
CHAN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 10:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #10

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visit and was really lovely. 250 people, and we had lots of people onl is well which is a fantastic event. >> Jennifer: whatevt took communion support at the point the condos against why do we need it? >> Speaker: when you do because there's huge barriers for black intrapreneur is to receive any kind of funding. And if you are an immigrant, just given, you went to school and you get student loans then you have your first credit card and then you have your other credit card, a low credit e and then you start a business, you go to the bank and you're like story you need alone and you can't really wait and they're doing work for one ofe awarded $25,000 she has come up with a really unique thing for women who go throughperiods, and all of these issues for pain what you can actually control around as you go, pain-free, no medication. >> Jennifer: I want to hear more about that. >> Speaker: another business called you know she's do innovative work and these are the kind of people that need this and now all of this going to be propelled forward and they are going to employ people, so they are gonna be adding to the flavour and we are going to be out into the economy and all 5 of them I might basically a proudama. It's fantastic. Ennifer: amazing, junot quinto was the other one? >> Speaker: junot is one of them and help 50 ent of let's go through it and the other one is called one trip and actually just peogo to the website and see, it's amazing and then the one with bc within the talk about as well is doing micro grains she's actually changing the way that we can do micro grains and all of us in little places we can up or someone canroduce so we can have food that's close to us that is organic and healthy and it's good for us. And then we had someone who is actually coming up with a program that can help small nonprofits be very prepared, be efficient, work with their volunteers as well, and then we also had another business that is coming to put together small grocers that can't get online and sell their products and unique and ethnic, and. >> Jenr: people go to your what's get more information. >> Speaker: yet so they can sign up for next y and they can start to prepare for next year, and were going to do it a in may the same time that we didthis year and we are expecting so many more people and so many voters, and so if you want to support them, if you want to s the businesses go to the society and we would love to see you. >> Jennifer: society doc org thank you, jackie for coming and continue with the excess, goodluck to everyone and congratulations to the winners. >> Jennifer: thank you. It's a debilitating disease is not stopping one person while she can help you can raise more awess about multiple sclerosis and the impact it can have on famil here is barbara beam. >> Barbara: it's slick on the roads all morning but traffic smooth on the alex fraser or patella, the portman is also steady, great shape gettingo surrey or into coquitlam, west highway one is busy but problem free. Select sussesurance and make a difference. When you renour auto plan online select your neighbourhood su insurance location when prompted and help support diabetes canada, exclusi at sussex insurance. In the global traffic centre, I'm barbara beam. We came here with skills, -to keep me alive and thriving.- (Man grunting) Look at that shadow. That's the shadowof a warrior hunter. (Announcer says words on screen) Stream on StackTVand the GlobalTV app. When it feels like...all that's left is “work hard”.. It's time to play again. Easily find your next favorite game with Free casino games, Poker tips and Sports odds. Make a play. With majority of my patients with sensitivity, I see irritated gums and weak enamel. Sensodyne sensitivity, Gum & Enamel reliefs sensitivity, helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. I am a big advocate of recommending things thatnow work! ...Working with a team of experts and working towards a sustainable future. That's what this logo certifies. We're behind the Blue Cow logo. Hey, so Mom's thing is coming up. Should we book flights? Let's do it. We could go a day early. Mmm... Or the later one? ( ) With over 500 flights daily... we have a flight for that. ( ) Technology goes beyond special effects or epic camera shots. Shh. This is my favourite part. It offers surprising

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