
CHAN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 03:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

charlie was taken to the emergency vet clinic. >>they are family members so it's terrifying. >>reporter: little charlie was put on fluids, given medication and closely monitored over thenext 24 hours on the suspicion he had ingested iron. X-rays showed smaranules in charlie's abdomen also suspd by medical staff to be iron particles. Thankfully for charlie, he made a full recovery sincon can be toxic to pets. >>it can be highly irritating tothe intestinal lining so it can cause symptoms s and diarrhea . If you ingest a lot more soluble iron and at higher quantities that's when it can become highly toxic.>>reporter: after colin's frightening ordeal, he reached out to the carrier's manufacturer - U.S. based coastal pet products demanding the packs be removed and changed to non-toxic silica packs...and to make the packets more visible to consumers. Colin says initially he felt dismissed >>westill in talks and I haven't heard back yet” consumer matters reached out to coastal pet products on colin's behalf. The nex a response from the company saying changes were on the way.coastal pet telling consumer matters in part: “...we were notified by our supplier that the anti-mold packets used for shipping are a bentonite desiccant.” >>reporter: and goes on to say... “...we have made multiple changes to the bergan carrier including changing to a sili anti-mold packet. Additionally, we have changed the placemof the anti-mold packets to outside of the carrier to it more visible and remove the possibility of it not being removed from the carrier after purchase.”. When I contacted their customer service line I was dismissed and they kind of rted the idea of using silica packs now that consumer matters stepped in it's a complete 360 colin's vet bill was over 22 hundred dollars — a portion covered by his pet insur. Coastal pet products has also agreed to cover the remaining bill which is just over $ dollars. Colin says he will be donate those funds to the localbc spca. >>coleen: some apartment-ling cyclists are calling for more oversight and security measures from bing management to combat bike theft. Resident christina poole saved up t thousand dollars to buy a new e-bike to enjoy with her young da they liked riding to the beach and going to and from daycare. Last month, she went to her bike storage room, where the bikes are required to be kept, and it was gone. Thieves cut the lock after breaking through% three locked doors to get in the room. She wasn't the only victim; her neighbour's 15-thousand dollar bike was alsong was done to improve security the thieves returned. >>there's been no comm like not even a letter an email, nothing ever, about theft. I've lived her for four years. Ju about being hyper aware. // I've been broken into my car's been broken into twice as well. Like it's, we need to know th things. >> Coleen: global news reached out to the building management comadvocates say theft is a big reason why a lot of people don't ride as often as they would like. A victoria man who recy celebrated his 100th birthday has seen many changes in b-c over the years - including howpeople of different ethnic backgrounds are treated. Kylie stanton introduces us to wayne chow whose "paper trail" illustrates the many challenges chinese canadians d over the years. >>reporter: that's a balloon... When you hit certain milestones in life. You can't help but smile... >> My dad turned 100 may the 4th. >>reporter: wayne wing chow — celebrated, surred by family and friends. A chance to honour just how far he'se in this life. Given the world he was born into. >> That like haf his hundredth birthday is pretty close to the hundredth anniversary of the 1923 chinese exclusion act. >>reporter: at just seven weeks old — chow became of the first chinese canadians ever documentith a ci — or chinese immigration - certificate. Clip — douglas chow at the bottom of the cercate — it say, “this certificate does not establish legal status in canada.” throughout his childhood, in erland — and university degree, in manitoba. He held onto that piece of paper. >> Is your dad store? >>reporter: it was with him when he got married, raised five ildre — and moved back to bc for a job with bc hydro.out of sight — but never out of mind. >> For some reason my new the importance of it. My oldest sistgaylene was looking in a safety deposit box —probably three years ago, and found it. >> Reporter: but the timing, much like chow's birthday, coincided with bigger things. The opening of the chinese canadian museum — and its exhibit: the paper trail. >> It shed light on this history and it makesvery personal. >> Ocean and similes of paper >>reporter: roughly four-hundred ci certificates are on display.chw's is

