
CHAN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

april -- a cybercriminal group known as "lockbit" is demanding a major ransom be by the company today. Troy charles is coverinat story for us today. Troy what's theatest? >> Troy: yes, good morning. This whole cyber att on the is reminding me of something on saw on a true crime documentary on netflix first, we had the initial mystery around the storeclosures and then rushing hackers calling for ransom and now we have this latest update. The online group called "lock bit" had demanded the company to pay 25 million dollars by today or stolen data would released. However, accordto one cybersecurity analyst, the initial demand disappeared from the group's webs wednesday. The retailer had said it d not pay up, experts agreeing that the strategy may be riskier than not giving into the demand. >>there is probably corporate proprietary information, that competitive stance, upco supplier events, all the competitors would love to have that, so there is some incentive for london drugs to ensure it doesn't get into the wrong hands." >> Sonia: the province will share updated numbers on the snowptoday. We're learning about another local organization that has been victimized-- the first nations health authority claim they were recently targeted a cyber attack that happened back on may 13th. This statement from the same while investigation is at an early stage-- the uncovered evidence that certain employee information and limited personal information of others has had been impaced. Bc government sayss attack is different than the intrusion.they recently faced and also different than wh london drugs is going through. Back to you. >> Jason: troy charles repng for us. Thanks, troy. The province will share updated numbers on the snowpack today. At the start of this month - there were four basins with less than 50 per cent of a normal snow pack. They were upper fraser west - lower thompson - skagit - and vancouver island. The b-c snowpack sat at 66 per cent of normal levels at last update. The report raised concerns flooding and drought this summer. Levels are expected to have dropped - as warmer temperatures two weeks ago brought the first rapid snow melt of the year. Just a day after declaring a "state of local emergency" -- harrison hot spring's mayor is rescinding the mayor had shared concerns abwildfires -- but his decision was criticized by other councillors. There is only "one" fire burning anywhere near the village -- about 20 kiloes away -- and it's considered under control. In a statement to global news -- the "ministry of emergency management and climate readiness" says: "the miry was in direct contact with the village of harrison hot springs to determine the reasons behind the declaration of the local state of emergency -- and to ensure a shared understanding of the appropriate use of such declarations." "baon those conversations -- the village agreed to cancel the order". >> Sonia: tips have started coming in about a serial killer who may have victims hearing bc. Last week police in alberta use dna evidence to tie the now deceased gary allen srery t the deaths of 4 young women in the calgary area back in the 1970s. Was wanted for crimes in his native california but fled to canada in 19,174 and spent a considle amount of time living on bc sunshine post and if sunshine fraser valley. In 1998 he was convicted of us sexual assault in chilliwack and was sntenced to 5 years. Alberta rcmp are convincing can convicted other times it bc want to hear from other potential victims. We realize that we are.>> Asking for some people to go back in their minds mid 90s-- while they're calgary is or whether it be the 1980s, I davis player half moon bay,nd give sandor he moves to abbotsford-- and chilliwack so we are asking people to take themselves back there.: 7 new tips on sir larry came into over the weekend. Two vancouver counsellors are pushing for the city to make more to take more more action on pedestrian safe lisa dominato and lenny zhou have put forward a motion on the issue. It calls for staff to develop aplan allocating more funding for safety measures, including new controlled signals and increasing the number of crossings that give pedestrians a head start before cars proceed. Other traffic calming measu mentioned include raised zebraossings, curb bulges, and restricting right turns on red lights. Councillors will vote on the

motion next wednesday. The price of chicken and bc maybe on the rise again after a decision made by the provinces farm industry re. It has approved that c proposal for new pricing formula based on the cost of production and marketers sale largest cost of farmers is feed-- which has increased substantially. At the lower mainland, change chicken world-- eeo says its costs wereercent in two years that he's increased his p by 5 to 6 percent. >> It's going to be very hard high to do if the prices of chicken wants to go up.people won't have money to pay more. >> When we these increases go more-- whether it's the processors all the way to the supply chain, bottom line is gusts and members just can't inflation. >> Sonia: in bc, wholesaling chicken prices are already the highest on average in country. >> Jason: the nba's bringing a special event to vancouver at the first of its kindo canada. The plaza of nations will be home to "nba house" from june 6th to. The free immersive basketball experience includes viewing parties for the finals, meet and ni, and the league's championship trophy being on hand. While it's been 22 yearsce the grizzlies left town, the question still remains -- if vancouver could get a team back. >>i'm getting ahead of myself, but I think there's recognition that othe city is a quality one and a future one down the road... I feel the nba is doing some market research. I'd like to hope that. >> Jason: arthur griffiths estimates about ten cities will be ie hunt for league expansion in the coming years. He also believes they could draw a wnba team. Meanwhile - women's professional basketball is coming to canada. Toronto has officially been awarded the w-n-b-a's first franchise outside the u-s. The team will be owned by kilmer sports ventures, led by toronto businesslarry tanenbaum - who is a minority owner and chairman of maple leaf sports and entertainment. The expansion team is set to begin play in 2026. >> Too long, one sports have been underreported, underfunded and underappreciated. That era is over. That era is over because peop and canadians especially-- want watch the most talented women in the world pete at the highest level.>> Jason: to the ice now, the florida panthers in the new york rangers open a third round of the nhl playoffs at the master garden. Matthew tkachuk he beats one to nothing forward in second. Carter looking to feed it to catch-up but alexis knocks it into his own net and sergei takes in one. And that of course dallas hosting edmonton ton. >> Sonia: all right all eyes will be on that one tonight. And mark, you got your shades with you now that the su is up? Mark: well for this assignment on the roof, it's directly on my eyes and otherwise it's reallyd to see anything-- what I can tell you, is the sun is out. As kaitlin points out, the sun looks awfully dark behind but just enough moisture to form some low clouds and that's what we have been behind. But some cloud aroundsun and cloud this morning. About the samis afternoon with more sun than cloud-- that a ge for tomorrow and here's the provincial look. That front is going to drop right there. On the northern vancouver island, and then through interior-- wall the bulk of the valley will get some later in prince george andesnell sun on the warmer side and thompson through the okanagan and the kootenay columbia-- showers will pop up and lots of cloud with a high chance of clouds especially for the kootenay region and thatwill be later today and for snow thunderstorms with a mix of sun and clouomorrow more clouds with the chance of showers is that weak front moves and improbable showers early night into saturday morning and then a little sun peeking out on saturday afternoon. There you are katelin. >> Katelin: all right thanks so much mark. Well things are looking pretty

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