
CHAN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

>>sonia: hackers paradise. The growiumber of high-profile b-c companies and institutions - fall pr to cyberattacks. ,good morning. I'm son sunger and thanks so much for joining us, . >> Jason: and I am jason pires. It is deadline day for london drugs. After getting hit with a major cyberattack at the end of april -- a cybercriminalup known as "lockbit" is demanding a major om be paid by the company today. (**ss boxes**) troy charles is covering that story for us today. Troy what's the latest? >> Yes, correct. Good morning. This whole cyber attacks on the london drugs is playing out like something you might find on a true crimeumentary on netflix from eunice initial mysteries that russian hackers calling for ransom analogously now this latest update. The onlinet had demanded the company to pay $25 millio today o stolen data would be released. However a point to one cyber security analyst, initial demand disappeared from the groups website on wednesday. The retailer had said it would not pay up, experts agreei that the strategy may be riskier than not giving into the not giving into the demand. >>digital data is somethingthat can be stored, copied and shared. What guarantee do they have that the data would surface five years or ten years from now? (**ss**) the province will share updated numbers on the snowpack today. At the start of this month - >> Jason: charles were learning about another local organization that's been victimized another yber attack-- what can you tell us about that? >> Troy: correct the first nations healthuthority claims they've been targeted in a recent cyber taxing it happened back on may 13th. In a statement, they say-- whilethe investigation is still at an early stage, uncovered evidence that certain employee information and limited personal information of others have had been impacted. E bc government says this attack is dient than thatthey recently faced and is also different than what london drugs is going through. Sonia: I'll write interesting troy, thank you very much. The province will share updated numbers on the snowpack today.the start of this month - there were four basins with less an 50 per cent of a normal snow pack. They were upper frasest - lower thompson - skagit - and vancouver island. The b-c snowpack sat at 66 per cent of normal levels at lastupdate. The report raised concerns for flooding and dro this summer. Lev dropped - as warmer temperatures two weeks ago brought the first rapid snow melt of the year. Here is some welcome news this morning for the thousands of fort nelson residents who have been forced from their homes due to a wildfire. Rain has pen the "parker lake" wildfire -- so steps are being take get the town ready for the safe return of its 47-hundred residents. Mayor rob fraser says esial services including hydro and water are up and running - with crews working to restore gas. Essential businesses are also being phased back in -- including grocery stores - w limited hours. >>the imminent risk to the community has reduced. We're transitioning to community safety and sustainability focus where we have a phased approach to bring everyone back."> >> Sonia: while no specific date has been given - fraser says he ispushing for a monday or tuesday concrete ans this weekend. >> Jason: the province is looking addrng the ever-growing student population in surrey education minister racha singh will be on hand to make an announcement on schoo expansions this morning. Portables and staggered start times in hschool are just a few strategies the district has undertaken to deal with overcrowding. Rmous growth has also led to budget cuts for next year. This month, trustees approved a fiver-capital plan, asking for over 5 billion dollars from the education ministry, including 20 new sch and 19 additions to existing schools. Ground has been broken on a new elementary school in langley. Construction is now underway on the "north latimer elementary" school in the "willoughby heights area". Angley is one of the fastest growing communities in b-c -- and to keep up -- the b-c government says the "two-storey school" will have room fore than "five-hundred" students from kindergarten rade five. The project will also include a "neighborhood learning centre" with space for community services -- such as d care >>it is no surprise that langley is growing at an extremely fast rate, and with that comes need for more learnng spaces. Everyday the

district welcomes new families to our schools who are moving in homes that surround us. This school will help provide relief to enrolment pressues at our schools. >>jason: construction is scheduled to be complete by fall of 2025. Vancouver's hotel shortage causing a headache for tourism industry. Now - two city councillors - are proposing asolution. A bc counsellor kirby-yung and lisa dominato say "pod hotels" could help accomodate the influx of visitors expected during the 2026 fifa world cup. Ther are putting forward the motion to council next week. It looks at changing the building bylaw to convert empty office spaces into pod hotels. The motion says these spaces will help meet near-term demand - while the city works to approve and construct new lar >>jason: still to come - addressing b-c's finsecurity issues. >> Sonia: white the encounter for the ucla woman's growing team...d to seeing all kinds of marine life but not this close. See line pop pop onto one of their boand making themselves at home at one pointeven falling asleep but combat team knew something them back on the water-- they got him into the care bats, it turns out the pup was malnourished and the tina since named him, bru... Short for the ucla bruins team. Aww, a hungry pop. >> Jason: yes,k instead of b bro, it is bru. >> Mark: i? Hi, guys. Sud my eyes had a beauty, there is cloud along the mountains and some in behind me off to the southeast so-- it's a bit of that low cloud but overall, a bit of cloud and lots of sun this mng and touched more cloud later today. As the front from the west starts to move in with a bit of cloud overall, mark more sound thananything today difference is coming in the 5 day. If you know, courtney and a little more cloud later in viia's the same lots of sun there and here. Fraser valley is jammed with cloud in the eastern section and lots of cloud in the southern interior. Will get some breaks and thereby also also that her showers for the southern interior-- and a high chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. Especially the kootenagion-- but also clipping the okan region. Overall a fair bit of sun and on the warm side. Rain in the north coast and for us it's a chance of showers tomorrow, mostly cloudy in tomorrow and saturday with possible showers-- early especially in the fraser valley and a few sunny breaks. Back to a chance of showers and sliding it on sunday. Katelyn, there you go. >> Jason: all right. >> Sonia: right those skies look pretty darhind you. >> Mark: back in here? Yes, it's just the way you are seeing an no rain but just a bit of cloud. >> Katelin: inc. So much for appearing that up mark. Things are looking pretty good in metro vancouver after clearing a collision on maryhill pass looking good out there-- let's check in with amber belzer. Crazy mber: it's pretty busy there there-- swin down just before the 72nd avenue and a bitall on sliding down and study for the nortel on-ramp to that alex fraser bridge on your moving wallards the bridge deck onto the east-west connector. Get up to 5300 cash credit purchase on a sierra and visit your local gmc dealeray. Katelyn, back to you... >> Sonia: thanks so much amber. You know what, is thursday morning it is lookiretty good and not one would in all that good stuff and look at the volume building and no supplies it's starting to get those pockets of volas you make your way westbound into 200 and thirty-second street. The overpassh construction zone and limit wide open towards the port mann bridge and it looks grand this is a nice for you with the morning commute and so far, tuesday and wednesday when bumper-to-bumper traffic so let's take this nice break year fpecially the three lanes in the exit lanes rightella seeing a bf volume certainly on the surrey site for king george boulevard. A little bit of a lineup trying your way to new westminster-- traffic is in excellent trip shape. At your ok tire traffic. >> Sonia: thanks so much katelyn. >> Jason: still to come, a new party report card for the province in how it's popping a new recall renewed callon. Stay with us. I'm very good at solving murder cases. ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth, season finale tonightat 9 eastern on Global. [Song playing - Here Comes theHotstepper by Ini Kamoze] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in t cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups]

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