
CHAN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 09:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

he was driving that state pulled over on the shoulder to see what was happening. Witnesses testified from the march approached him from the driver side and told him to stop another man confronted the accused from the truck's passenger side and entered the cabin attempt to get the keys. And his lawyer says he was frightened during a violent roadside interaction and not looking for a fight that day built they were in his vehicle accosting him and punches thrown ." he testified in his own defence and denied notting anyone. >> I slow down briefly before the hit me in the mom of impact, I had no choice but to jump up or go underneath the trucko I jumped up and ended up rolling over the hood. >> Reporter: to witnesses including jeremy told the court they were hit by the truck and agger choice testified the driver told him we need to stop alis marching bowl bleeped and testified the truck driver asked the flagger where the permit? Claims multiple people concerned about his driving "mrl did drive dangerously and was not in a situationre he had no alternative but to continue ing through the parade." >> That truck did somethingver there. >> Reporter: says he was the aggressor and that altercation and not in imminent danger. Provincial court judge has reserved her decision to sometime after june 10th. Kristin robinson, global news. >> Sophie: an update on the condition of bc serial killer robert pickton assaulted this week in a québec prison. 74-year-old currently in a medically induced coma in québec police say doctors have plans in place to to see if he can survive on his own he was attacked sunday at a maximum security institution. In 2007, convicted on counts of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. >>> Pushes on to build more housing in communities across bc but in vancouver, critics accusing city planners o the pricey shaughnessy neighbourhood through increasing density. Paul johnseports. >> Originally this neighboset aside for cpr executives of for the richesthe city's early history. >> Reporter: is showing us around the crescent and shaughnessy with the stately mansion and expansive lawns feeling something out of the great gatsby but it doesn't serve the city's needs now. >> Is certainly what the city is proposing not close to what we ed. >> Reporter: reacting to a city report on how to conform to thategy for making more housing for ordinary people and it feels like they are still stuck in the eraof the old railway barons. Minutes away from downtown and broad weight which is the nd-largest job centre in the province. >> Reporter: bye comparison, say that density populated wes end of the city about the same size as shaughnessy and he's not calling for towers he says much more could beone to densifying a neighbourhood in the heart of the city. Bc housing minister es. >> We communities have a similar level of housing available to communities whether shaughnes or east vancouver. >> Reporter: as for city hall, counsellor s only a recommendation and likely face changes. >> We can thoughty add density to shaughnessy with a large lots tha are there that there are opportunities for multiplexes and duplexes and that sort of thing. >> Reporter: in recent years, global news has found so few people appear to actually be living in shaughnes but the neighbourhood struggle or to clear sidew after a snowfall underscoring its reputation as a place for the wealthy to park money but maybe not live in. He says its time for city hall to ce that. >> Is still an extremely restrictive approach to housing a shows the city committed to do as little as possible to allow new housing here in the heart of the city. >> Reporter: in vancouver, paulnson, global news. >> Sophie: days are numd for encampments along highway one through abbotsford because of plans to widen the highway. As jana brown reports cut campers worried about where they will end up. >> Reporter: everyone living here at the rest stop has a different story. >> I have had cancer twice and I'm pretty sure I have my third bof cancer now and when you lose your house a cocerything. >> Reporter: living in an rv at her rest stop after years of health challenges. >> What I want people to know is you don't have to be drug addict or an alcoholic or whatever to be homeless. >> It one bad fall after another

