
CHAN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 09:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> Bc health system is backlogged, often with long queues at clinics, and longer wait times to see a specialist. >> The way times are the worst countrywide, and worst in vancouver specifically, they are well over two and hal hours and are only getting worse for the past three years. >> Reporter: the vancouver-based startup says there is only one way out, gy. >> Frankly I is the only solution we have. >> Reporter: the ceo of mehdi map, a digital platform used b patients across canada to find the shortest wait times and employments in health services. >> Wouldn't it be great if t was an easy way to book a last minute appointment? >> Reporter: one of thousand health check professionals descending on vancouv this week for a conference a inning aiming to enhance digital solutions in healthcare. Thomas a to ep pace with technological advances. >> Some of the administration burden I have mentioned is being reduced only because of technology, not b regulatory changes, I hope bc keeps moving ahead with access to the health domain. >> Reporter: the provinc agrees. >> We have to get prepared to take a risk, not in terms of ut in terms of the investment we make in order to be on the cutting edge and provide care for people >> Reporter: privacy and security top of mind in today's digital domain. >> We need to balance accessibility and confidentiality, I acknowledge things like lenten drugs which is unfortunate, but the ability to have your prescriptionuntry no matter which community, no matter which province balances against the accessibility of the security. There haso be some inherent trust and ultimately some systems in place to ensure it is as safe as possible, but if we lockdown all the information and no one had access we would also struggle as we have had in the past.

>>> A major plan to the surprise concrete to introductory proj on the lower mainland could findelf behind picket lines. The teamsters state more members voted in favour of strike action at ocean concrete on granville island, invited to the plants yesterday to experiencepany supplies concrete to t skytrain extension and the new pattullo bridge. >>> Five black entrepreneu across canada are competing $25,000 this weekend I this year's black pitch contest. >> You can do it, it possible, you only get one shot at life when notake that leap and do what you want to do? >> Reporter: the nationwide contest is put on by the black onto printers and businesses of canada society, the society is also launching a first ever black business certification in canada to help provide black-owned businesses access to government procurement, the aim of the event iso to help create new funding options for entrepurs which they say have beentorically shut out of opportunities. >> Capital is important to every entrepreneur company with organizations like the bbc it is a hugealyst for us because it gives us access to investors, funders, this is a huge opportunity and platform for us to showcase ourselves on a national level. >> The certification opens doors, looking at government procurement, corporate procurement and overall more folks are looking to support black-owned businesses. >> Emily: they say the certification will be crucial to being noticed byrocurement buyers. >>> As forestry activity in north-central bc shift focus is shifting to reducing the dependence on mills and the jobs they provide, the provinces announced $13 million for economic diversification. Tommy osborne takes a look at what that >> Re name of the game for the bc government investing into manuuring in northern bc with sawmill and pulp mill closures impacting unity is like houston bc, princerge and more, diversifyingny factoring businesses in northern bc has been aig focus for the provincial government. >> We know the forestry sector has been hit by a bunch of different factors, including what markets loo like right now , for example,, we know yellow pine is almost half the price as a year ago, there is a lot of difficult things facing the forestry sector all at once. >> Reporter: prince georgemanufacturing was one of the recipients as they received up to $254,000 for new machinerythat would greatly improve the company's efficiency. >> We think we are going to provide new jobs out of this once we get going andet the whole process happening. >> Reporter: he says ad one third of manufacturing is tied to the forestry industry, it is also heavily involved in the miningndustry as well as it creates an ships machine parts around the world, the business was a big reason why they applied for the grant as the industry shut down impact their business to. >> The less volumes harvested inthe province effects volume of business and whatever sector relate to the actual forest harvesti are a service company to thecore drilling mining and exploration businesse do a lot with spare parts and we build complete drill heads. >> Reporter: while divebusinesses is undoubtably imported, the minister says the supports forestry saying half of the grants are fororestry industry. >> If you look on the website of the inments we have made with manufacturing jobs, a lot of them are forestry and many are in the north, it is quite a broad range.

