
CHAN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #9

area which is good news for firefight but the dry conditions and lightning will pose challenges work crews.the region's mayor is urging people to take the time get home to avoid thousands o people potentially clogging the highway this morning. >> Speaker: by lifting that order but allows for community to come back to the members of a community to come back. All the children, the adults, everybody can come back and really start to recover from this fire. >> Speaker: a concern for sensible days as means for the chance of thunderstorms developing in t area. There's a lot of instability in the atmosphand the concern from wildfire perspective isthat these thunderstorms may generate some lightning in addition to some gusty winds. Is the status of the other wildf of note burning in the northeast? >> Reporter: that's apache like wildfire,t's a holdover wildfire in the northeast w burning over 64,000 hectares. It's burning 25 kilometres north of the community. Residents are returning home today remain on evacuation alert, that means they could divide a moment's notice of there's astic change in the fire activity in the area. It's been a very long difficult couple weeks for thousands of people wondering what they'll be comi. >> Jason: right andrea macpherson importing thank you, andrea please turn out trying to figure out what the motive might be. Grace ke reports. >> Speaker: they had a gun in thhand and he pointed the gun to them. >> Reporter: to armed men stormed into a sorry business on friday just be closing. A few for theafety not identifying the business or workers. >> Speaker: I say suspicious calls he says okay my boss will be calling ilf an hour make sure you pick up. >> Reporter: instead, the owner may scare them off the two men are seeing running away with a stolen cell phone. The whole incidentted less than a minute. >> Speaker: by the time I stood up and he armies stood up he ran away. Both of those people ran out. >> Reporter: of my office it's unclear what their motive was. But the owner says about a month ago, he got a phone call that a robotic voice to money. >> Speaker: I called rcmp to and mentioned and they said people been calling them. >> Reporter: it's utwo incidents are related with back in january, sorry held a public forum to discuss our rice and extortion cases and extortion linked shootings. >> Speaker: very much concerned of my family, and my stuff, was here it is veryt that moment. You guys sitting in the front. >> Reporter: the great dodge charger are simply not investigating sync this appears to have been targeted that motive is still unclear. They're hoping witnesses and gather additional video. Grace ke, global n >> Jason: I man on vancouver island is asking forp after who attacked his dog with a machete at a period and warning, some of the details of the story are disturbing. >> Speaker: the only reason I have a truck and licensed in a sober lifee is because of these dogs. >> Jason: adam peart says the incident happened on a parksville trail he's locked for years. Peart saw two people standing over his dand with a machete. The injuries werextensive cutting through muscle on magic space. Perret, who's on disability grateful to yvette who covered the bill wonders why it all happen. >> SpeakerERE were standing right under the cedar tree. She was smiling and ling the entire time. She had my dog. Why even have an unheated machete on a public walk trail? >> JasonRRET that too disappeared after he called police but did take a picture of them. Local news has reached out to rcmp to confirm an investigation. >> Sonia: vancouver school the motion today after asking the superident to bring in restrictions of cell phones. The motion by board chair victoria jong also proposes students lead up to grade 6 keep r phones on silent and out of sight during school. The board voted last month to refer this motion into the education planning committee but it was sent back to because that committee did not reach quorum. The province requiring all school districts to introduce restrictions on cell phone use before the next school here. Ters and parents gathered in vancouver to dd bc's curriculum include more education about the history of the palestinian people.

the catastrophe represents a maisplacement of palestinians from to 1949. Currently, there could come covers historic injustices such as the holocaust and rwanda genocide, but not the nakba. Those of art rallied outside laura secord elementaryday afternoon before marching to trout lake. >> Speaker: recallin that ministry to add the nakba to curriculum because the nakba is essentia context to understanding lower sing in gaza. Students are asking questions, teacheeed guidance on how to answer those questions. Students are engaging with unfolding atrocities in gaza on their phones. >> Sonia: an online petition in support of the change has seen over 6,000 signatures collected. The government of papua new guinea is asking for international help after its last friday's landslide buried moren 2,000 people. That figure is the times more than nations estimate of 670. The remains of only 6 people have been discovered so far from thried village in anger province. Australia is number preparing to sign aircraft and other equipment to help its south pacific neighbour. The death toll from severe weather in the southern us has now risen to 18. >> Sonia: powerful storms left a wide trail of destruction texas, oklahoma, and arkansas. From north of dallas tor of arkansas. The governor of kentucky declared a state of wind damage and adoes. Forecasters say the greatest risk for weather will shift to the east today. >> Sonia: there are growing concerns aboutes water supply as we head into summer. The sunshine coast water levels at chapman lake are log better than previous y. Low water levels of past summers lead t outdoor water use being banned in the fall for the last three years. This winter's low snowpack is making many fear recent history will repeat itself again. >> Speaker: yeah, she shut off the water to residents that not willing to fix the leaks. Andto give him the amount of white our community. Speaker: in the summertime, because I grow a garden, you know, it was on timers, and soaker hosesn I thought I was. This is the gug conversations we are having. >> Sonia: the regional district currently has 5 wells tapping into the water supply with more being considered. >> Jason: a local startup is calling on lawmakers to keep up the pace and tackling healthcare technology. Many map is a platform on patients to find the shortest wait times and appointments and allied health services. If co says it's one way and otherealth system's shortcomings, including long queues and month-long weights for specialists. He says both promises and the ral government need to stay up-to-date and tech to ass current problems. >> Speaker: most of the admin burden dimension is getting reduced in hospitals and clinics is going re because of technology not because of actual regular changes. >> Speaker: there has to be some inherent trust and ultimately subsistence ways to ensure that the safest possible. But you lock down all the information and no one had any access, but also struggle as he had in the past. >> Jason: calms more than a thousand professionals the central vancouver district for a conference on technology and healthcare. You may have noticed retail water terminals or be down for the past three days. As part of a major upgrade by bcl c. Daughter corporation sayss watching a new ticket checkers with a larger screen. The suction slipseen redesigned. While a and autumn sticking around, some games are not coming back. Poker auto and sports action has been retired. But bcl c says a new in-store sports book oming later this summer. With a second straight game that new york rangers and mentors needed overtime the ecf series. Alexis lafreniere wicked toe drag around all and then score so the cheeky band. That made a three to rangers. Third period, new york on fourth 3-0 off the job. Tasa for florida. We heading to overtime. Ot new york was a

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