
CHAN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #9

>> KatelinU'RE. >> Speaker: watching bc. This is "global news morning". >> Speaker: we were all excited to participate in the event like this. Of ce, we totally understand the frustration. >> Sonia: the big soccer shocker how vancouver white caps head coach is respond to fans about the messi situation. Good morning I'm sonia sunger thanks for joining us. >> Jason: and I'm jason pires. I judge is expected to hang on a sentence to notorious ex-offender ran hopley this morning for breaching supervision order last year. >> S: troy charle it's outside of the pd headquarters this morning. Choi, hopley wassing for over a week in november. >> Reporter: yes,, good morning many of our viewers may recall when hopley went awol cutting f his ankle monitor, fleeinghis halfway house, can a wide arrest warrant issued, and on 14, hopley was arrested by an off-duty vpd officer outside a police station. Hopley told police he was not expecting the weather to be so cold, that he would not have turned himself in fatiman summer. Month the 58-year-o guilty to charges related to reaching his trip supervision including not bein the presence of children under 16 hopley's known for adopting a three-year-old boy from a home in sparwood's back in 2011. According to the parole board of canada he's been diagnosed with pedophilia, borderline intellectual function, and a personality disorder. >> Sonia: all right troy, thanks so much for ing us. Troy charles reporting alive this morning outside vpd headquarters. Jason: soccer fans are reeling this morning from the we are no messy were not playing sli cat tomorrow. In fact, he did not even make the trip. >> Speaker: disappointing. As I will see bought bought I guess that's why they sell it on saturday. >> Speaker: if you'ring to nancy's partner sent two days before the game they say the nonplaying fans are trying sell the tickets. The not going to get anyone. >> Sonia: more than 50,000 fans are expected are sold out to place to see the soccer supers in a statement, the whitecaps say messi will not be making the trip to vancouver but they don't say why. While it wasn't too late for messi to cancel it is for the ross family from salmon arm. They spent almost three grand for a tickets to make their son's dream come true. >> Speaker: we paid an inflated cost specally doc messi and his teammates. They only come to vancouver onceevery couple years. It's a rare event. You can look online and look at the ticket prices for our same seat for whitecaps game for the next game is 10 times difference. That hurts, you know. >> Jason: the whitecaps say they have no control over their oponents on a plate and the goodwill gesture to fans so far is 50 percent off food and drink at tomorrow's match. Breaking news, whitecaps coach fanny's issuing his reaction out the news 13 he says sharing and finances.not being able to play against messi when they've play miami tomorrow. >> