
CHAN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

good morning, everyone, and thanks for joining us. Thei new developments in the ransomware demand against london drugs after a recent cyberattack. The online group called "lock bit" had demanded the company to pay 25 million dollars by today or stolen data would be released. However,according to one cybersecurity analyst, the initial demand disappeared from theup's website on wednesday. The retailert pay up, experts agreeing that the strategy may be riskier than not giving into the demand. >>digital data is something that can be stored, copied and sh. What guarantee do they have that the data would surface years or ten years from now? >>jason: london drugs is paying for up to two years of credit monimployees. Experts say people should pay close attention to their online profiles after these types of attacks. The price of chicken in b-c d climb even higher -- after a decision made by the province's farm industry revie board. Kristen robinson reports. >>is there any order for the drinks. >>reporter: adeel jahangir caters to customers on a limited budget at his five chicken world locations. The fast poultry boss says the cost of his key ingredient has gone up 18 per c years---but he's only increased his prices by five to six per cent. >>it's tipping off like it's going to be very difficult to >>for the first time the bc board has decided toe forward with a bc based formula before the price was set by ontario. >>reporter: the bc chicken marketing board says the single largest cost to farmers is feed---which has increased substantially. “...the live price of chicken that a farmer receives in bc has decreased by 12.71 cents per kilogram compared to a year ago -- or 5.65% less.” the bc farm industry review board has approved the board's proposal for a new pricing formula---based on the cost of production. >>that will likely actually r.rter: bc wholesale and retail chicken prices are already on average the highest in the country---according to restaurants canada...which says it purchases about 40 per cent of all bc grown chicken. Consumers it says---can expect to pay more. >>when we initially heard about the proposal for a 17 to 25 cent increase per kilo of live chicken we extrapolated through the ess that that would roughly result in about a 10 percent increase once all these the next year." >>reporter: chns in the lower mainland average between nine to $11 dollars per kilogram. Across the border in bellingham---a whole chicken ten sells for less than four dollars canadian per kilogram. >>it's hard for us to even survive if we do not increase prices at all. >>reporter: with the cost of living already so high---cen world's ceo hopes government will consider incentives---to ease any more poultry price in. >>it's going to be a very hard hike to do if the prices of chicken going to ge won't have money to pay more. Province's farm industry review board. Kristen robinson, global news >>jason: there are renewed c to address food insecurityconcerns - after b-c received a near-failing grade in a poverty report car food banks canada handed the province a *d-plus* grade -- the same ast year. The poor grades are due tovarious factors including the cost of food in this province - which has increased more than per cent in the past year -- and rent is up more than eight per "the mustard seed" food bank invictoria says demand keeps increasing for its services - with no end in >>we hear so many stories about why people are here, whether they're newcomers to canada, fleeing war from other countries in torld, we have double income families are a new demographic that we're seeing a lot of, we're hearing from folks that they're just not able to make ends meet. Interest rates, groceries, cost of living,'s bringing just about anyone you can think of through our doors. >>jason: food banks canada says the province needs to introducea new poverty reduction strategy -- require all political parties to respond to an expert panel on basic income -- and maintain b-c housing's capital budget at one-point-two billion dollar per year until 2030. Some welcome news this morning with fort nelson residence forced from their home with rain dampening the park so steps are now being taken to get the town ready for the safe return its 4700 residents. Mayor said that hydro is up and

running with crews working t store gas while no specific date has been given, fraser says is pushing for a monday or tuesday return for evacuees and a concrete answer will likely just a day after declaring a state of vocal emergency, harrison hot spring's mayor is rescinding the order. The mayor shred concerns about wildfires -- but his decisias criticized by other councillors. There is only "one" fire burning ywhere near the village -- about 20 kilometres away -- and it's considered under control. In a statement to global news -- the "ministry of emergen management and climate readiness" says: "the minist was in direct contact with the village of harrison hot springs to determine the reasons behind the declaration of the local state of emergency -- to ensure a shared understanding of the appropriate use of such declarations." "based on those conversations -- the village agreed to cancel the order". Tips are coming in about dead serial killer who may alsoe victims in bc. Allen srery has been linked to several murders in alberta. And - as catherine urquhart reports - police are convinced he's committed similarmes in this province. >> Reporter: last week, alb rcmp announced a huge break in cold cases. Saying that gary allen srery had savagely assaultnd killed 4 young women e cases went back nearly 50 years. Now investigators say they received 7 tips some link to serial killer live for more than 20 years. >> Some of those tips areregarding files that have happened british columbian specifically more towards the west coast and we are already in communicationh attachments that are investigating. >> Reporter: gary allen srery high a severe criminal record in the us including assault against women. In 1994 he the us after posting bail for rape charge and then entered canada legally is known to be in the calgary area from 1975 to 1979-- before spending more than two decades in bc. The sunshine coast and in the fraser valley. In 1998, he was arrested for violent assaulted new westminster and deported back to the us2003-- after serving a fiver sentence. >> Makes a very viable setback and like I said any sexual homicide of a similar victim-- either in alberta or any neighbourhood province or any other place, was known travel travel.sed to solve the 4 murder cases in calgary after evidence found on the victims was matched to srery died in a us president 2011. New advances in dna science pivotal and potentially solving more crimes. >> But technology has changed-- the amount of a dna example needed in the '90s were to thousands-- now need a much lower sample size. >> Reporter: the rcmp is historical side investigators that they welcome any new information from the public as they continue their work to solveflake cases cases, includines in bc. Catherine urquhart. Global bc. >> Jason: a wildlife photographer in montreal has captured a stunning showdownween a fox and a goose. Ilana block says she was photographinrds at montreal's botanical garden last week when she saw a fox trying to cathis canada goose. She snuck up in some trees and managed to capture the dramatic scene. Who won? Block says 'the fox eventually gave up and went off to hunt a squirrel'. The goose 'waddled away'. Stunning footage of this and slovo. >> Marhat something is in it it? But the fox did not look 100 percent healthy. >> Jason: but it definitely looks like... >> Mark: if you say so [laughing] all right jason, a day today-- fair bit of mix of sun in the day today anna start off with some clouds in our pan fic camera and looking for in which sent temperature at the airport-- still at 10 degrees and again, sunshine with a bit of cloud is how will freeze it for the day with a high of 18 or so. That same including the airport is what I took it to. Maybe hire the value 19 or so. 5 for the record back in 69 in the sunset right at the botnet knife off tonight. Here we go wthe futurecast in lots going on in parts of the mainland again and s cloud around forecast model here before but of sun. Cures this afternoon and yes-- I call it sun and just a touch of cloud for vancouver but interior. Is about there in kamloops up to the colombian down through the okanagan where we have a high chance of thunderstorms th

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