
CHAN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 03:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

rain or shine the okanagan test scores held a massive clean up saturday at a dumpsite in the south okanagan. As vica femia reports, the task force says dumping in the backcountry s to be getting worse every year, and its harming both wildlife and people. >> Victoria: thousands of kilogrof garbage pulled from the backcountry. >> Kane: we are in okanagan falls today up commercial road dealing with another abandoned ho here were expecting with our current were going to hit over 1 million pounds of garbage removed since 2016 in our backcountry. >> Victoria: it's a massive clean up for the okanagan forest task force which has been prepping for this project for awhile. >> Kane: this is one of our bigger hauls were not even going to be able to finish it in oneday were going to have to make piles and come back next week hopefully and we probably were guestimating about 150 thousaounds all together between all the sites here. >> Victo the mess, a major disappointment to many. >> Dan: I' don't know how it happens, I don't how you can show up with all these motorhomes and just go. >> Victoria: mot just one of the many things dumped on the property. >> Kane: two very large moomes, one actually fills on of these bins, we still gotp the hill a couple that wve to try to get out of here a couple of fifth wheels' lots of barb wire. >> Vica: all things that could be harmful to the environment. >> Kane: this is a prime spot for wildlife its asomebody's cattle ground and you can't have this happening when you have cattle ae going through here.>> Dan: its sad there's some little lakes here and its leeching into there too, the metal and the oil, its pretty I'm glad it's getting cle up but it's pretty nasty. >> Victoria: the regionalstrict of okanagan-similkameen is urging anyone who witnesses illegal dumping to report it, residents can also notthe task force of a mess through itsnew app, and the team will take care of it. Victoriaia, global news. >> Jennifer: firefighters and was going to open the doors to fire hall 31 on old okanagan highway for a fire smart family day on saturday. >> Speaker: what I really wa people to see is how quickly this is evolving. >> Jennifer: a demonstration of how quickly cedar trees catch fire, and burst into an infern just one of the educational opportun firefighters showing off their equipment, letublic try their hand at firesuppression skills and providing plenty of fun and games, while giving people practical tips to better protect your home from wildfires. >> Speaker: I think our community really understands the risks that we face especia following the fires last year. But one thing that we did learn is that fire smart works. There are people can do around their homes to make them more resilient to wildfire, and today is about making that message out. Also throwing the doors to the fire hall and seeing what we do on a day to day some of the equipment and the thingslars go towards. >> Jennifer: tips to fire smart your own property online at fire smart For the first time in months sirens are sounding in tel aviv, the reason woming up, plus, mandatory service in the uk. The idea being proposed, butit's not just military focused. The ideas being doled out ahead of a snap election, but first, we head to deep space. What the european space cy captured and released. We take a look, next. I've never hadthese feelings before, but I'd be sadif I had to kill her. If you're frustrated with occasional bloating or gas. Your body's giving you signs... it's time to try Align. Align Probiotic was designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. When you feel the signs... it's time to try Align/ ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at ( ) For memories that last and produce that lasts longer too. Only Frigidaire's CrispSeal Fresh crispers have an antioxidant filter to help you waste less food. Frigidaire. I love walking, but it can be frustrating if my legs and feet are slowing me down. My pharmacy recommended revitive Medic Circulation Booster and I haven't looked back. Drug-free Revitiveis clinically proven to actively improveleg circulation, relieve achesand pains and help youwalk further. Revitive Mediclso suitable for peoplediagnosed with Osteoarthritisor Diabetes. I believ Give it a go today!

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>> Speaker: as a whole bunch of stuff euclid is pretty good and the images are very sharp. So it blurs images, soay above the earth's atmosphere so we can see things that an things that I will are fuzzy and things that would disappear, and a picture n from the earth. >> Jennifer: what is the next step now? I guess analysing. >> Speaker: the next step taking a bunch of picture every day, but 20 or so of these every single dand it just keeps taking data. A lot of data. >> Jennifer: how exciting is it for people starting out like yourself. >> Speaker: I think igreat because a mission like I said is for the dark universe but werefinding out about the bright universe and I t these first results are actually a lot moreexciting than some people might have thought because they are thinking, dark universe. Science and free-floating planets and high shift objects and fuzzy dwarf galaxies tha did not even know where they're still there is a whole bunch of new stuff. And it's cool that canadians are involved. This is a team of 2000 people. Mostly eeans but all over the world about 20 canadians spread across canada and different universities. And we are very proud to be a part of this huge international min. >> Jennifer: fantastic if people would like to see them where should they go for that? >> Speaker: I think if you just google euclid is all over the internet. >> Jennifer: whilenk you for coming into our galaxy at the station, we appreciate it douglas scott. Joining rom ubc. All right with us. Mandatory service in the uk. They h a couple of choices and their snap election do you think it will agree to it we ll find out. And almost a year later residents continue to wait for repair work at a staggering cost out east details when global news at noon all: Let's see your voice! (Wind) Ready to build some money muscle? At Coast Capital, we're finding ways to help you get paid more! nt has the banking features you want... comes with free access to Coursera'ne training, that could help advance your caree Ash is studying negotiation. ( ) And Cody's... coding. The potential outcome? More income! Switch to Elevate Chequing today C'mon team, ( ) Technology goes beyond special effects or epic camera shots. Shh. This is my favourite part. It offers surprising new perspectives. Evokes feelings. It takes you places that seemed out of reach. ( ) When technology becomes and extension of yourself that's progress you can feel. That's Audi. Als can happen to anyone at any time. The als Society of B.C. invites everyone to join us r the move to cure als this June in communities across British Columbia. 100% of the proceeds raised will go to supporting people living with als in B.C. upport research to project Hope at ubc. Whether you run, walk, ride or roll, let's move togeise awareness and funds for those living with als in B.C. d the Yukon. Protecting everything you've worked hard for heart of Johnston Meier Insurance. And our customers always come first. Auto, home, business, travel and personal. Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies. 50 years of trust in your community. that you're wearing your new smart, safe watch. - I had some doubts initially, but as it turns out, it's both discreet and comfortable. SecurMEDIC provides simplicity, security, and peace of mind at an affordable price. We're taking overan all-new beach. This summer's hottestrenovation competition returns. (Snapping sound) Three amateur renovation teams restore three beach homes. With help from the three of us. Whose house is gonna winbeach bragging rights? Which renovations will sink... ...and which house will win? It's time to battleon the beach... ...and draw a linein the sand.

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