
CHAN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 03:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Bryan: Look what Ifound in there. Whoop! So how're you guys feeling about being on the island a little longer? Jojo: I don't know. Bryan: You don't know? Sarah: What's the best thing about this island? Jojo: The pool. Bryan: The pool? Sarah: The swimming pool? Charlotte: The beach, the ocean. Sarah: Alright, Linc, it's your turn. Linc: Probably... that we're with you guys. Bryan: Spending time with your family? Linc: Yeah! Bryan: Wow. Sarah: Ok, that's good. Sarah: We reallyfeel like we have crossed this threshhold now. The stress, yes, is still there, but the way that we look at things I think is a bit different. We've been trying very hardto prioritize family time, with the kids especially,but also with one another. (men chattering) Bryan: We're on a big push to kinda get things completed now. We have a hard and fast opening date arriving. It's kind of all hands on deck, but at the same time, you know,we're making sure that we take a littletime with the kids. And you know, it's juggling.We have a lot of ballsin the air right now. Next time, on Island of Bryan. Our opening dateis set in stone. Flights have been purchased, the people are coming. Sarah: I'm stressed today.We are twelve weeks... How do we get things booked? How do we get staff?How do we get uniforms? How do we get food here?How do we get bedding here? There's so much to do, considering we're twelve weeks out. Bryan: I know, there's a lot to do. Everything seemsto be top pr. A thousand things on the list, they are all vying forthat number one position. We have a potential bigissue with the water system. Like the other day when we ran out of water. Exactly. Worker: Until we canget a bigger line ran in, you cannot just go crazy and have a lot of people here. Bryan: But, we need a lot of people here. Worker: Yes... Bryan: This is a... this is the thing. If we don't have a water system that can provide enough good quality water for the hotel, we don't have a hotel. We may have to dig up, all the way back to the street, and put in aProducer: Stay closeto your sister. Beautiful. Looks like youguys are best friends. Jojo: Can I run into you? Man 1: No.Man 2: Sure! n: My open m-- Linc: Just wait, we needto do two more layers. Linc: Have you everhit your hand? Bryan: I have hitmy hand many times. Charlotte: Exactly.The pros don't. (sloppy kiss) Jojo: No.Bryan: Gotcha. Yuck. It's always fun spending timewith your supportive children. Jojo: Ok, am I done yet? Producer: Yep,high five! Nailed it! We're federal agents with a higher calling. Our only loyalty is to the truth. ANNOUNCER: NCIS,only on Global. We've got the lake house. I want it to feel like you're walking into this1965 Spanish revival mid-century home. (Announcer speaks wordson screen) Stream on STACKTVan (dramatic music) Dad? The side of your face is drooping. ( ) Raise your arms up in the air for me. Honey? Call 911. ( ) (Catchy music plays) ( ) ( ) With perfect flavour in every bite of Pringles, it's a taste you can't let go. Vancouver Canadians Baseballis here! The reigning Northwest League champs are back in action at the NAT. Catch fireworks. giveaways, Friday Nooners and baseball legends all summer long. Get your tickets or by calling604-8732 today. Siren in distance, sound of crackling fire and water. Birds cawing. Footsteps. Axe chopping through forest debris. Rake against dry leaves. Birdsong. Helicopter rotors, water falling. Birdsong. Dry leaves reutter. Across British Columbia, more people are drawing lines between themselves and preventable injuries, because when yellow lines , it's up to each of us to prejuries for ourselves.

Let's keep it preventable. >> Colleen: today on “global news” at noon, after more than 2-weeks, thousands forced fromue to wildfire, are finally heading home plus, was the armed attack of a surrey business, part of an on-going extortion spree? And, the bc lion announce the headline act forer concert kickoff. >> Announcer: you are watching global bc. This is global news at noo >> Colleen: good afternoon. I'm coleen christie. Th for joining us. Residents of fort nelson, and the surrounding communities are finally on their way home today, after a wildfire forced them out more than weeks ago. As andrea macpherson reports, people are being asked to be patient as the town gets back to normal. Fort nelsoldfire may 27. >> Reporter: the very first vehicles started to trickle into town as the evacuation order finally came to an end more than two weeks after the parker lake wildfire raged towards fort nelson. >> Speaker: we asked people to consider waiting, if they maybe wait one more night if their hotels are paid for so that it,s safe travelling back into the community the rcmp have been very good with us, extra resources on the road to ensure the safety of the public. >> Reporter: it's been a long people reflecting on the experience as the 123 square kilometre e came within 1. Kilometres to town. >> Speaker: this was a let's go, s get out now! >> Reporter: like thousands of her neighbouispered throughout the province-rena moore and her daughter are packing up from the north peace arena in fort st john today, and travelling close to 400 kilometres up highway 97 home. >> S: when you're looking at the fact our whole community could have been lost, most of us are going home to everything still int. >> Reporter: she is following e directions from the northen rockies regional municipality. Travelling with a full tank of gas. Evacuees are also being told make sure they bring a minimum of three days worth of food and essential supplies as local grocery stores may not yet be fully restocked. And it's a mix of excint and anxiety knowing 11 properties have been impacted, four homes swallowed by the flames. >> Speaker: three of those homes were occupied, so 3 families have lost their homes in the fire unfortunatly. >> Reporter: dry conditions and lightning could still pose challenges for crews, but thin appear to be turning around. >> Speaker: the parker lake wildfire is actually in good shape we changed the status to being held this ing under the current forecast condition we don't expect it to grow beyond pre determined >> Reporter: meantime the 64,000 hectare patry creek wildfire 25-kilometres from fort nelson continues to burn out control. Andrea macpherson, “global news”. >> Colleen: rcmp have provided more information on an incident a surrigh rise that was the scene of a heavy police presence for much of sunday afternoon, some residents cleared from the building. >> We thought it was the weekend so be parting or something but I didn't really consider it important. >> Colleen: police were seen coming and going since early sunday afternoon many of them in full tactical gear. Later in the evening, parame were seen wheeling someone out of the building on a stretcher. Soon after, a man was led out in handcu identified as arandeep gill. He was wanon several outstanding warrants including for assault with a weapon and trafficking. Rcmp say say this was an isolated incident, and not a sa concern to the general public. More information is expected this afternoon. Surrey rcmp are on the hunt for two, armed men who broke into an office as it was closing up on friday, threatening the staff. As grace ke report was a frightening experience, and and police re trying to figure out what the motive might be. >> Speaker: they a gun in their hadn and they weointing the gun to me cover with security video two armed men stinto a surrey business on friday just before closing. One man gathers the workers together, the other goes into the owner's office making a threatening demand. Because they fear for their safety, we are not identifying the business or workers. >> Speaker: he says to me how come I didn't' pick up his b phone which happened half an hour ago. Someone called me a half hour ago. Pickup it says suspicious calls. That's the reason I didn't pick up. >> Speaker: he says ok my boss will be callyou in half an hour make sure you pick up. >> Reporter: but instead, the owner may have scared them off. The two men are seen running away with a stolen cell phone. Thole incident lasted less than a minute. >> Speaker: I got a call from someone asking for money.

