
CHAN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 03:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

all very passionate about and also show how streetve environment >>we wanna showcase what vancouver's dance scene...street dance scene repres >>reporter: the festival will include dance battles, performances, and workshops with the aim of building community through expression and culture >>it's constantly growing exponentially and the scene is blossoming in a lot of different aspects whether it's just popping whether it's breaking whether it's house all have these pockets but we all come together as a street dance culture >>you know, there's always new coming up and they see something cool and they want to learn and e's a lot more dance studios that are taking a lo street dance and incorporating their platforms or into their after school projects for these >>if you really wanna go into the performing arts and be an ar and you wanna express yourself we wanna show that this gives you an opportunity again to be more creative and put it on in a theatre, expose it to a non dancer audience, and evoke ion from them >>reporter: ouro fest takes place from may 25th to 28th at various venues across vancouver experts are warning about th dangers of being glued to your smartphones and what they're comparing it to may surprise you ...right after our fort. Oleen: experts are warning about the dangers of being glued to your smartphones and what they're comparing it to may surprise you ...right after our forecast. ( ) >> Steph: happy friday and not the warmest of weekends ah of us but we do need the rain so, try to enjoy it as it will be cooler and here's a look at your day has noth in the way of rates potentially a littlepossible we are more showers through the overnight and we are only supposed to mak to a high 14 degrees not forecast model only showing 4 des and not our temperature and dayti high should be at 19 degrees we're not going going to be getting there with sunset at 902 and we broke the record it917 and 18 degrees in last year we were on track and unsettled conditions in the system is pushing through and will continue to see unled conditions and potential for isolated thunderstorms and it's been a very wet morning for the rior region and caribou and we will be seeing that ease off and this isn't your morning on saay and starting with some showers and unsettled conditions tomorrow for much of the promise and the coast is really going to get hit on sunday. Lots of rainfall expected onsunday as well as into ne week and a look at your totals by end of day today. About three to 5 mmected today and then your sunday,-stack that up to 21 mm for metro time for nino and up to 20 and 21 for the fraser valley we are expecting a lot of money coming in on saturday and it scattered until then breaks tomorrow afoon and this will continue help the fire danger rating. Seen some improvements in some hotspots there and much rain is needed as we had trmer and drier data had to the easterly winds today w the risk of thunderstorm activity for the bc peace and ces of showers at 40 percent and mix of sun and cloud back to more seasonal temperatures for the whiorse and northwesterly winds we will be starting to see more breaks into the afternoon for prince rupert and showers into saturday and sunday so grey skies and showers and sensual interior and rof afternoon showers and otherwise overcast and those showers cone for the rest of the week and on and off scattered. 5 to 10 mm so quite a bit of rain coming in for the columbia kootenay region with the risk of thunderstorms in the late afternoon hours and thompson okanagan asl with the lightning and 30 percent chance of srs as you get it sunday so-- not a ton of rain but a a 30 to 40 percent chance for most of the areas with the thunderstorm activity. Whistler will see some showers with few breaks tomo dropping to 9 degrees daytime high so very chilly conditions-- and vancouver island and south end as well us here around the lower mainland. We got to very torrential days and sunday and tuesday sandwich with the bit of a break and warm up on monday. Back to you. >> Coleen: all r, bit of sunshine there. Thank stuff. The american psychologicalassociation is raising alarm bells about "tech addiction" comparing it witbstance abuse disorder. Researchers say they have seen changes in the b or seven hours of screen time a day. But a person who spends evenill be addicted. According to research, 90 percent of u-s adults and 96-per cent of teenagers say they are online every day. Are online "almost constantly."experts suggest being "intentional" about your tech use -- not turning to it the first thing in the morning or the last thing at night. They also recommend creating spaces in your day, such as mealtime and yoga e you

