
CHAN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

90,000 canadians lg with ms. And a saturday evening gala. For rbc ime am yvonne schalle. >> Reporter: in partnership with this festival of legendary festival that has this event. Sales at >> Announcer: you are watching global bc. This is global news morning. >> That makes me feel a little bit concerned that we will be basing the same things that we saw last year. >> Sonia: water bols. The fear about the supply on the sunshine coast and the innovative solutions that are being tapp good morning I am sonia sunger thanks joining us. >> Jason: and I am j pires. Many will be able to return after wildfire foresee entire community to evacuate. onia: andrea is in studio this morning and is joining us with andrea this must be of really big relief for so many people. >> Reporter: it'sn over two weeks since 4700 people were told to get now. Some have been dispersed throughout the province. Everyone is anxiously waiting to see what will happen with burning so close to home. And today, the news eone has been hoping for the evacuationr for the municipality and surrounding areas will at 8 this morning. Officials have deemed it safe for fort nelson residents to return home but the wildfire is burning a few kilometres west it is remaining out of control. It has been reported that the squareilometre is with a few homes and cause damage to a few areas and the a the wildfire lightning will posechallenges for crews fighting fires over the next few days. Speaker: the concern for the next couple of days will be for the chance of thunderstorms developing in the area. There is a lot of instability in the concern from a wildfire situation. With addition to some gusty winds. >> Jason: and andrea was the status turning into the northeast. >> Reporter: we can tell you the wildfire burningthe ease. This is 54 actors in size 35 kilometres of the community. About 130,00 firefighters fighting the north. And who will get to return home today they wille on evacuation alerts. That means that they could leave in a moment's notice if there is a drastic change in the area. We wsend it back to you. >> Sonia: thanou, andrea so much. >> Sonia: rcmp are investigating a targeted armed robbery at a surrey business on friday involving two men. We are not identifying the busi or employees because they fear for their safety. Surveillance video shows one of the men gathering the workers together, while the other goes into an office making a threatening demand. Shortly after, the two are seen running away with a stolen cell ph it's unclear what the motive was, but the owner says he received a phone call from a robotic voice a month ago, ndig money. >> Speaker: he says to me how come I didn't' pick up his boss phone which happened half an hour ago. Someone called me a half hou ago. I didn't' pickup it says suious calls. That's the reason I didn't pick up. He says ok my boss will be cag you in half an hour make >> Sonia: the men escaped in a grey dodge charger. Mounties say they're hoping to speak with witnesses and gather additional video.-an investigation is rway at a surrey high rise, after police were forced to clear somesidents from the building. Officers have been coming and >> Speaker: we heard screams around 230 o00 tonight. And we tho it was usually someone parting or something so I didn't really consider it something like that. >> Sonia: -- officers have been coming and going from the tower on university drive since early sunday afternoon, many of them in full tactical gear. Later in the evening paramedics were seen wheeling someone out of the building on a stretcher soon aftert a man was led out in handcuffs and placed in a police car. Rcmp say due te nature of the ongoing investigation they can not make any comment for police and public safety reasons. But they follow that up by saying it is an isolated incident and not a safet concern to the general public. ason: a man on vancouver island is asking for help figuring out who attacked his dog with a machete late last week. And a warning, some of the details in this story are disturbing. >> Speaker: the only reason I have a truck and a license and a sober lifestis because of these dogs.>> Adam perret says the incident happened on a parksville trail he's walked for ye