>>> Sfu getting ahot in the arm thanks to millions in federal funding, the liberal minister terry beech toured the facility in surrey, one of the organizations chosen to receive 17 and a half million dollars, he sayst is an investment into canada's future. >> It is one of those great situations where we are using science to make families lives better but there are also businesses being created and jobs created, it is the best of both worlds and I sed out my political career as ofrliamentary secretary for science so I understand this evoln but even in tight fiscal times it is important to continue to invest in things like science and culture and that is except who we are doing today. >> Emily: the funding as part of an $800 million package for 24 organizations. Mack after the break the severe storm sweeping tgh texas.m, like we were hit by lightning or something. >> Emily: the trail of destruction and the latest death toll, plus. >>> Reviviational mandatory service in britain. >>> A soggy evening but not causing problems for the alex fraser bridge things are moving smoothly, no issues on the 91 get a deal on a new deck or fresh coat of paint, get ready for summer sale is on at home hardware buig centres on now until june 5th. Three renovation teams... ...renovate threebeach houses... ...with a little helpfrom three pros. (Announcer says words on screen) - I am gonna need you to cover two classes. - [Narrator] Without enough teachers, school counsellors and specialists are being pulled away when kids need their support most. Bc needs to hire more teachers so we can help more kids. (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your pc® Summer Insiders Report today. When it feels like...all that's left is “work hard”.. It's time to play again. Easily find your next favorite game with Free casino games, Poker tips and Sports odds. Make a play. (Pipe music) (Grunting) (Pipe music) Hm.. (Lively pipe music) Red Bull gives you wiiings. The new Red Bull Summer Edition with thete of Curuba-Elderflower. Wings for every taste. Global News Morning and Trail Appliances. Want to thank all of our viewers for sending in their favorite family recipes. The entries have been amazing d our finalists have been chosen. Tune in to Global News Morning Sunday so you can add these family favorites to your own recipe book presented by Trail Appliances. (gentle music) - Miss? - [Narrator] Helping kids find their way is what teachers do, (slamming desk) but there's just not enough of us. - Okay. - [Narrator] It's time for bc to hire more teachers, so we can help more kids. Closed captioningof this programis brought to youin part by Benchmark. Built to build. Only at Home Hardware. >> All of a sudden, think of the people who owns the place out heaid you can go to the restaurant over here and get in the cooler, and we did just in time. >> Emily: thousands of people were forced to run for shelter as powerful storms tore tgh texas, arkansas, and oklahoma. 50 people have died and dozens more were injured, a tornado destroyed a gas station in valley view texas, officials say it was full of people sheltering from the storm, among people killed is a 2-year-old child.

>>> More grim news out of the major landslide in new guinea, the un agency now believe 600 people are feared dead after a village buried friday morning, the number is nea the double of the radius estimate, search efforts are continuing, more have been displaced by the disaster, bringing in more aid isdue to landslide debris cutting off major roads as well as the affected areas remoteness. >>> Britain's conservative leader says he will bring back mandatory national service if he is reelected next month, the plan involves 18 -year-olds choosing either to enlist in the military o perform community work, but the proposal could remain just that if his political fortunes don't improve >> We will have a general election on the 4th of july. >> Reporter: timing of the election call surprise to many, as has his firstig campaign announcement. >> We will introduce a bold new model ofl service for 18 ear-olds. >> Reporter: the plant with see teens choose between a year in the complete community work across a year, do the letter they claimt would help society and national securit these 16 -year-olds who can't vote yould be among the first to be enrolled. >> I found out on tik-tok in the morning and my parents were speaking about it. >> Reporter: but the apparent sake? >> They were divided. My dad thought he is good but my mom thinks otherwise. >> I really don't want them to wipecially hearing about this now. >> Reporter: it is 64 years since britain h had a national service but with the governi tories far behind in the polls, it could be seen as a hail mary pass t appeal to dissolution voters. This meant says the plan is a reflection ofbal instability >> They have certainly woken up to the fact that the british armed forces are not anywhere near prepared to fight a war anywhere. Worker believest is purely election politics. >> I think it is a gim, it won't see the light of day, I think it is clutching at straws, I think if you really care about young people's welfare you would invest properly in education. >> Reporter: the idea is far from unique in europe, many peaceful nations have forms of mandatory military service, among them denmark, finland, and switzerland. Global n london.

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