
CHAN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #11

out entries are falling down, and this making a very difficult and time-consuming for our c to mop up. >> Yvonne: we can also tell. >> Reporter: you the ae like wildfire that is a holdover wildfire, 25 kilometres north of the community is now over 6 to 4,000 hectares in size, is still out of control as well. And residents who will b getting to return home today, remain on the back with a snort which means they cannot actual find a moment's notice that there israstic change in the fire activity in the area. We'll keep an eye on that centre back to you. >> Jason: thanks for the update, andrea. Think of her school board trustees rving ty asking the superintendent to bring in restrictions on cell phones. The by board chair victoria jong also proposes that students up to grade 6 keep their phones on silend out of sight during school. The board for last month due for this to the education plan committee. But it was sent back to the board because that committee meeting did not reach quorum. The province is requiring us to districts to introducerestrictions on cell phone use before the next school year. >> Jason: say city council today will meet the fire since the bc supreme court quashed his attempt to stop the police transition. The city has fil a judicial review seeking to overturn provincial legislation requiring it to switch on the rcmp a to the miscible force. But, the courts ruled in the promises favour and determine its actions were constitutional. Today, say city councs are taking part in a closed meeting, and a court case isected to be a topic of discussion. So far it's unclear whether the city will file an appeal. >> Speaker: the mayor has said at she wants to consult with her counsel. We have a council meeting tomorrow night, I don't know if it will be a surprise item on the agenda or not. But we just gotta get past it is not fair for the men and women that are sng for the rcmp and say police sce, let alone the taxpayers, they're paying the bill on the. >> Jason: surrey mayor brenda locke has long I miscible police force will be more expensive than the rcmp she accepts the court decision but did not say if the citlans to. >> Sonia: appeal. Rcmp aren't jusetting a targeted armed robbery out of surrey business on friday involving two men. We aot identifying the business or employees, because they fear for their safety. Surveillanideo shows one of the men gapping the workers toge, while the other goes into an office and makes a threatening demand. Shortly after that, if you seen running away with a stolen cell phone. It's unclear wt the motive was, but the owner says he received a phone call from a robotic voice a month ago, demanding money. >> Speaker: I call rcp two, and mentioned that this is nothing t worry about empty blood been calling like that. I'm very much concerned for my family, and for m staff was here, that's very horrib momen men escaped in a grey dodge charger. Mountie say they're hoping to speak with the witnesses and gather additional o. All officials and gas say at least 45 people are dead after an israeli airstrike on a tent camp off. As wel military wants to after it he intercepted a rockets fired by hamas into israel over the weekend. Vishal says to senior hamas officials were killed in the attack on raphael. But the strike also triggered a massive fire, golfing a number of tense and stures in are poorly killing people who are already displaced by the ongoing war. France says it is outraged by thttack all guitar says a kid, kate cease-fire talks tween hamas and israel going forward. >> Speaker: I saw images, and deeply disturbing and horrifying. I think we have been clear mor than once there is no safe space in gaza. >> Speaker: civilian casualties are desperately sad, but this is the war hamas wanted and starteisrael's top militar prosecutor says the strike will be investigated to the fullest extent. E university of torontory to remove faux pas protesters from its downtown campus. This as he missed id a trespass notice ordering the demonstrators to leave by this mog. The protesters now to find that notice, the university says it's movingal actions, seeking a court injunction to bring theencampments to an end. The protesters say they are f on their demands, and the school

school's cstments in firms profiting from israel's core in gaza. >> Jason: there are growing concerns this morning but the promises waters by as he head into the summer. The sunshine coast the water levet chapman lake are looking better than previous yearow water levels in the past summers likutdoor water use being banned in the fall for the last two years. This winter's low snowpack is making money for a recent history will itself again. >> Speaker: now's the time you want to wash her driveway, get outside get all the chores done, because once that water stops running over our dam, we are at stage two we don'oing that anymore. When you want to stink. >> Jason: regional district currently has 5 balls tapping into the water supply with more considered. Water metres willo be required for all district households by the end of 2025. Students of dubave broken the world record for the largest solar light bulb display. >> Speaker: has a message is for sustainability and civil highlighting communities which don't have electricity. So it's a record for a cause, which we acly love acting as road records. >> Jason: the goal of the record-setting initiative is to raise awarenesbout the importance of renewable energy. Students from three different schools handmade over 3,000 lights as pae project. The lanterns will not be distributed to households in the philippines ... Have access to alger city. >> Sonia: beautiful. >> Jason: a lot of light. >> Sonia: all right let's see how things are looking on th roads, caitlyn moore displayed us >> Katelin: pretty light out there as well. Money morning commute that is for sure. As you are heading to richmond ther is a flat it really is not causing any delays as he sees southbound traffic helping to the area down a single lane this afternoon 9:00, masson on, deceit slowdown. Earlier stalled vehicle lesson on how one duke coquitlam that ishing of the past traffic recoveicely. As a matter of fact heading to the burnaby lake stretch into vancouver it is a great commute, so far this morning not uncommon to see volume heading to the ironworkers wron vancouver otherwise it's a great commute to and from the north shore, and even heading towards adscape bridge. You still see a single leg traffic slowing down northbound as he head towards a causeway picking up the pace as you make your way to the north shore. That's your ok tire traffic. >> Sonia: all right thanks very much, katelin. >> Jason: still to come, this morning will take a hip trip. >> Sonia: a la vancouver designers are paying tri to the tragically hip, catching the attention of the band. We'll be right back. >> Announcer: he's a road safety tip presented by icbc. When dng, keep a safe distancem cyclists. In effect the km/h not her, maintain at least one metre and passing cyclists. 50 km/h over maintain at least 1.5 metres. ANNOUNCER:Hidden Assets, new series Wednesday,June 5th on Global. Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. It's a fact that there are thousands of homeless military veterans in canada. Homes for heroes foundation is a national charity, l support services. These vill provide a safe place for canadian veterans to transition back to civilian life within a community of peers. With the support of companies like the brick, homes for heroes has two villages operating, with plans to build across canada. You can help, with your donation. They stood on guard for us, now let's stand up for them. Out of our silent caves we rumble. Bags packed. Shoes tied. Hugs given. It all begins with breakfast. Sleepy eyes find their spark. Stories, plans, and dreams take flight... Beyond hunger, we build appetite for learning. So nourish your neighbourhood, silence the hum of hunger, and when you give to Toonies for Tummies... Know 100% of your donations go towards feeding hungry local children. ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. ...Working with a team of experts and working towards a sustainable future. That's what this logo certifies. We're behind the Blue Cow logo.

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