
CHAN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> Coming up, breaking news out the whitecaps upcoming game against miami this weekend plus the canucks on the season that was. >> I wish I could've been out there the guys. >> Sophie: what we are learning about injuries battle during the playoffs plus. >> Things are stolen all the time and no one is taking accountability for it. >> Sophie: contentious condo issues in the bylaw affecti buildings residents say is unfair and sometimes costly. >> Trish: another slow day for southbound traffic at the bridge with trave lined up on granville street from west 64th avenue on the approach. Through kirmac charitable partnership with surrey memorial hospital, when you choose kirmac, you support the children's hea centre. Hi, I'm Elsbeth Tascioni. Oh. I call it the "Elsbeth." Hashtag: "Do that thang." ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth season finale tonight at9 Eastern on Global. Stream on StackTV and theGl tv app. It's my homecoming! We're a team! (Announcer says words on screen) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set ly $998 including a 2 year warranty! All the things you take care of make you beautiful on the inside. Collagen30 can help on the outside. It's clinically researched to help reduce eye wrinkles within four weeks. Collagen30. Beauty from the inside Want to save money while making your home more comfortable and gy efficient? FortisBC's got rebates Rebates... on energy effit windows and doors, insulation and more. Visit When it feels like...all that's left is “work hard”.. It's time to play again. Easily find your next favorite game with Free casino games, Poker tips and Sports odds. Make a play. Global News Morning and Trail Appliances. Want to thank all of our viewers for sending in their favorite family recipes. The entries have been amazing d our finalists have been chosen. Tune in to Global News Morning Sunday so you can add these family favorites to your own recipe book presented by Trail Appliances. Protecting everything you've worked hard for heart of Johnston Meier Insurance. And our customers always come first. Auto, home, business, travel and personal. Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies. 50 years of trust in your community. Yes!Ooh, it's on! Announcer: Abbott Elementary, season finale tonightat 7:30 et on Global. >> Sophie: we will talk about the canucks season wrap up in a moment but we have breakinga statement from the whitecaps that will upset will upset a lot of soccer fans. Squire barnes is here now for more onhat and I'm sure people paid a lot of moneyo see this. >> Squire: yes, they did. Over 50,000 disappointed I people anticipating saturday's game between vancouver and inter- miami is that's the team lionel messi plays on and rtunately both players not making the tri to vancouver on saturday so the whitecaps trying to figure out all day to placate people have paid some big money to go to game and right now all food and beverages 50 percent offered the game on saturday. Not sure how half-pric a hotdog makes you feel any better thatyou won't see lionel messi at least the whitecaps are trying to do something. Feel for the whitecaps and more upset the people who were excited to see him play because I'm not sure however come here again a obvious that he is not coming this time but I don't think it be on the schedule again. >> Sophie: food I not cheap but neither we're those tic so. >> Squire: it was an event. Go to see one of the best players of all time playing against your team in your city is a gut punch. >> Sophie: I'm sure we will be finding oute about this because it really just came off the whitecaps communications office just now.

