
CHAN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 03:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

the small wins, andto take the time to appreciate all the hard work that everyone involvedputs into this project. And it's vital to our success. Can I make you ladies a champagne spritzer? Sarah: We've had numerouspeople, friends, family, some telling us we'reabsolutely crazy to do this but other people sayingthis is something they've alwayswished they could do. Bryan: Should we toast? This is the birth of the bar. I think this is gonna be an important location in the hotel. Sarah: When Bryan and I talk to people, we're very honest that the highs are some of the bestdays of our lives,but we've also seen someof the hardest our family has ever faced, and we really don't know what the future holds. Bryan: Next timeon Island of Bryan. Adam: There's so manythings happening right now. We've got a milliontasks that we need to try and get wrapped up. Bryan: There's waytoo much to do. There's a frightening amount to do. We cannot push theopening date again. Sarah: No we can't. There's a storm coming. It's been a long year. Well just mentally, physically, emotionally, certainly financially. Sarah: My only question is this wasn't what we had planned. Bryan: You don't find it weird, no? Well I'd love to do it twice. That's what I was thinking earlier. We've got two oceancontainers on site right now, and they are rammedfull with about a quarter million dollarsworth of kitchen equipment. Oh s--- Are you kidding me? Sara We are exhausted, we aretired, we are stressed in more ways than we can ever expect. Okay, so we'lljust redo them all. If you have anothersolution, like, talk to me. I don't feel the waywe're operating right now is sustainable. We've never prioritized our marriage. Bryan: We have to make sure we keep our eyes on the end goal and there are some sacrifices you have to make. Sarah: I'm saying if you and I don't focus on ourselves and on our family, then why are we doing this? Lawrence: What's your specialty? Adam: I can give you some sexon the beach if you want. a, hello. Adam: No the drink Lawrence.Lawrence: The drink. Adam: The drink.Lawrence: Okay. Charlotte: That'sa lot of butter! No, no, no. Bryan: Yummy. Jojo: Okay, now mydad's in the scene. Bryan: It's tastybut it's like glue. Kid: Wes made it! Jojo: Are you guysnow in the scene? (laughter) This actually goeslike this sweetie. Bryan: Dess with this ifyou're staying in this villa. (laughter)She'll be back. We're ready. ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,all new tonight at 8 Easternon Global. Three beach houses... Three renovation teams. Summer's hottest renovationcompetition returns. It's time to battleon the beach. (Announcer says words on screen) ream on StackTVand the GlobalTV app. [ ] [ ] It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set ly $998 including a 2 year warranty! For my mother. My friend. For my wife. For myself. Our grandpa. Who will you walk for? Join us Sunday, May 26th To support people in our communities affected bydementia Register for a walk near you at (ball thuds) (children laughing) (door thuds) - Miss? (student sighs) (slams desk) - Just one second. - [Narrator] Helping kids find their way is what teachers do. - Deep breath. - [Teacher] It's okay if I join you? - [Narrator] But with more complex needs and less classroom support... - I'm gonna need you to cover two classes. (colleague sighs) - [Narrator] There's just not enough of us. It's time for BC to hire more teachers. - Are you okay? - [Narrator] So we can help more kids. (Woman 1) We're standing up for our right to be lazy. (Woman 2) We work hard, we dve to scroll hard. (VO) La-Z-Boy has a sale going on now! Save on amazing furniture for your whole home. La-Z-Boy. Long live the lazy. [ ] [ ]

( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) today on global news at noon -- the judge's decision about the surrey police service that should end the years-long battle. Plus -- the man accused in a fatal stabbing at the white rock pier -- appears in court. And -- why the price of chicken in bc is going up -- when it already costs more than anywhere else in canada. >> Announcer: you're watching global bc, tis global news at noon. >>coleen: good afternoon. I'm coleen christie. Thanks for joining us. We begin today with breaking news -- and a live news conference in progress by the solicitor general announcing the bc supreme court decision on the future of policing irrey. Rcmp must be replaced by the surrey police service. We take you there now... >> ... For any further updates at this time in my understanding is investigation about cyber incident. >> While the? >> Yes, well, what other update can offer regarding the larger cyber I was just discussed earlier this month and the sophisticated l sponsor ofit. >> Again on that when I know that investigation is continuingand when I'm in a positio to give more information-- I will be more than happy to do so but m not able to out this point. >> Next question we will go to tom-- starting now. Quick. Tom, are you there? ( . >> Sorry I had myself muted. Hello, minister farnworth-- given the decision, would you say ites well for the ndp in the cominglection in october? >> Look, this decision has been about transition from the rcmp to tolice surrey service. The pit the decision was not based on electrical ectoral process regarding the election we will have and the public wouudge us on our overall record and myresponsibility and my staff obligation was to make sure-- my allegation in a safe transition and that's what I have done. >> Coleen: solicitor general mike farnworth taking questions from the media after announcing the judge's decision on the surrey police average which will be going forward. Keith baldrey joins us fr victoria. Keith -- so -- after all these years -- is this decision f? >> Keith: well, again, brenda, the mayor of surrey is proven to be unpredictable-- I'm not your home the cars whether he has left to play here but certainly nothing strikes me on top of my head, she hare manoeuvring here. But this is a slam dunk win for the provincial government come they want all arguments in the constitutional was struck down and challenged the community charter was struck down. The challenge of the ministries order-- last year, formally seeing the rcmp upheld by the judge and again, I don't see much more manoeuvring here for brenda lockwood. She will certainly tie her argument to cutting on s costs and surrey. But attribinto a larger property tax ince to the tax cuts. I don't thin, but I don't think she has more legal sing to challenge this. >> Coleen: okay, so when will the surrey police service take over? >> Keith: I think it's in november is when they have the point of surrey police becoming official in police jurisdiction over the rcmp. But the ongoing transition to about a year and a half so the whole thing is completed but-- that's when tfficial day is. You heard richard zussman ask the prime minister about the physical presence of police and actually building as such and no swers is given on that. But over time you will see a grr presence on the street and basically-- in your neighbourhood if you live in surrey. Lice surrey service members fewer and fewer rcmp members b will take more time to get to where the rcmp is 100 percent. >> Coleen: what about the cost of all that? >> Keith: that's a point of contention betweengovernment and the surrey police servicnd the defect of police services which is one person right now they all seemto have different numbers and brenda law cannot agreethe mber on the police service board coming with and she continues to turn her back on the significant amount of y that the promise hasered surrey here and we will see if that changes in the days ahead.

