
CHAN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #6

>> Reporter: there's a number of mitigating factors bc is doing so poorly in the cost of food in this province is not more than 5.4 percent of the year that's higher than the national average. When we talk about housing, is up more than 8 per and higher than the canadian average. There certainly cracks in our system and all that is connected full-circle here because there's multiple things waiting on them on multiple . >> Jagmeet singh points to corporate greed is the problem pushing for a boat to the house of commons to close extra surplus profits. >> See record profits by these record grocery stores aneper people are making rec prices for food. >> Reporter: there's one moreer using food banks. Richard zussman, global news >>still to come on global news morning - celebrating macklin celebrini.... >> I don't think it really changes your mindset. >> Sonia: we catch up with the north vancouver teen -- who's expected to be the top pick -- in next month's n-h-l draft. Right back. When it feels like all that's left is “work hard”. It's time to play again. Easily find your next favorite game with Free casino games, Poker tips and Sports odds. Make a play. ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. This is the story of Molly and Sid, retired grandp make Molly and Sid better grandparents? No. But also, yes. 'Cause with affordable plans with guaranteed acceptance, they were covered. So despite his sensitive teeth, Sid knew he could help them finish their sundae. Call 1-877-cover-me to get a quote, like Molly and Sid did. So when their grandkids wanted to do bumper cars, they jumped in, bad knees and all. Were they covered for a neck brace to deal with whiplash? Of course. What about prescription meds for high blood pressure? You know it. Even a relaxing massage after they sent the kids home? Ohh, yes. Molly could take it easy knowing she's covered for her pre-existing condition of diabetes. Sid was taking it easy too. That's Molly and Sid's story. Manulife CoverMe has you covered for yours. Manulife.Where will better take you? ( ) Ever wonder what's around the next corner? ( ) ( ) Past the trees. ( ) Over the mountains? ( ) That's where adventure lives... ( ) Take a Nissan suv and go find it. ( ) Yes!Ooh, it's on! Announcer: Abbott Elementary, season finale tonightat 7:30 et on Global. ( ) >>on: this is whispers of karate kid... At the end of the movie. At's attributed to macklin celebrini... Most prospect. Likely number one in the draft. >> Sonia: will hear more about him but first looking at traffic traffic. >> Katelin: things are looking pretood for a metro vancouver and thursday which tends to be prett day but let's check in with amber br. >> Amber: it's a busy go ong george boulevard near the lin up on 128 street as you make your way up to got road and got road is busy but it's been easing off just slow on one tenth as you make your way taking george boulevard and moving well across the bridge deck. In mind, macbride and columbia street has some lane closures in effect and east and west bound and columbia has closed west of mcbride. Get a deal on a new deck-- get ready have summer sale is open it home hardware. >> Katelin: yes, thaou, ever. Good reminders about columbia street which is just a wee away and then it will be june. Aded towards the port mann bridge would you like a nice this, we got it for you highly when looking fantastic this morning with all 5 lanes and westboun in good and as you head out of town smooth sailing along highway one through the valley and beyond. Headed towards the massey tunnel tunnel-- counterflow and three lanes north and south lanes not seem that long through delta and even through richmond, looks

pretty good and not too much talk over the bc ferries-- unless you're heading from tsawwassen and crossing fingers for that 30 minute sailing and otherwise looks like. And that's your ok tire traffic. >> Sonia: all right, thanks so muatelin. >> Jason: north vancouver teen-- macklin celebrini - was the best player in us college hock this year. >> Sonia: and now he is working hard on the next step - as the highly expected first overall pick in xt months draft.jay janower. >> Every day, just trying to get a bit better at whatever it is like whether it's stretching whatever, like just do whatever you can every day get a bit better. >> Reporter: macklin celebrini continues to prepare for the biggest summer of his yolife celebrating his on the ice in the gym 6 days a weekend next month-- soon to be 8-month-old month-- soon to be 8-month-old is expected to be selectirst at the nhl draft in vancouver. >> On cool, it's going to be a full experience and so, yeah, just from everythingeen told, it's going to be really cool experience and I'm excited. >> Announcer: celebrini forhudson back to celebrini once again scores! Scores 1macklin celebrin >> Reporter: as a 17-year-old, macklin celebrini became the fourth freshman in the history of the mcw a as the winner of the top collegiate player and he started for canada at the ua to make an impact at the nhl level and this is this is from a teenager played in excess of 100 games lessons and only taking a week off this year tot and recharge. >> I feel like I am, like I feel like, I've honestly there still work to be done. And always get strongnd faster but feel like I've worked kind of the last couple of years kind of on building that strength and speed that I feel like... >> Announcehe first overall selection in the 2024 nhl draft belongs to the san jose sharks. >> Reporter: there is little doubt that macklelebrini will be a membf the sharks on saturday but returns to boston university for new york seasoning and the w mca in cwa championship because it seems to see how it will be looked upon as a saviour for a shark team that lost 63 games last this year and that's pug a lot of pressure on an 18-year-old no matter how talented he is. >> Wherever you go or no matter where you play there will be expectations-- I don't think it really changes kind of like your mindset or my mindset like anywhere I go... Where I play price want to win and kind of do whatever I can't help team win so. I don't feel like it's fair, like that's kindthe thing we are focusing on. >> Jason: I don't what's in the water but north vancouver-- just out there celebrating. >> Sonia: they ever play against each other? >> Jason: they definitely practice together. >> Sonia: with that's great and we love to see the homegrown nt and hopefully will be playing for the canucks in. A few years you never know. >> Katelin: you never know what happens and. >> Mark: on a hockey know is there an oiler vng party tonight? I'm just kidding. >> Jasthere's one bar in gastown. >> Mark: where the oilers dominated? >> Sonia: arnold ireatening to cut your mike.% >> Mark: arnold is not an oiler fan for what it's worth. Ff and carolyn and toronto, 26 and sunshine and we will go tothem and check of the mor show. 26 in ott yesterday there were thunderstorms in toronto that afternoon and out west it cooler-- calgary with the chance of showers and those are the s predicted today. Not much showing up on the satellite over metro vancouver. Just a bit of cloud and some sunand mostly clear to the west of us-- the clouds in the easternfraser valley are sticking around as they are on the southern interior. 11 degrees and-- it was time then I took it to 18 for a hightoday. Averages 18 and record a balmy 25 at the airport. Back in 1969. This is a front that's dropping rain on the north of hideaway. It will slide through the province very slowly and metro vancouver-- when that's over, just a chance of showers but when you have rails and to take the afternoon, quite a bit of sign here andhrough the afternoon thompson okanagan, south east word. Would pop up in something significant in the region. We will watch that. Rain for the north post.

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