
CHAN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 09:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> In health news tonight and over note -- overdose death at the universit of victoria sparks calls at the to make cpr and no locks ownining mandatory in high schools, corners inquest was called int the death of sidney mcintyre in january, her parents say thet the province to take action. >> Reporter: her story a chilling reminder of the perilous group of the dock toxic drug crisis, 18-year-old sidneymcintyre star co. Night in hospital in january after a cardiac arrest due to fentanyl poisoning. >> Your heart broking about anyone else who had to go through the same heartache this couple lost their son advocate for labouring -- labelling the drugths as a result of toxic drug supply. >> What killed sidney and ryan and the vast majority of those lost is the toxic supply of drugs back mental health advocate is focused on increasing access to a medicine capable of reducing the effects of overdose. >> Think no locks and should be at every kids backpack when they go to parties. >> Reporter: >> It I happening across canada in all walks of life. >> Reporter: the family ted a website using 911 call recording stay detailed the timeline of t death of the first year science student and explain why they claim erwhelming failures contribute it. The student responders had no access to no locks own in the dorm. In a statement, the universityof victoria said the security officers followed the protocolsof their first-aid training, these efforts didn't save sydney's life but they did save the life of another student that night. >> There are seriousstions that need to be answered about this horrific death. >> Reporter: the provinces they are looking to purchase larger quantities of nasal n locks on which is easier to administer than injectable the locks on and are in discussions about adding cpr aining is a mandatory lesson in high school. >> Even if someone wereo take one hand on top of the other, find the centre of a person's chest and just do what we call compression only cpr, they are going to make a difference. >> Reporter: asntyre's story resonates, it renewsalls for action to influence life-saving measures. Neetu garcha, global news, vancouver. > After the break yvonne is here with the weather forecast and, cement galore, the public got to explore the inner ve Thinking about the girl. What girl? (Background conversations) (Crashing sound) (Birds chirping) (Laughter) (Upbeat music) Canadian, Ultra, Exel. Molson, Everyone In When it feels like all that's left is “work hard”. It's time to play again. Easily find your next favorite game with Free casino games, Poker tips and Sports odds. Make a play. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. You have five secondsbefore the door is sealed.

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to projects around downtown vancouver. >> Reporter: among other projects, the plants delivers concrete to the broadway sublayer line which is running a year behind schedule. I was like looking at the giant silos, they make me feel like a kid looking up high. >> Barry: a lot of things are ofigh for you, I'm just kidding. [ Laughter ] lot going on in sports, will talk abo lionel messi eventually. >> Barry: a lot of people are disappointed, I blame the league , I will check in with ace , it is theivalent of the oilers not sending mcdavid and draisaitl, great chance for the whitecaps to win and s off her fans who don't come to games often, so it is a great opportunity for them, we will check in with them and the lions opened their preseason in calgary against the stamps, we will have highlights for that as well. >> Emily coming up, birdwatching on campus. The sights and sounds kamloops university fbi! Announcer: fbi, fbi: International andFBI: Most Wanted, only on Global. [Song playing - Here Comes theHotstepper by Ini Kamoze] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in t cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] Our heritage is engrained in our skin. And even when we metamorphasize into our new evolved form - we carry that spirit with us. Because you can take Alfa Romeo out of Italy, but you best believe... you can't take the Italy out of an Alfa Romeo. ( ) When you're looking for effective pain relief choose Tylen It's clinically proven to start working in 15-20 minutes. ( ) Tylenol. Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Where's the best place to go for appliances? Trial Appliances. We have all your favorite brands in-store and online. Oh, sold. You got to pick one first. Trail Appliances, makingeveryday life better. Welcome to Vancouver's premiereretirement community, Here at Legacy Senior Living itsall about choice We want to make sure we alwaysprovide cretive healthy foods its your retirement its yourliDiscover the difference atLegacy Senior Living Want to drive new sales? Then don't leave your business marketing to cLeave it to the professionals at jm Media to drive the results you've been looking for. We're experts in digital, social, content, tv, radio and sports marketing. Whenwith jm Media. As the proud owner of your own business, why take a chance with your future and your dreams? Be prepared for the unexpected by counting on the commercial insurance experts at Johnston Meier Agencies. 50 years of trust and business experience in your community. At California Closets, we'll custom design the perfect storage solution for every room in your home. And right now you can save up to 1 with our Friends and Family Event! Visit a showroom or our website to request a free design consultation today.

>>> For the first time, members of the public were invited to a tour at thompson rivers university this week, dozens of students, faculty, and community members turned up to be shown nd campus, identifying birds and learning about the dangers they face. >> There is lots of bird activity here, there is a strike >> Reporter: over the course of four hours, former professor tom dickinson led dozens of eager participants aroundhe universities grounds. >> Today what the goal was was to walk around ca and do a we have done several times, which I to assess each of the buildings on our campus for window strikes b may have made over the course of the last year. Tour the last time the university extended the invitation to members of the public. >> Was may more than justbirds, it was a bit about the geology and environment, a lotabout the birds and trees, it s very interesting as well. >> Reporter: a few former ents now work at the university, often doing the tour memory lane. >> Having had tom as an instructor and not had the chance to do learning activities know that I am organizing the learning it was so nice to walkt experience and to share it with other people who were interested in biodiversity on campus. >> This is appellate, birds don't teeth right? You have to digest your food then put it into a musculastomach. >> Also finding the owlellets was interesting, then tom took one or two of them apart, therewere skeletons and bones. >> Reporter: dickinson hopes thursday morning will be the first of many tours at tru, adding university has a responsibility as an eco- conscious institute to walk t walk. >> The challenges of the world, we need nature more than ever before.

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