one of them. What provides an unflinching look at the chinese excslusion act. Zoom -race wong I think for chinese-canadians it's an affirmation. It's an affirmation th of again — our history, and these ies are not just in the shadows. From 1923 — 1947, no chinese could fundamentally enter this country. >>reporter: a century later — the chow's say, that was then — this is now. >> Of course, my dad can personally see the change. >>reporter: lessons have been learned. Lives have been built. And one hundred years later, that's something to smile about. Kylie stanton, global news. >>coleen: the u-n's top courtorders israel to halt its rafah offensive. The reason behind thenforceable and will israel comply? And canada's competition bureau has launched an investigation into the parent companies of loblaws and sobeys for alleged anti-competition conduct. Closed captioning of this program is brought to you in part by Applewood Mitsubishi, home of the world's best sng plug-in suv located at the Richmond Auto Mall. Over 4200 British Columbianshave trusted Renewal By Andersen for their windowsand doors. Learn why. If you're thinking about replg your worn out windows and doors, want something durable, something beautiful, and something that won't break the bank. So let's talk about Renewal by Andersen. Trusted since 1995. We've installed more than 10 million windows for more than 1 milliohomeowners. Why do people choose us? Well, let's talk iation. Andersen spent years developiur unique Fibrex composite material. It's got the beauty and strength of wood without needing the maintenance. And it which means our custom built windows resists warping, cracking and rotting. Helping keep your home comfortable day in and day out. But what truly sets us apart is our reputation. We're the full service window replacement division of our parent company, Andersen. So our customers benefit from over 120 years of window making excellence. And because of our size and expertise, we're ae to offer special discounts and ible payment options other anies simply can't match. With Renewal By Andersen you can have it all. Quality and affordability. So when it's time to replace your windows and doors, reach out and let's ta Looks good, guys. We're going to put this one up herethe second level here? [ Announcer ]:Renewal by Andersen isexcited to introduce onew ensemble entry ThSave $253 onevery window save $628 onevery patio door. and save $628 onevery entry door. Plus save an extra $200 on your entire project. And with our Smart Payprogram get 0% interestfor 2 years. This offer ends May 31st. For a free appointmentwith Renewal by Andersen Call 778-949-2323. When I was younger. I had always hoped for an older version ofto come and rescue me. Covenant House was actuallya place where I felt safe and I felt like I could finallyheal that inner child. Three, two, one. Launch. Have a blast. At Playland. ALL:Let's see your voice! >>coleen: a top u-n court has ruled that isrmust halt its military operations in the city of rafah. The international court of justmade the ruling this morning, responding to the request made by south africa, log for interim protectionsfor palestinians. While the ruling is legally binding, the court has no way of enforcing it. In the ruling, the court's president cited the death toll an the gaza strip as why israel must end its offensive. >>israel has not provided sufficient information on safety of the population during the evacuation or availability of water, sanitation, food, medicine, shelter for the 800,000 palestinians that have evacuated rafah. >>coleen: international pressure continues to mount against israel to ren its war on hamas. The country insists it has the right to defend itself after the devastating attack last october. Friday s the two-year anniversary of one of the deadliest school shootings in u-s history. 19 fourth-graders two teachers were killed when a

teenage gunman entered their classroom and started shooting at an elementary school in uvalde, texas. Earlier this week... Families of the victims filed a lawsuit against nearly 100 state police officers who were partforcement response. The lawsuit says sttroopers did not follow active shooter training and responsibility to confront the shooter. The families also released a statement saying they ag a two-million dollar settlement with the city... Leaders promise better trainingfor local police. Vice president kamala harris released a statement honoring the memories of the victims... "while we have made necessary progress together, there is more work to be done to ensure that every person in our nation has the freedom to live sarom the horror of gun violence." documentary filmamaker morgan spurlock is dead. The oscar-nominee behind the famously ate only mcdonalds for a month to illustrate the dangers of a fast food diet-- passed away in new york on thursday. According to his family he died from complications from cancer.. He was 53 years old. Canada's competition bureau has launched investigations into theparent companies of loblaws and sobeys. Court documents reveal alleged loblaw and empire, saying the grocery giants use property controls, to limit competition in the grocery sector. Those property controls g the companies the ability to excludtential competitors from selling food in certian regions, or dictate the terms that allow them to do business. Sobeys owner empire has pushed back on the investigation, calling it unlawful, while loblaw says the are co-operating with the review and that they encourage the opening of new stores. The news comes as canada'sy owners have come under increased scrutiny over inflated bills, andeged price fixing. Just ahead..the alarming findings related to tech addiction. Why researchers say they are seeing changes in the brain and what steps you cake to curb excessive online use. >> Announcer: arts and culture sc This portion of the news is brought to you by Midtown rv in Penticton. Western Canada's exclusive dealer the Newmar Superstar. ( ) That's a dq Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty dq chicken str And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! Dq. Happy Tastes Good. Global News Morning is BC'smost watched morning newscast. "Look at that beautifulsun rise" Stay up to date with the latestin news, weather,traffic and useful information for yourfamily. "So can you tell us a little bitabout the first steps?" Every Sunday, tune in for AskThe Expert, where we dive in to to future and more "i certainly think everyoneshould have a will." Brought to you by MacmillanEstate Planning. Safe guarding significance. Global bc. We are BC's News. Make this summer extra special with the Johnstone's family team of specialists. There's never been a better time to enjoy your backyard with friends and family. Give your culinary skills an outdoor workout with the complete range of Napoleon premium products, including portable, full size and built in barbecues. Discover Friendly expert service and the entire range of Napoleon grills at Johnstones Barbecue and Parts. and in Surrey or onlin that you're wearing your new smart, safe watch. - I had some doubts initially, but as it turns out, it's both discreet and comfortable. SecurMEDIC provides simplicity, security, and peace of mind at an affordable price. Hunger lives in your neighborhood this Sprin but you can help with a gift to Backpack Buddies. A $20 doack full of food for an entire weekend. Give now a Backpack Buddies .ca Watch Global News Morning Saturdays for Weekr. Find out what's happening this summer at BC's bestolf courses brought to you in part by iga Vancouver Golf Tour. Iga- Simple Goodness. Thinking about the girl. What girl? >> Announcer: the oralcollective is bringing street dance with everyone with the '40s festival yone with a 4 day festival featuring a variety of artists >>ouro collective started about 10 years ago it was a group that wanted to kind of bridge the gap of like streetce culture and environment >>representation, also exposure, also celebration. We wan celebrate something that we're

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