perret saw two people standing over his dogic, one with a machete. The injuries were extensive, cutting th magic's face. Perret, who is on disability, is grateful to the vet who covered the bill, but wonders why it all happened. >> Speaker: he's not the best wither dogs. But he's a super people lo loves people. This is suppose to be a safe place where people take their dogs to walk, it's unfair that my dog is unsafe. >> Jason: perret says the two disappeared after he called police, but did take a picture ofglobal news” has reached out to rcmp to confirm an investigation. The government of papua new guinea is asking for international help, af it says friday's landlisde, buried more than 2,000 people alive. That figure is three times more than the united nations' estimate of 670. The res of only six people had been recovered so far from the buried village in enga province. Australia is preparing to send aircraft and other equipment to help its south pacific neighbour. There are growing concerns about s water supply as we head into the summer months. On the sunshine coast, steps are being taken to avoid the state of local emergency that was imposed just two years ago. Angela jung has more. >> Rter: surrounded by lush greenery water levels in chapman lake looking high. >> Speaker: with all the snowmelt and rain coming in, so it does look pretty good right now, but we're still a little bit concerned for later on in the summer. >> Reporter: the low snowpack puttinmay repeat itself. Snow is looking similar to what it was last year, that makes me feel a little bit concerned that w're going to be facthe same things that we saw last year. >> Reporter: by september last year this is what the resevoir looked like. With the lake. Drying up. The regional district banned alloutdoor water use in the fall for the last three years. >> Speaker: once the water stops running over the dam we're looking at sta, we don't want to be doing that anymore. We want to start think conservation >> Reporter: chapman lake supplies the water used by majority of sunshine coast residents more than 22,000 of them. To tap into the water supply. Five wells are operational. With more being looked at. And by the end of 2025 all district households will have water metres.>> Speaker: I grow a big garden and it was on timers and soaker hoses and I was usig a lot more water than I thought I wsing >> Reporter: the metres monitor usage. And leaks. The district cracking down on those who are letting the precious resource drain away. >> Speaker: we actually shut of the water of two residents if they're not they willing to fix he leaks and we have to do it given the amt of wateing leaked in our communi >> Reporter: senger hopes the dist will take it one step further and begin charging people for the water. >> Speaker: 33003 seeing how much you use is one piece andbeing billed for how much you use, is another side of it the district chair says once all the r metres are stalled that is something they will consider. But for now the focus is on ensuring the lake doesn't run dry. Angela jung, “global news”. >> Jason: for the second straighte, the rangers and panther have needed overtime in their eastern conference final series. -alexis lafreniere wicked toe drag around oliver ekman-larsson and then scores with aeky backhand. The top pick in the 2020 draft makes it 3-2 new york. -3rd. New york wins the draw. He flips it on that and alex went break takes hold the winter range take a 2-1 series lead with a thrilling wind on their own. And of course, edmonton and dallas an action tonight that series title 11. >> Sonia: lots of hockey action. Let's see how it' looking outside good morning to you, yvonne. A little bit cloudy and rainy to start the day off. >> Yvonne: it's a big grey out there this morning. We are tracking some isolated showers some heavy rain into tuesday this will impact the morning commute. But plan ahen the cool side were sitting at 11 degrees we ha an easterly wind at 15. We'rping to climb up to 16 degrees. Age for this time of year sits at 19. We were up to 20 last year with a record of 26 set in 2005. So plan for the afternoon cloud cover with a few isolated owers on the cool side. It wintensify in terms of the rainfall in this will take us towards the morning commute. So if you isolated showers on the satellite and radar but it

is the next wave that will move in. So the timeline will be for tomorrow morning. We could see anywhere between-20-25 imetres as we get in through the day. And behind it will just be the chance of some showers on wednesday. D then the long-range forecast and temperature trend by thursday and friday with the clearing in that temperat will start to improve once again.northern half of the province of wet and windy. The areas of concerns for the northern corners. We are looking at some instabilities. This also extends into the east central interior. This is for the community region. The chance of some showers with the high of 9. Thompson and okanagan with the r of sun and cloud. We are up to 20 with most areas across the province. This is for the northern and western region. In france across the lower mainland. Local one today. This is what the chance of some shs. The nice clearing though. Towards the end of the work week. With some sunshine with the high 19. >> Jason: thank you so much. >> Sonia: you may have noticed retail lotto terminals being down for the past few days. That was part of a majorrade by >> Jason: the lottery corporation sat's launched new ticket checkers with a larger screen. Ction slips have also been redesigned. While lotto 6-49 and lotto max e sticking around, some games aren't coming back. Poker lotto and sports action have been retired, but bc-l-c says a in-store sports book is coming later this summer. >> Sonia: I always love that und when it's a winning ticket. Even if it's 5 bucks you should celebrate it. >> Jason: even a free ticket you shouldebrate it. >> Sonia: still early. >> Katelin: it's tell winning monday morning ding ding ding. For travellers this morning.we are seeing the volume built in the typica spots. No issues looking pretty decent as far as weather goes.% least his drive minus be cloudy. If you are making your weight highway one. You are picking up this volume between 264. You can kinda see it here. I love that it's so bright as we head towards the months now. We are seeing a little bit of a slowdown. Crystal still working there. I'm having a hard time talking this morning. As I had through surrey. You can see the port mann br alive look shows that traffic is so fargood. It definitely is starting to pick up a little bit buteveryone is moving at a great pace especy at the west end it tends to slow down. Patullo bridge. We are looking south. One vehicle heading southbound. Andlooks like some traffic there. Nothing out o norm for this monday. The oktire traffic >> Jason: thank you, katelin. Still to come, shaping up the healthcare. >> Sonia: this is being held in vancou we will tell you what tech entrepreneurs are calling for. And coming up, later this morning. >>aker: arguably one of the most famous houses in the world. >> Jason: you recognize this mansion it is fa blockbuster. This is from the price and why was madews We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. Sometimes the difference between a summer road trip and the road trip of the summer is an ice cold drink onald's. Like a Small McCafe Iced Coffee or a refreshing Coca Cola for $1 plus tax. Step up your summer today. Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the cibc Smart Account. [stomach growling] ...It's nothing. Sounds like something. When you have Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, Diea. Pepto Bismol coats... and soothes.. for fast relief when you need it most. - Mama, what's a Dare Veggie... Crisps? - Oh! I'm Dare Veggie Crisps! I'm a little bit of all the things... veggies, crackers and chips. [group] - Ohhs! - Veggify your snack time with Dare Veggie Crisps. - Made with real veggies! [upbeat music]

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