
CHAN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 03:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

upbeat c upbeat music We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. >> Colleen: the government of papua new guinea says friday's landslide buried more two,000 people alive and it has formally asked for international . The government figure is three times more than the united nations' estimate of 670. The remains of only six people had been recovered so far from the buried village in enga province. Australia is preparing to send aircraft and other equipment to help its south pacific neighbour.ain pounded the coastal regions of bangladesh and india as a severe cyclone made landfall. Millions are without power after power polls fell and trees were uprooted. Dozens of bangladeshi villages were flooded after flood protection embankments either washed away, or weamaged by the storm surge. Nearly 800,000 people were evacuated from vulnerable areas on sunday. The storm is weakening, but more rain is expected for the next two days extreme weather conditions are making life difficult for thosatures in the country's southern province have toppped 52-degrees celcius. That's theeading of the summer, and close to the try's record high, amid an ongoing heatwave throughout asia over the past month.l is expected to hit the capital karachi in the coming days. The death toll from re weather in the southern us has risen to 18. Powerful storms left a wideon across texas, oklahoma and arkansas. The worst damage is from northest corner of arkansas. A kentucky governor has declared a state of emergency citing reports of wind damage and tornadoes. Forecasters say the greatest risk for weather will shift to the east today, severe storms expected anywhere from alabama to new york city. There are growing concerns about our water supply as we head into the hotter, drier summer months. On the sunshine coast, steps are being taken to avoid the state of local emergency that was imposed just two-years ago. Angela jung has this update. Sunshine coast drought concerns. >> Reporter: surrounby lush greenery water levels in chapman lakeking high. >> Speaker: with all the snowmelt and rain coming in, so it does look pretty good right now, butre still a little bit concerned for later on in the summer. >> Reporter: the low snowpack putting fears history may re itself. >> Speaker: given that the snow is looking similar to what it was last year, that makes me t concerned that we're going to be facing the same things that we saw last year. >> Reporter: by sepember last year this is what the resevoir looked like. With the lake. Drying up. The regiict banned all outdoor water use in the fall for the last three years. >> Speaker: once the water stops running over the dam we're looking at stage 2, we don't want to be doing that anymore. We want to start thinking conservation >> Reporter: chapman lake supplies the water used by the majority of sunshine coast residents more than 22,000 of them. To tap inte water supply. Five wells are operational. With more being looked a and by the end of 2025 all district households will have water metres. >> Speaker: I grow a big garden an was on timers and soaker hoses and I usig a lot more water than I thought I was using >> Reporter: the metres monitor usage. And leaks. The district cracking down on those who are letting the precious resource drain away. >> Ser: we actually shut of the water of two residents if they're not they willing to fix he leaks and we have to do it given the amt of water being leakedour community.>> Reporter: senger hopes the district will take it onep further and begin charging people for the water. >> Speaker: 33003 seeing howmuch you use is one piece and being billed for how much you use, is another side of it the >> Reporter: -- district chair says once all the water es are stalled that is something they will consider. But for now the focus is on ensuring the lake doesn't ru dry. La jung, “global news”.

