthe GlobalTV app. We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,all new Thursday at 8 Easternon Global. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set ly $998 including a 2 year warranty! You've got a friend in me ( ) You've got a friend in me ( ) You just remember what your old pal said, boy You've got a friend in me ( ) It's a celebration of friendship and beyond. From the new parade, to Together Forever, a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. Pixar Fest, at the Disneyland Resort for a limited time. Starting April 26th. [ ]You might not know howto keep cool in your home. [sfx: phone ringing] But we do. "That was fast." Get a featured heat pump with no monthly rental payments may be eligible for up to $6,000 in government and utility rebates. Call on Reliance Trip hazards and pooling water? Call True Level Concrete. Sinking driveway and settling patio? Dont wait. Call True Level. Concrete problems don't get better with time, but they do get better when you call True Level Concrete. At Blue Shore Financial, experience personalized banking in a boutique setting. Enjoy expert financial advice, full service banking, wealth management, investments and mortgages. Achieve financial wellness. (Announcer says words on screen) . >> Sophie: getting our first look at what could be the future of long-term care in bc for people with dementia. Pilot project residence in vancouver and vancouver island will be adopted by a number of bc long-term care homes along with giving residents more opportunities to interact and soci new model acknowledges not all residents have the same schedule and things like mealtimes adapte each residents. Canadian artist who's husband has been living in one the pilot residences says the new approa vastly improved her husband's quality of life. >> It is night and day. Here he was kind of in ch and his mind wasn't working right and agitated and that reflected on me as but now he's just so relaxed and and joking around the way he to be.

>> Sophie: the new care modelcalled home for us initially rolled out in new providence long-term care centres in comox, prince george and vancouver plans in place for the model established in most of the long-term care homes of providence. >>> Warm and sunny days on the way and many people heading outside to enjoy them. During ski cancer awareness month, advocates urging you to enjoy the sun safely. Morgan black has more I a warning some of these images maybe disturbing. >> Reporter: from hikin to biking, rob spent many days enjoying the outdoors and a the way got a few burns. >> Somewhere in the process, I ended up with radiation from the sun. >> Reporter: a two-time mema survivor fir found in his right ear in 2015 later moving to his brain and lungs. >> The fact it had gone thh most likely through my bloodstream to my brain and you realize your chances for survival are small. >> Reporter: he recovered and became an advocate connecting with senior skin foundatio not-for-profit dedicated to sun safety education. Cathy bernard created I 2006 after a trial treatment in alberta saved her life. >> I am so unbel and I would not be in front of it was not for the cancer >> Reporter: ever since, reminding people of the essentials, sunscreen, sunglasses and a newfound apprtion for shade. >> You can still be outside enjoying the nice weather you just have to be careful. >> Reporter: incidence ratef melanoma gone up over past 25 years and in 2023, 9700 canadians diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer an increase of 11.5 percent from 2022. >> 90 percent of skin cancercomes from uv exposure and we know that as a fact. >> Reporter: he is committed to teag others how to enjoy the warm weather safely. >> Tl part of the sun there are preventative measures and you can enjoy the outdoors but you just have to be aware. >> Reporter: morgan black, global news. >> Sophie: up next, celebrating the achievements of impactful women in sports >> Through this barbie, I hope to show youngids the anything is possible. Christine sinclair says about being chosen of one of nine new barbie doll remodels plus the lineup for host: Next time, on the season finale ofSurvivor. It's do or die. This could be worth a million dollars - right here! ANNOUNCER:Survivor,three hour seasonfinale tonight at 8 Eastern on Global. Stream on StackTVand the Global tv app. I'm very good at solving murder cases. ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth, season finale Thursdayat 9 eastern on Global. Want to save money while making your home more comfortable and gy efficient? FortisBC's got rebates Rebates... on energy effit windows and doors, insulation and more. Visit Foundation cracks and sloped floors? Call True Level Concrete. Settling or sinking foundation? Dont wait. Call True Level. Foundation problems don't get better with time, but they do get better when you call True Level Concrete. (ball thuds) (children laughing) (door thuds) - Miss? (student sighs) (slams desk) - Just one second. - [Narrator] Helping kids find their way is what teachers do. - Deep breath. - [Teacher] It's okay if I join you? - [Narrator] But with more complex needs and less classroom support... - I'm gonna need you to cover two classes. (colleague sighs) - [Narrator] There's just not enough of us. It's time for bc to hire more teachers. - Are you okay? - [Narrator] So we can help more kids. When your vehicle needs repairs,we can fix it, from brakes, to exhafrom tim And if you're not sure what the problem is, we have the tools to diagnose itand get you back on the road. Budget, Budget, Bu Looking at these scenes, no one wants to imagine a wildfire. extreme weather and wildfires threaten the places we love. The Government of B.C. is working with communities, indigenous partners and experts, taking action to help lessen risks. You may ask, how can I help? Take steps to protect your home and community, make a safety plan and check local bans and alerts. Let's come together and be wildfire ready. Major league show jumpingreturnsto ThunderbirdShow Park May 24th to the 26th. Tickets are on sale nowexclusively at

This is major. Closed captioning of money numbers is brought to you by Envision financial. Stop your 9 to 5 before you're 95. Avoid never retirement. Talk to an advisor today. [ ] >> My two nieces say they can't wait to see it. >> Sophie: the new owner stand out in her trophy case, right after christie's fast but first the three countries taking part in the celebration of light contest now being announced. Portugal will get things started on july 20th followed by malaysia july 24th in the uk will round things out july 27th. The winner announced july 31st. This you will feature an electronic drone fireworks display in the sky over english bait each night 10 minutes before the main show for the most part the celebration of t is a free event but presale tickets for prime viewin now on sale until 8:00 am tomorrow. >>> Let's bring in kordon with a look at our weather forecasts and it was some windstorm last night. >> Kristi: that's right a if you were up 11:00 o'clock the winds picked up as the cold front moved in wit tens of thousands without power mainly across western sections of metro vancouver but peak wind gusts up to 90 kilometres per hour and you know it was a soggy one yesterday with 55 millimetres reported in maple r and to give you perspective, all month long and vancouver, seven millimetre rain and in a 24-hour period, we had 40. That was substantial and means are fire dange reading has en better and the key is that northeastern portion were now seeing peo return to homein the fort nelson region which is great. Tomorrow is dry conditions for the most part. Aew isolated areas and watch the next system moving into the north coast tomorrow impac the south coast on friday. Not it's on as it looks like it will weaken for fri is when we have potential for rail but for the most part, not looking too bad. Are those in the central and southern interior, see some drops in lightning strikes so a slight chance of an isolated shower or thunderstorm in the afternoon with a bit of instability for your region but otherwise a bit of cloud cover tomorrow but dry conditions across metro vancouver where we should be with 18 degree but cooler on friday as showers shift in looks like thewill be split in half with sunshine on saturday with ait of rainfall and back to you. >> Sophie: thanks kristi.

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