
CHAN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>> Jordan: That's right. That's right. Because you-- you are a good and decent man, the best nephew... who didn't let me free before, but you will now, won't you? >> Michael: You're lucky this man has a conscience. >> Jordan: And why are you here? >> Michael: We're taking you out of here and putting you >> Jordan: Oh, thank God! Thank God. Thank God. ictor: I'll be damned if I allow that to happen. >> Announcer: Next week on The Young and the Restless... >> Billy: Okay, so what do we do now? >> Jill:Just keep this to yourself. I don't want anyone else to know. >> Alan: These, um, personalities, they think they're doing the right thing, Ashley. They think they're protecting you. But the fact that they exist at all means that there' something terribly wrong. >> Ashley: Well, what are they protecting me from? Captioned byLos Angeles Distributionand Broating, Inc. Captio provided byBell Dramatic Serial Company, Sony Pictures Televisionand CBS, Inc. Join us again for"The Young and the Restles Right from the start,it's you I was a young man... Keep moving! a terrible place. Go, go, go! But I found something there. Someone. What wouldn't you doto keep them alive? (Announcer speaks wordson screen) Stream on STACKTVand the Global TV app. Trouble sleeping? Sleep Cycle can help. It's an extended release tablet that's designed to help you fall asleep faster, temporarily promote relaxation, and increase your total sleep time. Look for Sleep Cycle at t stores. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set ly $998 including a 2 year warranty! Want to save money while making your home more comfortable and gy efficient? FortisBC's got rebates Rebates... on energy effit windows and doors, insulation and more. Visit If you're lost You can look And you will find me Time after time For everything you care about. Intact Insurance. You've got a friend in me ( ) You've got a friend in me ( ) You just remember what your old pal said, boy You've got a friend in me ( ) It's a celebration of friendship and beyond. From the new parade, to Together Forever, a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. Pixar Fest, at the Disneyland Resort for a limited time. Starting April 26th. The Sounds of Summer Sale is on now at Visions Electronics! Incredible savings on amazing tech for outdoor entertainment ar audio, and more! No Interest and No Payments Until 2026 Plus a chance to Win your purchase See all the deals atVisions dot ca At Pharmasave. We see you and we care for prescriptions for common conditions, expert health advice or support for life's little mishaps.

Come talk to your Pharmasave pharmacist. Live well with Pharmasav >> Sophie: a court victory for the surrey police sition. >> I think all of us certainly the people of surrey want this over. >> Sophie: could this judgement finally foot the controversy to rest. >>> Dramatic a dump crash. >> Has not escaped me how lucky I was to walk away. >> Sophie: how it happened and w regulations aimed at this >>> Conducts playoff injuries revealed. >> My leg was feeling fine a a week later started hurting. >> Sophie: with the post season over, what we were learning about who was playing kurt. >> Announcer: you are watching global bcp this is global news at five. >> Sophie:OOD afternoon and ks for joining us surrey has lost its corporate to keep the rcmp with the sme court throwing out all the arguments ruling in favour of the province d the implementation of the surrey police service of. Richard zussman's liven the decision in reaction today. >> Reporter: pretty definitive here. When the government put forward legislation h in victoria, they were confident with what they put forward now that has been supported by t courts. Although surrey mayor brenda locke supports a decision from the courts, still shows massive flaws with the transition plan and cost to put on city far beyond what the province had expected and ultimately it was decisive on the three points raised by the city of surreynd let me go through those points om the courts there was a quest to reject the bc government order to transitio to the surrey police service, rejected by the courts. Record dose requested police laws unconstitutional was rejected. Third request from the province to pay for the entirety of the surrey police force that was rejected by the courts as well. >> $150 million is stillre and really important if the city of surre is at the table working to ensure the transition gets completed smoothly and as quickly as possible >> Court challenge revealed huge holes in this transition to the sps on multiple levels a the true cost will have an extremely extremely onerous impact on the city of surrey and especially on surrey taxpayers. >> Sophie: alright richard so what will the city do? Will they appeal this decision? >> The mayor says she has not decided yet on the appeal but she says the council needs to look closely at this inhe financial implications because she believes either taxes will have to go up or infrastructure projects will have t be cut and I spoke today to former attorney general supporter of the surrey police service says in his legal opinion, he doesn't believe there grounds for appeal believes that should end all conversation about sing this transition in the mayor should get out of the way here and allow the move t the surrey police service. The plan is to have them a police force of record by november. >> phie: we will see what happens between now and then what we.thanks for that richard reporting life.

>>> London drugs a data stolen recent cyber attack being released. Russian based ransomware group known as walk bit claimed responsibility and demanded london drugs pay $25 million by today but the bc base retai refused to pay the ransom. London drug say that files may contain employee information and officials the store calling it a distressing situation in the company is notifying employees who may be affected offering theme credit monitoring services and identity theft protection. >>> A court appearance tod for the man charged in to stabbingsand white rock that left one man ad and a community on edge for several days last month. 27-year-old demetri hyacinth made his brief appearance via video the man charged with cond-degree murder and the random stabbing death of 26-year-old on april 21st and also accused I another stabbing just 48 hours earlier. Hyacinth council requested the hearint over to june 13th and hyacinth remain in custodyuntil then. >>> Closing arguments begun with a man aed of driving into people during a restial school mark nearly two years ago. Richard manual charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle after allegedly hitting four people insion in june of 2022. Twople suffered minor injuries and in its closing arguments say he was confronted by marchers after pulling over in one person got into his truckand punches him and he denies hitting anyone with his truck. The cro manual was angry that the march was blocking his route and never in a situation where he had no to driving and may dangerous decisions. Contends he drove dangerously and hit marchers. Judge will preserveer decision a later date.

>>> New regulation come in to stop preventable commercial hicle crashes. One of the new rules is the requent of an in cab warning device that lets a driver know therelocks as rays and in his heart stopping video, jim ross and maple ridge when a truck driver a power lines crashing on top o his vehicle's hood he was uninjured but his car was a ride off warning light had come on to let the truck driver k his cab was raised, likely would not have happened. >> Standard equipment when they manufactured $300,00uck. We have a seatbelt in a $30,000 car and a warning comes on. Why can't they have this on a $300,000 truck? >> Sophie: other regulations coming into effect ide new overhyped regulations and speed measures. >>> Critics accg the pricey protection of the neighbourhood from increasing boost housing supply. And new reporter with 600 lots in the first shaughnessy area designate as a heritage conservation area and protected from increased density. Bill 44 adopted by the provincial legislature last year requires cities to allow up to four units o the standard residential bought. Ing advocates say the new city report shows planners want to change the area as little as possible. >> I foundt really shocking that it was clear city plann want to do the bear minimum to comply with provincial housing only allow a very restrictive amount of newhousing here in shaughnessy justright in the h this is just a recommendation to council which wil carefully consider that report next week and may make changes to it. We know anita belmore homes especially areas close to transit in shaughnessy right in the middle of the city so opportunities there for. >> Important for people to know all the housing we need not being built a just low and middle income communities that all communities are their part. >> Sophie: says vancouver city council has to consider the recommendations but believes the city committed to increasing its housing supply and density.

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