>> Coleen: okay keith, thanks so much. A court appearance today for the man charged wo stabbings in white rock that left one man dead -- and the community on edge for several days last month. Dimitri hyacinth is accused of murder in one of the attacks. Troy charles has the latest from surrey provincial court. >>reporter: the surrey man charged with murder in connection to the white rock stabbings that shocked the border town late last month was back in court in surrey on thursday. 27 year old dimitri hyacinth made the brief court appearance via video as his counsel requested the hearing be put over for another 3 weeks. Hyacinth will remain in cdy and is due back in court on june 13th. He is charged with second degree murder in the random stabbing death of 26 year old kulwinder singh sohi. Sohi was with a friend sitting bench at white rock beach when he was killed. Hyacinth is also facing an aggravated assault charge. That stems from another stabbingwhich also happened at white rock beach just 48 hours prior to sohi's death. Jatinder sih with his wife. When he was approached from behind and stabbed in the neck. He survived. Friends of the late kulwinder were at the courthouse today, they declined to speak on camera but told me they plan to attend all of hyacinth's court dates to show support for their fallen friend. Troy charles, global news >>coleen: surrey rcmp whelp finding a man wanted on several warrants. 27-year-old rilafontaine is wanted for breaching a release or-- failure to comply with a probation order -- and breaking and entering. He'sfive-11 with a slender build. He has short -- brown hair -- blue eyes -- and several distinct tattoos luding a wolf on the front of his neck. If you see hi not approach - but call police immediately. Earlier this month, london drugs reopened it's stores after a cyberattack forced them closed for more than a week. We n know the company is refusing to pay the multi-million dollar nsom. As aaron mcarthur reports -- this news comes as another* high-profile cyberattack has been made public. >>reporter: the mp...or the data is dumped on the dark web. London drugs the latest corporation to be targeted by the group known as lockbit. The hackers demanding 25 million dollars from the richmond based company to retrieve its data. Byl standards, ld is a small company...experts say it doesn't matter. Clip. Leuprecht. They target companies they think will pay. Companies that are vulnerable and need to quickly rebuild their syste >>reporter: all 79 stores were down at the end of april for more than week while it dealt with the cyber attack. The company has finally confd what happened...and despite claims from lockbit it offered 8 million dollars. London drugs says it is unable and unwig to pay the ransom. We acknowledge these crimnials may leak london drugs corporate fileseeply distressing cyber attacks are on the rise around the world. Bc has been hit several times in just the last fks. First london drugs, then provincial government reported intrusions from an international state a new attack. T first nationalth authority has been targeted. According to the fnha the attack was launched may 13th. In a statment the healthauthority says. While the investigation is still at an early stage, fnha has uncovered evidence that certain emee information and limited personal information of others has been impacted. Fnha has taken and continues to take immediate action to issue required notifications to impacted individuals and to otherwise provide support. In a statment the health authority says. While the investigation is still at an early stage, fnhahas uncovered evidence that certain employee information and limited personal information of others has been impacted. Fnha has taken and continues to take immediate action to issue required notifications to impacted individuals and to otherwise provsupport. The cyber security industry says companies and organizations >> We don't want other g. >> Reporter: london drugs is ying up to 2 years of credit monitoring for its employees potentially compromised. Experts say people should pay clse attention to their online profiles after these kinds of attacks. Aaron mcarthur, global news >>coleeips have started coming in about a serial killer who may have victims last week -- police in albertaused dna evidence to tie the now deceased -- gary allen srery a the deaths of 4 -- young women in the calgary area in he was wanted for crimes in his native california -- but fled to canada in 1974 -- and spent a considerable amount of time living on bc's sunshine coast -- and in the fraser valley. In 1998 he was convicted of a se assault in chilliwack -- and sentenced to five years in prison. Alberta rcmp are coced he committed other crimes in bc -- and want to hear from potential victims. >>and we realize we're asking

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