>>> Now to the canucks with the exit interviews today and what we find out? >> Squire: all the players talked this is when they don't get cryptic about their injuries anymore and they tell you what happened in the one everyone wondering about is brock boeser, the blood caught situationnd when did he find out and how it happened. He infor us exactly what went down. >> Shockinne on the powerplay and I had a bruise there my leg was feeling fine and aeek later my calf started really hurting so we g it checked out and I had some claw in one of my small veins which wasn't an issue so I was allowed to play and we had another scan after game five and s I had a scan after game six and showed there was more clotting moved into m deep vein and I think I wasn't exing not going up to that I really didn't understand so was an emotional morning for me. >> Playing with a bad knee since january sohe longer it went, the more pain I felt. >> Something that will require more off-season work? >> It just needs time to heal and rest >> Probably the hardest thing I had to go throughs a player obviously we've been through some tough yea here and finally get the opportunity so it's always tough watching so it was really hard really close to coming back >> Sophie: the mystery is revealed what we know about the prognosis for brock boeser? >> Squire: apparently is good and has all summer to get ready and he will b careful and on blood thinners but there is no indication he will be in any da the time next season rolls around the one that is good to hear. Thanks squire.nt dwelling cyclists calling for more oversight and security measures from building manag to combat bike theft. West end residentistina saved up $3000 to buy a new ebikes to enjoy wit her young daughter and elect riding to the beak and going to and from daycare. Last month, she went to our bike storage roomre the bikes required to be kept and it was gone. Thieves cut the walk after breaking through thr get to the room and she the only victim. Her neighbours 15,000-dollar bike also taken and when nothing was done torove security, the thieves returned and stole more. >> There has been no communication like not even a letter were e-mail nothing ever and I've lived here for four and I've been broken into and my car twice as well we need to know these things. >> Sophie: global n reached out to building management but so far has not received a response. Cycling advocates say theft is a big reason why lot of people don't ride as often as they uld like.

>>> 100 years younger. >> My dad can personally the change. >> Sophie: one of the first chinese canadians documented as part of the exclusion act. His powerful story his outlook now plus. >>> Itching toward and dry summer. The worry We came here with skills, -to keep me alive and thriving.- (Man grunting) Look at that shadow. That's the shadowof a warrior hunter. (Announcer says words on screen) Stream on StackTVand the GlobalTV app. We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,all new tonight at 8 Easternon Global. Over 4200 British Columbianshave trusted Renewal By Andersen for their windowsand doors. Learn why. A lot of people need to replaceeir windows or patio doors, but they put it off because they thinkitbe too expensive. Hi, I'm Ann Rohmer I'm herewith Michael Smith from Renewal by AYou really w to find affordable solutions. >>We do, Ann. We're thereplacement window division ofAndersen, one of the lst windowmanufacturers in North America. So we can usually offerour customers larger discountsand better financing than smaller companiesor contractors. >>Other window companiesdon't offer your same window and door installation method. >>Our installers have installedthousands of windows. Our windows are manufactured toprecisely fit your specificwindow openings. Being custom built also means if you have any beautiful trimthat you'd like to keep, we can install your windowswithout impacting that trim. You >>And you offer a free windowand patio door diagnosis? >>We do. We'll come to your homeand assess your current windows, show you where u might be losing energyand take measurements. quote that's goodfor an entire year. >>So you're not a high pressurecompany? My background is in homeremodeling as a carpenter. I've seen every windowproblem out there. So now I just want to helphomeowners make their homesmore beautiful and comfortable with the right window. >>And your patio doorsare really gorgeous. >>They are. And they're engineered to easilyopen and close for years. with multiple locking pointson our patio doors, they provide even greatersecurity. >>That is so great to hear,MichaeRight now, Renewal by Andersenfer forhomeow [ Announcer ]:We're excited to introduce ournew ensemble entoor. Save $253 onevery window and save $628 onevery door. Save an extra $200 on your ect. Plus g% interestfor 2 years. Call before May 31st.778-770-0909. Closed captioning of money numbers is brought to you by Envision fiial. Stop your 9 to 5 before you're 95. Avoid never retirement. Talk to an advisor today. [ ] >> Sophie: growing concernsabout water supply as we head to the hotter and drier summer month in the latest data shows the snowpack is at 57 percent of normal. One of particular concern is the sunshine coast where regional district planning level for restrictions. Millions being spent on new wells in the campaign began in february to encourage residents to conserve water. Officials targeting r with weakness in their systems that can amount 50,000 litres a day. >> If people are reluctant to fix theireaks and we notified them time and time again, ultimately especially when we are in higher elevation elevated stages of water conservation that we need to shut them down so we shut off residents if there not willing to fix their leaks. >> Sophie: officials on the sunshine coast worried about a repeat of the drought situation when a state of local emergency had to be declared.

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