
CHAN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> Let'sring in meteorologist kristi gordon with a look at ourweather forecast and there will be some relief for drought plagued regions. >> Kristi: and inerms of the snowpack as itooks like that trend will continue hoping to preserve some of the snowpack best wean and putting moisture in the ground. What I wanted to show you is in terms of the long-rangeecast into june and july, for example, there's a l of uncertainty as to what we will see and it really is going to be a wait-and-see type scen. This is the snowpack in this pink area is historical average and our current year is highlighted in blue. If we continue on this track with cool and unsettled weather, a chances l may continue that we will keep some of that snowpack into the month of july which would be an ideal scenario again we will wait to see. By comparison last year, a substantia snowpack but it dropped off really quickly with increased snowmelt through the spring and by mid june, no snow at all. We will watch and see how thing transpire but cool and unsettled weather will continue. Severe thunderstorm watch is in effect things are settling down and not expecting a time for your area although you could still see significant hail. Tomorrow we a back to cool and unsettled weather so that is continued good news and see that into the weekend with cloud showers in the forecas with a chance of isolated thunderstorm from the central interior down d for our regent, majority of the showers in the morning eases in the afternoon but we have a slight chance of showers. Cool with a higher 15 degrees and typical for this year is 18. Weekends are split in half the hopefully some breaks a blue sky by the afternoon. >>hie: thank you christi. >>> Of victoria man who just celebrated his 100th birthday had a very different start to life in canada. Yne was born in cumberland on vancouver island on may 4 1924 and his father immigrated there from china to work in the coal mines after he was born, issued what was known as a cia 45 or chinese immigration certificate and when the chinese exclusion act was brought in to as a document prevented family reunification and limited economic opportunities. Now 10 years later, certificate on the wall of the chinese canadian museumn vancouver as part of its paper trail exhibit. >> A little picture of h with a 7-week-old baby might be at the bottom of this is the certificate does not establish legal status in canada even though it was produced forll canadian born chinese. >> Se: chinese exclusion act repealed in 1947, three years before he graduated from the university of manitoba and a degree in electrical engineering went on to career with bc hy.

>>> Calling on the courts to break up live nation. >> The competitors have really cut off at the knees. >> Sophie: U.S. department of justice suing the concert promoter and how it's all the entertainment giant has monopolized the live music industry. >> Trish: busy and study both ways at the pla bridge with the usual pockets of volume southbound on the cried. Through kirmac car for kids, expert care for your vle helps provide expert care for kids. When you chew kirmac,hoose Looking for a natural health product to reduce your joint pain. Try Genacol® Pain Relief. This clinically proven joint care formula contains AminoLock® Collagen anEggshell Membrane These two ingredients help reduce joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Thanks to Genacol® Pain Relief, you can start to feel results in just 5 days! Add Canada's #1 Selling Joint Care Supplement to your daily routine and feel the d Genacol® Makes me feel sood! ( ) ( ) ( ) Let's maximize those dreams. That's right. The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A green? What about a whole backyard course! She's dreaming to the max! Get your lotto MAXtickets today! [ ] Three, two, one. Launch! Have a blast. At Playland. (Wind) Ready to build some money muscle? At Coast Capital, we're finding ways to help you get paid more! nt has the banking features you want... comes with free access to Coursera'ne training, that could help advance your caree Ash is studying negotiation. ( ) And Cody's... coding. The potential outcome? More income! Switch to Elevate Chequing today C'mon team, Shop, dine and unwind at Willow Brook Shopping Centre with more than 140 stores featuring the latest must have items and delicious dining options. Experience retail therapy at its finest. ALL:Let's see your voice! [ ] >> Repor show your support on theancouver ms walk. Help makes lives better for people living with ms.

>>> Donate a coven house vancouver today and your gift will be matchedllowing you to make twicet in helping youth experiencing homelessness. For our bc, I a yvonne schalle. [ ] >> Announcer: in partnership withines don't prevent injuries. You do. Let's keep it preventable. >> Sophie: the U.S. justice department along with dozens of states have formally fil an antitrust lawsuit against live nation arguing the concert promoter has a monopoly resulting in higher prices for consumers and less competition. Lawsuit s in the wake ofhat prevented millions of taylor swift fans fromking tickets for our eras tour. >> Reporter: went live nation acquired ticketmas concerns it would result in too much exclusivity for o country limiting innovation in the tech industry. Doj chose to not block that move but on thursday, it along with 29 states and the district of columbia filed an antitrust lawsuit alleging the company violated the terms of sale and now abusing monopoly. >> It relies on... >> Reporter: say it's being suffocated as the two companies control an estimated0 percent of the ticketing and live event menu -- menu market in the U.S. like other countries were venues companies for ticketed events. In early 2023, company execs grilled by lawmakers in washington after a botched ticket rol for taylor swift concert tour the year before which the company blamed on bots >> Reality is you have 14 years of a clear pattern of anmpetitive content where consumers have had to pay more and had the level of services reduced and competitors have at the knees. >> Reporter: breaking up the company up and multibillion-dollar industry and fall ever targets of antitrust lawsuits including a, google and amazon and in a rare move, department of justice seeking onlyages but a jury trial. >> Some monopolies are s entrenched and some problems so difficult to address that they require decisive and effective solutions. >> Repr: live nation responded to the lawsuit sync it was a result of political pressure and president joe biden a proud s. Has set in the past capitalism without competition is not capitalism but expectation.reggie cecchini, global news, washington. >> Sophie: upext, a dire warning about the atlantic hurricane season plus new video shows therrest a pro golfer scottie schefflert week. Global national starts now.

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