I called rcmp, to t and they said it's nothing to worry about people been calling like. >> Reporter: it's unclear if the two incidents are related.back in january, surrey rcmp held a public forum to discuss an cases and extortion linked shootings. >> Speaker: I'm concerned. I'm very much concerned for my family and for my staff who's6:03 that was a very horrible thing to be happening at that moment. >> Speaker: the full picture of >> Reporter: the men escaped in a grey dodge charger. Rcmp are now investigating, saying this appears to have been targ but that a motive is still unclear. They are hith witnesses and gather additional video. Grace ke, “global ”. >> Colleen: surrey city council will meet today for the first time since the bc supreme courtthe police transition. The city had filed a jial review seking to overturn provincial legislation requiri it to switch from the rcmp to a municiforce. But the courts ruled in the province's favour and determined its actions were constitutional. Today, surrey city councillors are taking part in a closed meeting, and the court case is expected to be a topic of discussion. It's unclear whether the city will file an appeal. >> Speaker: the mayos said that she wants to consult with her council, we have a council meeting tomorrow night, idk if it'll be a surprise item or not but we've just gotta get past this. It's not fair for the men and women who are serving for thend the surrey police service, alone the taxpayers, theyre paying bill ahe longer this drags on the longer its costing the taxpayers>> >>leen: surrey mayor brenda locke has long argued theicipal police force will be more expensive than the rcmp. She says she accepts the court's decision, but hasn't said if the cilans to appeal. A man on vancouver island is asking for help to find whoattacked his dog with a machete. It happened late last week, deep in tush outside parksville. Emily tin reports, and a warning,e of the details in this story are disturbing. >> Speaker: my dog yelped and ere was a guy standing there with a machete, and half my dogs face was peeled off. >> Reporter: adam perret couldn't believe his eyes, when he saw blood and two people standing oves dog magic. >> Speaker: she was smiling and laughing the entire time I have a machete on a walkway we need to identify th guy. >> Reporter: for 15 years perret has been walking hiss along the same trail in parksville.t normal. >> Speaker: this is suppose to be a safe pale wheeople take their dogs to walk, it's unfair thy dog is unsafe. >> Reporter: he rushed magic to the vet, the injuries straight through muscle. >> Speaker: there was a very deep laceration to the face, basically the side of the skull, and down the face and it was somewhat peeling of the skull>> >> Speaker: I've seen some pretty horrendous wounds, but nothing inflicon disability and living out of a camper, couldn't aut an estimate of 19 hundred dollars. >> Reporter: the vet stepped in >> Speaker: I spoke to the o of the vet and asked is this would be a suitbale candidate for our heart fund heart stands for help every animal receive treatment. >> Reporter:the answer.esthetic, some stitches, and lots of tlc painkillers and antibiotics. Magic is now back with his owner. Why anyone would attack magic, is a mystery. Speker: he's not the best with other dogs. But he's a super people lover >> Reporter: perret hopes, someone in the area will recognize the alleged attackers. >> Speaker: he was wearing greybrown pants, in his mid 50s, shaved head. >> Reporter: he's grateful for financial spport from i-care hospital. >> Speaker: you save life, I appreciate thtat. >> Reporter: and now four years sobeakful for man's best friend. >> Speaker: thdogs saved my life, I have to save his. >> Reporter: emily lazatin, “global news”. >> Colleen: another delay for the broadway subway construction project, and affected businesses are speaking out about how th hurting their bottom line. Buried in a news release last friday, the provincial government announced the completion for t new line has been pushed back by a year. Instead of being ready in 20-26, it's now expected to be operational by 20-27. The province says issues outside of their control have delayed construction. Nearby busins say they're deeply disappointed, adding it's impactinga number of commercial districts.a major plant, that supplies concrete to two, high-profile infrastructure projects in the lower mainland, coulnd itself behind picket lines. The teamsters say more than 98percent of members voted in fabour of strike action at heidelberg materia it owns ocean concrete on granville island.

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