unpl coming up next...more on messi squire is up next with the latest on the situation as fans continue to ess their disappointment. Fbi! Announcer: fbi, fbi: International andFBI: Most Wanted, only on Global. Hey, so Mom's thing is coming up. Should we book flights? Let's do it. We could go a day early. Mmm... Or the later one? ( ) With over 500 flights daily... we have a flight for that. [ Dramatic Music] Weather is coming. [ Dramatic Music] [ Dramatic Music] [ Dragon roar ] Today's cle can be harsh. So protect your biggest investment from the damaging effects of Mother Nature withardian from Cloverdale Paint. Our 100% acrylic formula means the highest level of adhesion for all of your outdoor surfaces. Guardian Premium Exterior Finishes Only from Cl This is the story of Molly and Sid, retired grandp make Molly and Sid better grandparents? No. But also, yes. 'Cause with affordable plans with guaranteed acceptance, they were covered. So despite his sensitive teeth, Sid knew he could help them finish their sundae. Call 1-877-cover-me to get a quote, like Molly and Sid did. So when their grandkids wanted to do bumper cars, they jumped in, bad knees and all. Were they covered for a neck brace to deal with whiplash? Of course. What about prescription meds for high blood pressure? You know it. Even a relaxing massage after they sent the kids home? Ohh, yes. Molly could take it easy knowing she's covered for her pre-existing condition of diabetes. Sid was taking it easy too. That's Molly and Sid's story. Manulife CoverMe has you covered for yours. Manulife.Where will better take you? When I was younger. I had always hoped for an older version ofto come and rescue me. Covenant House was actuallya place where I felt safe and I felt like I could finallyheal that inner child. 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. Announcer: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. >> Coleen: a new survey reveals that canadians are more interested in this year's er olympics than before. An ipsos poll done exclusively for global news finds nearly er cent people are looking forward to the world's biggest sporting event. This is a significant increase since 20-20 tokyo summer olympics which piqued the interest of 33-pert canadians. While 85-per cent of people surveyed said canadian rticipation in the games will make them proud, four in ten believed olympics are not worth th an overwhelming majority hoped the competition will bring people together despite violent conflicts plaguing various parts of the world. Paris olympics will kick off on july 26. Yesterday after all the canuc players spoke about whatever was ailing them, whether they'd like to be back next year, the >> Squire: so 15 percent of the people aren't proud of the canadian athletes? [laughing] >> Coleen: I don't understand that. >> Squire: but it will be here before you know it. >> Coleen: unlike lionel messii,he won't be here before you don't... >> Squire: certainly not. >> Squire: that we will talk about him in a moment. >> Coleen: everyone talking about him and they all have theories don't they. >> Squire: they all have theories but the bottom line, is notng to be here but we will talk more about that in a few moments but first of all,... Some new news. If that makes sense. And all of vancouver canucks is the head coach of the abbotsford cannot send many will take over-- carleton could not come over to a new contract with the canucks and at least that's what it appears to be so after running the abbotsford canucks, carlton is out for it is an last--year he was an assistant coach with the maple leaves and last week he actually worked the canucks as an development coach and used to play fancouver. Over three seasons he played 159 games. Peeking of the canucks yesterday calm after all the players spoke about whatever was ailing them-- whether they'd like to meet last back next year.the man who would ultimately decide the future of those players did speak. Patrik allvin has a lot of work to do in the off seawith 9 players going to free agency...but he's not happy the off-season came earlier than he

ped. >>reporter: despite making huge strides on the ice and with thweir team culturatrik allvin was not in the mood to deliver a wram fuzzy post season speech to canuck fans and especially canucks players >> I'm not happy sitting here todayefinitely not satisfied and it was around two. >>repor despite making huge strides on the ice and with thweir team culture, patrik allvin was not in the mood to deliver a wram and fuzzy post season speech to canuck fans and especially canucks players clip allvin is going to be a busy >> My message the players is that this is something we will do the whole summer-- and there was only around two and just getting harder. >> Reporter: well, allvin is going to be a busy boy between now and july 1st. There are 9 players, many of them very important pieces on this team, who are on expiring racts. Dakota joshua, elias lindholm, niitka zadorov, tyler myers, and ian cole are among the unrestricted free agents. Filip hronek is a restricted free agent, meaning the canucks can give him a qualifying offer that would atleast keep them in their control for next season.. Allvin on pecking order nikitzadorov's stock and >> We express to fill wanted him here and be part ofmoving forward and we will see can get the deal done but-- it's not out of our control to rol him here. >> Reporter: well, nikita's zadorov's stock and price definitely went upthe playoffs, where he was not only a physical menance but fired 4 big goals as well..hved being a canuck, but will the price be right >> You gonna stop listing theold reporters reporting the contract negotiation and it's only between my agent and patrick and hopefule can work something out. >> The longer you have a player in the more you see them int to know about them-- and then during a lot of them. >> Reporter: for the most part, a lot of these freely agents want to be back but there's not enough money to bring all of them back and knocking his canucks team actually has a little less depth and skill from the one that finished the season... Trying to repeat this breakout season will not be eas >> You wanted to division, but one game and we are not a secret anmore so it's not going to get any easy-- it's going to be a hard year for us and we will have to be ready. Not the hunted or what this saying is, we are going to be the team that raises it. Very delay, global news? Barry: that we should no more this afternoon why lionel me is not coming to vancouver vancouver...their coach is holding a press conference this afternoon...but not that this will make you feel any better if you paid the inflated ticket prices to watch the miaminobodies play vancouver tomorrow...but inter miami has done this to other cities..deciding to leave messi ate..atlanta had 71,000 fans show up for a messi game last september...same thinghappened in chicago...and the story was no differentlot of frustrated fans who rightfully felt ripped off.. There's I was a danger the superstar athlete gets hurt or catc often for whatever reason the coach decides needs a rest and I don't think he needs to fly across the country-- and a concert no. If taylor swift can't sing, you get your moneyack. They don't bring up the backup singer to do her part. >> Coleen: and you were saying in atlannd chicago-- and they didn't do anything. >> Squire: I don't think they did anything for france and I doknow that for fans-- well I think there should bre than that. I tl not do it. >> Squire: coming up next, have you heard of a of a quiet vacation? >> Squire: if you don't leave the hotel room I guess. While apparently it's a new practice and work culture and want a new and why it's Global bc Sports is brought to you in part by ... *musical jingle* "" If there's something you'd done a Flexi Line might be right for y It's time, for zero. Zero at the pumps. Zero compromises. Zero emissions. And Zero regrets. It's time for great offers on the bZ4X during Red Tag Days Visit Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream.

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