>> Colleen: health officials in gaza say at least 45 people are dead following an israeli trike on a tent camp in rafah. Israel's military launched the attack after it intercepted eight rockets fired by hamas into israel over the weekend. Israel says two, senior hamas officials were killed in the attack on rssive fire, engulfing tents and structures and reportely killing people displaced by the ongoing war. France says it'sraged by the attack, while qatar says it coulmplicate any ceasefire talks between hamas and israel. >> Speaker: I saw images, they are deeply disturbing and horrifying. I think we have been clear more than once. There is no safe space in gaza>> >> Speaker: civilian casuas are desperately sad, but this is the war hamas wanted and started>> >> Colleen: israel's top military pcutor says t strike will be investigated to the fullest extent. Eu foreign ministers gathered for a meeting in brussels todayto discuss russia's invasion of ukraine, and the security situation in the middle east. According to the bloc's foreign policy chief, the european union to remove the encampment by 6:00 morning. But they remained onite where they remained for weeks. >> We must continue showing out for eachther we must refuse and dismantle the borders and barriers that the material world have placed within our community. This is tied together. And none of us are free until all of us are free. >> Colleen: demonstrators an university administrators held a meeting on sunday during which proers represent at a counter o to disclose advancements from the offensive in gaza. Another meeting is planned today. Teachers and parents gathered in vancouver to demand bc's include more education about th history of the palestinian people. The catastrophe represethe displacement from palestinian from 1947 to 1949. This covers it justices such as holocaust and not the not matt. This is theondary on sunday afternoon before marching to trout lake. >> Speaker: we are calling on the ministry to add the nato the cirriculum because it is essential context to understanding what we are seeing in gaza. Students asking questions, teachers need guidance to answer those questions. And students are engaging with these atrocities onir phones. >> >> Colleen: an online petition in support of the change has more than 6,000 signatures. More than 400 days after trump was indicted the cooked the books cover this hash money payment alters to suppr negative news before he was elected his trial is rapidly coming to an end. Closing arguments begin tomorrow. And as reggie kinney explains.a jury.this is with this politically misaligned. >> Reporter: manhattan voted for joe biden in 2020 sparking repeated complaints from the formersident that he wouldn't be able to get a fairtrial. Still both legal teams are working together to st this story that will be sent to deliberations this week but not before one last chance to persuade all jurors or in thedefence's case at least one to believe them sides. There would have to weave together weeks of testimony to prove that they but they will attack the business were accurate. It wasn't their fault because they paid michael cohen for legal services. Now they also attacked them as adult revenge. Legal experts say watch how the jury reacts when they're beh a closed door. >> Speaker: watch for nose. Are theying for testimony to be read back.what evidence are they focusing on. What do they seem concerned about. These can all be vindication is one way or another. >> Reporter: while trump argues this to be with this trial.rning it into an offshoot.with joe biden. This is how they deliberate for within this tmony. But they say that this is complex and unprecedented. There were also asking that theydo not follow news about the trial. But they had not sequestered. Reggie cecchini, global news,

washington. >> Colleen: yvonne has our forecast for the week ahead and the travel posters that are trajically the band ANNOUNCER:Hidden Assets, new series Wednesday,June 5th on Global. Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days. The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200 in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. people with disabilities are. - We're trying to build a bridge across the disability community. - I always say I am happier now with less sight than I've ever been. - Para sport lit that fire back i life. - If you embrace the differences about you, they can be amazing things. - Challenge your perspective of what people living with disabilities are capable of. Vo: AMI-tv. Television that includes everyone. Experience now on ami+. Announcer: When spring cleaning goes a step too far. Rest assured, you're insured. What? Get a jump on summer. The Odlum Brown Gran Prix returns to Thunderbird Show Park. Sunday, June 2nd. ( ) Get your tickets now at Make this summer extra special with the Johnstone's family team of specialists. There's never been a better time to enjoy your backyard with friends and family. Give your culinary skills an outdoor workout with the complete range of Napoleon premium products, including portable, full size and built in barbecues. Discover Friendly expert service and the entire range of Napoleon grills at Johnstones Barbecue and Parts. and in Surrey or onlin I've never hadthese feelings before, but I'd be sadif I had to kill her. >> Colleen: if you have the cash you can live in the home series home alone >> Speaker: arguably one of the most favourite houses in the world. >> Speaker: the home alone house. >> Colleen: the famous house feature in the market for the first time in 12 years. Asking price and located minutes north of chicago, is more than 7 million dollars. According to the listing agents, it is a piece of american history. A local artistist's creative whim that turned out to be pretty hip. Right after our f >> Yvonne: it is aat day to the cloud cover.and some chance for the showers. And more rain is on the wait for tuesday. This is coming up in just a moment you can see this great shot from the camera. Temperatures will be on the coo side. We will be up to 11. We are up to 20 degrees. We sit at 19 with a record 26 set back in thousand and 5. This is what we will be watching. We will be along the south coast. It will be a sake one. And then in behind it. Later on the day on tuesday should eas off for some showers but we will be upwards of 10 millimetres for most areas. And then thataring in behind it. Upwards of 10 millimetres of rain. Along the mountain. It could be closer t or 25 millimetres. And then lighter precipitation will be on our wednesday. Fi rating this will be very close for the day-to-day. We are sittingo extreme and what we've been tracking with we are sitting between low to very low but still be very diligent as you enjoy the outdoors. The northeastcorner of the province through the day today. It is the risk of thunderstorms lighting the potential across the region picking up southwesterly with gusts up to 16 kilometres an hour windy for morrow with gusts up to 40. Whitehorse with a few showers in the mix with the day-to-day. Just up to 12. This I the south coast. Similar for tuesday. Breaks on the way. It will be with the mix of sun and caught wednesday. Caribou and central interior. 13 will be the high. We will be with this

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