
CHAN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #10

drugs basis with ransomware deadline today. >> Sonia: and weak with cybersecurity extranets about the company might do an indications for london drugs customers. We are back after a short break. >> Amber: get your diy on during the get ready for summer sale at hoardware. With deals on paint and power tools only until june 5th. ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your pc® Summer Insiders Report today. [ ] Ever notice some odours don't come out in the wash? Odours from sweat, urine,and otmusty odours can get trappedin fabrics.Try DownyRinse & Refresh. It helps remove trapped odours 3-times better than detergent alone. Try Downy Rinse & Refresh. There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Order up cooking together is back on global news mornings, .. Watch local chefs and our global news morning team prepare delicious dishes from around the world. Cooking together is brought to you by trail appliances, making everyday life better. Where's the best place to go for appliances, trail appliances. We have all your favorite brands in-store and online. ld. And you got to pick one first. Trail Appliances Making everyday life better. I'm very good at solving murder cases. ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth, season finale tonightat 9 eastern on Global. >> Jason: mark is here pretty good forecast to mark. >> Mark: yeah, some low clouds form across metro vancouver. Bring to go on that side and mix washer today. Rates are will take longer to write. Southern interior active I'l get there in a moment. But again, the clouds going into a nice excel sun and cloud really all day long. More clouds to thou will show you why in the moment. Today's high was 18. The thinks the point now as I take you to mid afternoon, nice breaks throughe metro vancouver. This is instability stability of corner. About the thompson to the columbia in the okanagan. The gluten re especially with the risk of thunderstorms, especi of the kootenay country this afternoon. As we just get the daytime is unstable but again, a lot drier through here he north coast in the rain, rain moving towards vancouver island. For the sectionso this afternoon there are 7:30 P.M. tonight. Still, the risk of thunderstorms in the southeast corner including the okanagan. After the south coast tomorrow, it is a chance ofhowers. Doesn't look like everywhere closer to theraser valley especially, and mostly cloudy for the day, tomorrow. Then on saturday a little break in the afternoon. It's very much back and forth. Here's a plan for the next thr days, including consistency for temperature, heiof 20 guys for the peace. Our crutches they a given way to sunny skies. Because an entrance of how saf are white horse was on call tomorrow, bo in bc coast what today. A cha of showers tomorrow, and match at least a few showers heading into saturday, but the centra interior up t or so today, sunshine with most of the clouds later today and come and stand a chance of a shower same tomorrow. Columbia kootenay avenue ined that lighting will especially the kootenay region this afternoon I tens her popping in for a visit there also the thompson okanagan was squeeze in a f breaks of sunshine too. Whistler, yes, mostly sonic today it looks good then a chance of showers as he head into tomorrow. Same for the island a chance of shower and about 40, 50 percent somewhere in there. Not a lot. But today sun and cloud. Sun and cloud today, 18 per height for us, chance of showers tomorrow, showers likely late tomorrow night, early saturday low clearing start date back to a chance of showers on sunday. There you go. >> Sonia: thyou, mark. Today is deadline day fort london drugs as the cyber

criminal group known as locked bit has demanded the company pay $25 million or risk the release of sensitive information. The company has said they cannot and will not pay up. Christian leuprecht saabs degree expert from queens university distorting us now with some more insight. Good morning to christian thanks r being with us. >> Speaker: good morning my >> Sonia: how do you feel about the company stands on this to not pay? >> Speaker: this is the same recommendation by that canadian centre for cyber security. A company does not pay up because it makes them more vulnerab and makes all other enti on canada vulnerable when companies do pay up, this particular gang has been around for quite some time, and those responsible for 20 percent of cyber security ransomware's canada, about 44 percent bubbly. This is a really sophisticated operation with which london drugs got hit. >> Sonia: used of element in ths where hearing that lock bit, theompany that cyber criminal group, locked bit has taken down theequest from the dark web portal london drugs to pay up. What does that indicate to you if anything? >> Speaker: well, so it means you may have determined that is not worth the fight, and the're just going to walk away, looks like london drugs case be confident enough that they can bring their systems back up. Lock bit often to going after and networks. It develops its owno do that, and also muscles capacities to other actors. It has three the tip of the sphere series ransomwareions, lock bit has grossed ov $100 million know this because there's charged charged with operating for lock bit and try 19 and 2022.i saw the perpetrators of these crimes are necessary to sparkly jurisdictions. The murray here inanada. >> Sonia: interestin lee heard other entities here in bc beingchided, the bc government, first nations health authority, there has been a lot of these types of incidents in the lfew weeks, you expectdo you believe that this could be a coordinated attack or do you think this just a coincidence? >> Speaker: no we seen this before. Price is going on for that town. St. Mary's and ontario to stratford, ontario and ross 75,000. Alison payment, so often did asked between one and three bitcoin coin as payment, the rise price of the coin even thats quite expensive. Not a mask can alsoe in the millions and tens of millions of dollars payments he can see why companies might look at us. There are two types of targets. One entities entities are likely to pay unger systems is up and running as london drugs is, because they're counting on london drugs to close its doors. In the ge or public, signific risk for instance to privacy data, tax data, entities escape more entities that are likely toe under pressure to pay out, to have insufficient time to try to ready networks request federal provincial authorities to do so. >> Sonia: so do you tactics to get companiespay out. And it does leave theer question of the information that could potentially be compromised. What would you say to everydaybritish columbians or customers of london drugs might be concerned the information can be targetr released? >> Jason: I think. >> Speaker: there is tenses here. One is of course, the individuals and it feels like this primarily employee information at stake. Emee information is not critical, so they are in live with I would end up on the dark way. Others of course london drugs and hence, and business practices because these things happen because companies treat security as basically I did not cross issue. Apparently it appears I was scared not been elevated. To the cc for on the drugs. London drug ceo will have something to answer for inms of their business practices here that also be a wake-up call rather canadian companieshat are need to elevate cyber rity to the c suite so doesn't impose significant costs it has a privacy information for customers andloyees and financial costs and of course pose a significant reputational cost as london drugs has discovered. >> Sonia: all right certainly gives us a bit more insight into the situation. Christian, thanks very much for joining us, today.

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