and next thing you know your in a trailer. >> Reporter: a heavy machine operator w fell on hard times. >> There's a lot of really goo people here not just another tent city but this is actually a lot of workingple and people like us talk in the rut. >> I was stuck in a real bad repmentally and emotionally and financially when I was working and living in an apartment. >> Has 2 degrees left or corporate job fivers ago to live in a converted school bus. Love it and have the freedom to go where I want in my family is spread throughout nada so I get to travel around visiting everyone. >> Reporter: a matter how they got here, the end may be near this encampment because of the highway one widening project and also impact those living at the rest stop. >> Argosy working at the ministry of hng on a decampment plan which we always do and we have done that successfully on a number of instances soe will use pretty much the same playbook to get vulnerable people housed. >> When I see these trailers how unjust it is workingple are living in situations like this. >> Reporter: homelesscates say the majority of peopleing here have jobs but still can afford housing. >> We have seen rental prices skyrocketing this is the effect of people pushed out of e bottom of that market. >> The best thing I cann a situation in this parking lot and to me, this is the ritz-carlton comparedo living on the streets. >> Reporter: jana brown, global news. >> Se: challenge of being a bike owner in an apartment building. >> We have to store the bikes in the storage loc so not allowed to have them on your balcony or in elevators. >> Sophie: of vancouver women's cautionary tale after her ebikes was stolen and h I've never hadthese feelings before, but I'd be sadif I had to kill her. ( ) Make room for more fresh ingredients. Say to goodbye to less-than-fresh take out. Say hello to home made and delicious. HelloFresh, home cooking made easy. With majority of my patients with sensitivity, I see irritated gums and weak enamel. Sensodyne sensitivity, Gum & Enamel reliefs sensitivity, helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. I am a big advocate of recommending things thatnow work! (Wind) Ready to build some money muscle? At Coast Capital, we're finding ways to help you get paid more! nt has the banking features you want... comes with free access to Coursera'ne training, that could help advance your caree Ash is studying negotiation. ( ) And Cody's... coding. The potential outcome? More income! Switch to Elevate Chequing today C'mon team, Closed captioning is brought to you by FortisBC. We've got rebates, Frog: *rebates on high efficiency windows, doors and insulat Find them at >> For me and makes you want to work even harder knowing a goal or two away from final for. >> Sophie: postmortem on the postseason. Of the canucks injury report revealing what the guys we're playing through plus. >> Work, work, box. >> Sophie: aiming for the olympics. Victoria boxer with the eyes on the prize l.

>>> Right now, bike theft is rampant at storage buildings in apartment buildings across metro ouver and cycling advocates say not enoughs being done to stop it. As custom --s cassidy mosconi reports, many buildings don't allow bikes to be stolen in units leaving peopleh the hope that there byolby stolen. >> Reporter: west and resident ristina paul saved up $3000 to buy a new ebikes. >> I single mom so it wasn't somethi had. >> We loved it and she would fall in -- fall asleep in the back and we take it to second beach and cruised to her daycare. >> Reporter: now she does worry about traffic as her bik stolen last month as a 37-year-old said thieves broke through three loc doors to get into the secure bike room in her building. >> You save up to have these nice things and whoever comesand takes it away. >> Reporter: ctina is not the only victim. >> My neighbour had mention he had a very pricey bike upwards of $15,000 and he noticed his bike was gone and days later, he noticed his other bike was stolen. >> Reporter: sheorried building management isn't doing anything about it. >> There has been no communication like not even a letter were e-mail. I been broken into twice in my car as well. We need to know these things. Reporter: reached out to the building managers and received no response back. Cycling advocates say thieves targeting secured bike rooms is common across vancouver in ybest chance of getting your bike back is registering it for free with vpd. >> If they recover it, they will contact you and apparently 90 percent of bikes recovered registered actua get returned to their owners >> Reporter: people use a bike lock evee is storage. >> Absolutely and what we recommend is always using a high quality you locker folding lock. >> Reporter: christina learned the hard way started a gofundme page in hopes of getting back out on the road. Cassidy mosconi, global news. >> Sophie: coming up, a new puppy curiosity gets the better of him. >> They are family members so it is terrifying. >> Sophie: toxic substance I charlie's pet carrier and how consumer matters got to the bottom of it. >> Trish: still pretty busy on the downtown bridges after an earlier policeident at the north and of the bridge and get up to 5300 cash purchased credit on a 2024 announcer: Tonight... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. 9-1-1,all new tonightat 8 Eastern on Global. Atlas My name is Smith. You're a computer program. No. I'm not. I think and I make choices. This just keeps getting better. ( ) Do you think you have a soul? Yes. ( ) You can't find it in your code. But I have faith it's there. They know we're here! You are not alone, Atlas. Trust me. Ahhhh! ( ) God that was satisfying! ( ) Your best defense against erosion and cavities? Is strong enamel. Nothing beats it. New Pronamel Active Shield actively strengthens the enamel to defend against erosn and cavities. I think that this product is a game changer for my patients. It really works. Want some coffee, mate? Coffee'd be great. Thanks, mate. How 'bout some Coffee Mate? —Coffee, mate! —Coffee Mate? Already said I want some coffee, mate? I meant you want some Coffee Mate? Oh! I'd love some Coffee Mate with my coffee, mate. —Mate? —Mate. Crikey, that's rich and creamy coffee, mate. Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. (Background conversations) (Crashing sound) (Birds chirping) (Laughter) (Upbeat music) Canadian, Ultra, Exel. Molson, Everyone In New Finish Ultramax. Engineered for the toughest conditions. Dry burnt-on stains. Old dishwashers. Very hard water. New Finish Ultramax, with CycleSync technology, helps deliver the ultimate clean. At California Closets, we'll custom design the perfect storage solution for every room in your home.

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