
CHAN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 09:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

bad taste in their mouth. >> Sports fans have to unite and say enough is enough. >> Jeff: in the end, miami didn't need messi. Beating the hometown team in their first-ever meeting 2-1. And that is"global national" for this sunday night. I'm jeff semple. Tonight's "your canada" is this mural of leonard cohen in montreal. We love seeing "your canada", so keep sending your photos to viewne [ ] >>> Armed robbery at a surrey business. >> They were pointing the gun at me. >> Emily: we hear from the victim. >>> A routineog walk gone wrong. >> And unsheathed machet why do you even have machete? >> Reporter: bouncing back after of violence attack. [ >> Oh be cool to do travel posters based on thelly hip. >> Reporter: songs paying tribut the legendary canadian band. >> You're watching global bc. This isbal news hour at six. >> Emily: goodning, thank you for joining us. Sorry rcmp are on the hunt for men who broke into an office as it wrapped up business for t week, they were armed, not there long, and police are trying to figure out what the motive might be. >> They had a gun in their hand, they were pointing the gun sumi. >> Reporter: twoed men stormed into a surrey business just be closing, one man gathered the workers together, the r goes into the owner's office aching a threatening de, because they fear for their safety, we are not identifying the business or workers. >> He says how come I didn'tpick up my bosses phone, someone called the number, he says okay my boss will be calling you, make sure you pick up. >> Reporter: but instead the owner may have scared them off, the men are seen running away with the stolen cell phone, the whole incident lasting less than a minute. >> By theime I stood up and he saw me he ran away, both ran out of my. >> Reporter: office it is unclear what the motive was but the owner says about ago he got a phone call with a botic voice demanding money. >> I called rcmp and mentioned they said it was nothing to worry about it people that all the. >> Reporter: time it is unclear if incidents are related but surrey rcmp in rum to discuss a rise I extortion cases and extortion linked shootings. >> We are concerned for my family and staff a horrible thing to happen at that moment. >> Reporter: the men escaped in a grey dodge charger, rcmp are now investigating, saying it appeto have been targeted but that motive is still unclear. They are hoping to speak with witnesses and gather additional video. Click krace ke, global news. A high rise in surrey has been the site of heavy polic presence for much of the afternoon. >> We heard screams around 230or 3:00 in the night, we thought it is usually t people must be partying or something so I did not consider it important. >> Emily: due to the nature of the ongoing investigation rcmp cannot make comment for police and public safety reasons but they followed that up by saying it I an isolated incident and not a safety concern to the general public, w will stay with the story and provide tes when we get them.

>>> A man on vancouver island is asking for help figuring out who attacked his dog with a machete, it happenedate last week deep in the bush outside mar will, a warning, details ofhe story are not suitable for all viewers. >> Reporter: adam couldn't believe his eyes when he saw blood and toe standing over his dog and laughing the entire time, why do you even have machete public walking trail? >> Reporter: for 15 years heng his pops along the same trail inksville, last thursday it was anything but normal. >> This is supposed to be a safe people to to their dogs for walks, it's not fair that my dog is unsafe. >> Reporter: he rushed magic to the vet, the injuries cut straight through muscle. It was a deep laceration to the face, basically the side of the skull and dow the face and it was somewhat peeling off the skull, I have seen some horrendous wounds but nothing quite like this. >> Reporter: barrette, on of a camper could not afford the bill >> They put the estimate at $1900. >> Reporter: the vet stepped in. >> I spoke to the owner of the veterinary hospital and asked if this would be a suitable candidate for the heart fund and heart stands for help eve animal and receive treatment. Reporter: the answer was yes, and with some anaesthetic and stitches and l of tlc, painkillers and antibiotics magic is now back with his owner.why anyone would attack magic is a mystery. >> He is the best with other dogs but he is a super people lover. >> Reporter:E hopes someone in the area will recognize the alleged attackers. >> He was wearing greenish brown pants and in his mid-fifties, he had a shaved head. >> Reporter: he is g for the financial support from eyecare hospital. >> They saved my dog's life, ireally appreciate. >> Reporter: that n for years sober, thankful for man's best friend. >> This dog saved my life, I had no choice but to save his. >> Reporter: a busy morning for the coal in a fire department responding to two major structure fires in just three hours, the first of the two was a house fire around 630. The three-stor home was engulfed in smoke and flames as firefighters arrived. Crewse able to knock down the main body of the fire quickly and work to complete leak sting which hotspots around the roof. The e is under investigation, everyone got outsafely and no injuries were reported.

