
CHAN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

likely run out by next month. Saskatche in february. >> People who are wealthy can cobuy them. >> Reporter: that bothers one infection control epidemiologist that says that rap tests should still be part of the plan. >> We say we won't nymore but-- what is public health?we are taking the public at a public health. >> Reporter: nova scotia is planning its nstep as is alberta which stresses no decision has been made. Other provinces are not saying much right now about what the plan is in ontario for example, would only say through a spokesperson that the province has tens of millions of rapid antigen test available to the public-- wouldn't say when they expire. That, lab-based testing bymedical referral remains available and for one expert-- it's the better tool. Because rapid t perform differently for different people. >> The interpretation capacity has to improve-- that means the sensitivity of this needs to improve. >> Reporter: theerts agree that tests needs to improve and detect other respiry viruses like influence and that innovation is in the work ankely rendering these obsolete. Heidi petracek, global news halifax >> Sonia: and, the b-c government hasn't made a decision yet on what it's going toabout testing. As of early april -- "1-point-5 million" tests were in inventory here. And another "860-thousand tests" arrived this month. The ministry of health says it's looking at options for the future we're getting a look at what could be the future of long-term care in b-c - for people with dementia"... Two pilot project residences - in vancouver and on vancouver island - will be adopted by a number of b-c long term care homes. Along with giving residents more opportunities to and socialize with each other - the new model acknowledges that not all peoplee the same schedule - and things like meal times will be adapted to each resident. >>the difference is night and day, here he was kind of in chaos and his mindn't working right, and agitated, and course that reflected on me as well, but now he's just so relaxed, happy, smiling, joking ar, just the way he used to be. >>sonia: the new care model - called 'home for us' - will initially be rolled out in new providence long term care centres in comox, pr and vancouver. >>in a 'home for us' approach, you may be a night owl, you may not want to eat breakfast until still to come on global news morning - hoop ds... How an n-b-a announcement is raising hopes for vancouver basketball fans. Stay with us. >> Jason: I'm coleen. >> Announcer: christie and I'm the anchor for global news at noon. Important to know who's delivering your news and where in y neighbourhood and part of your community and that's what local new Closed captioning of this pam is brought to you in part by RecycleBC recycle like a pro by bringing flexible plastics to your local depot. Learn more at Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This iwhy. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at 3 Roommates2 packs of Ben's OriginalJasmine rice 1...2...3 social feeds 3 Real life bffs We're all original recipes ( ) Surprise! I've got Summer Fridays Masks for everyone. On my day, my besties will be glowing mama. It's this Merit. Does lips, does cheeks, I've got it on both shiny and soft? I know, right? Did you cheat on me? (Gasp!) Girl, no. It's Amika and it's Clean at Sephora. Brands like Phlur have everything you want minus certain ingredients you might not. Summer Fridays, Merit, Amika, Phlur. Clean at Sephora, is only at Sephora. Siren in distance, sound of crackling fire and water. Birds cawing. Footsteps. Axe chopping through forest debris. Rake against dry leaves. Birdsong. Helicopter rotors, water falling. Birdsong. Dry leaves reutter.

We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,all new tonight at 8 Easternon Global. ( ) >> Sonia: all right a little bit of ever living, some of you saw her at rogerena... Right there let's see who skating along right there and katelin is looking at traffic. >> Katelin: yes, you may want to skatef you making your way across the maryhill bypass-- that's a collision that occurred there and theyl need a tow truck by the sound of thf thf thf thf so doesn't look like it's getting cleared up ane soon so it's maryhill westbound. Its just past pitt river road so it's past intersection there-- and it walking the left lane and traffic snt to the shoulder there. So it will be quite busy there is traffic is quite heavy aroundlougheed highway. Youight want to rethink that one if you are making your wayout of pitt meadows and not too bad for lougheed highway if you're making your way westbound across the pitt river ge and the tri-cities and backing up into maple ridge and traffic is looking pretty good. No real problems along lougheed highway along the heading bypass and even further back if you're headed up for mission. Building without bawling my northbound 91 across the alex fraser pretty typical there as you mards the bridge deck. That's your oke traffic. >> Sonia: thanks, katelin. >> Jason: paris has unveiled the podiums the 2024 olympic and paralympic games in front of the eiffel tower. >> Sonia: this summer against mascots and french paralympic ates took the summer games mascots and french paralympic athletes took their turns posih organizers made out of recycled wood. The paris 2024 olympics bid committee proposed a strong at will slash carbon emissions. From july 26 to august 11 -- followed by the paralympic gamesfrom august 28 to september 8. (**jp**) >> Jason: pretty iconic photo spot and very cool. The n-b-a is bringing a special event ancouver next month, the first of its kind in canada. The plaza of nations will be home to "nba house" from june 6th to 9th. The free immersive basketball experience includes viewing parties for the finals, meet and greets with alumni, and the league's champhip trophy being on hand. While it's bee years since the grizzlies left town, the question stiemains -- if vancouver could get a team back. >>i'm getting ahead of myself, but I think there's recognitionthat one, the city is a quality one and ture one down the road... I feel the nba is doing soarket research. I'd like to hope that. >> Sonia: well,arthur griffiths estimates about ten cities will be in the hunt for league expansion in the coming years. He also believes the city could draw a wnba team. >> Jason: meanwhile... Women's professional basketball is coming to canada. Toronto has officially been awarded the w-n-b-a's first franchise outside the u-s. The team will be owned by kilmer sports ventures, led by toronto businessman larry tanenbaum - who is a minorowner and chairman of maple leaf sports d entertainment. The expansion team is set to begin play in 2026. Woman's professional basketball basketball... Arriving to canada and that's awe. >> Sonia: definitely coming t canada but welcome to vancouver? >> Jason: I t there is a better chance than the nba I think. >> Mark: I tend to agree but seat may get a team before vancouver for nba before they get about but you will see. Seattle law r team and we lost our team which we had both both... Thing going there for a while. >> Sonia: I think their supporters are here. A your full sunrise this morning mark? >> Mark: yes, we have james upstairs who's aiming his tower cam perfectly at the sunrise will minutes of going off to the east, e's marketing mountains-- and the blue skie of us a bit of cloud and lots of sun today and ill be just fine. Get a nice break betweystems systems-- there is a weak front at will move in tomorrow with more cloud and a chance of showers. But forrester, included some clouds but certainly some sign ants of it and not while more clouds tonight and tomorrow and this front will move in but first things first as I take through the day today, lots of sun for us and work out later but it's down here and about there cut off so if I do the line about their including the

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