>>> The cologne it fired apartment responded to a fire at pm automotive on kent road at kelowna, black smoke and flames are coming from the roof of the building, videos taken from theows at least one vehicle, a pickup truck involved in the blaze. Assisting with the his student was the rcmp, bc ambulance services andre is nod on what caused the fire or if there were ries. >>> Dawson creek went to great lengths to arrest suspect after hid run, rcmp say they were called to a crash around 630 thursday morning after an suv you turned in front of the truck a crash caused significant ge to both vehicles, a driver and passengf the suv fled the scene, officers found them in a nearby forest with the help of police dog and drone, the two men or facing multiple charges includingaching a release order, driving while prohibited, uttering threats, and obstructing a police officer. >>> Evacuation order for fort nelson is being lifted as of 8:00 am tomorrow. >> The concern for these next couple of days is for the chance of thunderstorms dthe AREAmily: 250,000 hectares are burning into bcps, that includes parker lake fire burning near fort st. John, 130 firefighters, 11 piece of heavy equip meant, and 19 helicopters are battling the blaze. Residents have been away from fort nelson since may 10th, the mayor says services in the community have been restored. >>> There are growing concernsabout our water supply as we head into hotter, dryer summer months, on theshine coast steps are being taken to avoid the state of local emergency that was imposed just two years ago. Angela john has this update. >> Reporter: surrounded bylush greenery, water levels in chatman lake looking high. >> If the snowmelt and rain coming in, it does look pretty good right now bute are still a little bit concerned for later on in. >> Reporter: the summer the low putting fears that history may repeat itself. >> Giving that the snow is similar to what it was it makes me feel concerned that we are goingo be facing the same things we saw last year. >> Reporter: by september last year, this is what the reservoir look like, with the lake drying up. The regional district banned all outdoor water use in the fall. The last three years. >> Once the water stops running over our down, we are looking at stage two at point and we don't want to be doing that, we want to start thinking conservation. >> Reporter: chatman lake supplies water for the majority of residents, more than 22,000 to tap into the water supply, five wells are operational with more being looked at. By the end of 2025, all district households will have water metres. >> In the summertime because igrow a large garden and it was on time or scent sober hoses, I was using a lot more than I thought I was. >> Reporter: the metres and leaks, the district cracking down on those leading the precious resource draiay. >> We have two shut off the water to residents I they are not willing to fix theirks and we have to do it given the amounts o water that is being leaked every day in our community. >> Reporter: they hope theake it one step further and begin to charge people for the water. >> Seeing what you use is a piece of it, being billed for how much you use is another side >> Reporter: district chair it says once all of the water metres are insed, that is something they will consider, but for now the focus is on ensuring the lake doesn't run dry. Global news, on the sunshine

>>> Coming up, moving the needle on innovation, how the fed's plan to invest in next generation of scientists, where ottawa is putting it's money, also ahead. Shaping the future of healthcare, the ca e. Health conference is back, wet tech entrepren are calling for to build a better system. >>> We are the pattullo bridge this evening where traffic ismoving well down mcbride, note holdups aturrey or... We still have a closure between mcbride alliott. Get your diy on during the get ready for summer sale at home hardware with deals on paint and power tools only on untilgl [Song playing - Here Comes theHotstepper by Ini Kamoze] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in t cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] ...Working with a team of experts and working towards a sustainable future. That's what this logo certifies. We're behind the Blue Cow logo. Looking at these scenes, no one wants to imagine a wildfire. extreme weather and wildfires threaten the places we love. The Government of B.C. is working with communities, indigenous partners and experts, taking action to help lessen risks. You may ask, how can I help? Take steps to protect your home and community, make a safety plan and check local bans and alerts. Let's come together and be wildfire ready. Closed captioning is brought to you by FortisBC. We've got rebates, Frog: *rebates on high efficiency windows, doors and insulat Find them at >> Emily: more than a thousand of the country's health technology entrepreneurs are descending on vancouver for the canadian e. Health conference. As we report one local start up is lawmakers to keep pace with technological advances or risk patient care.

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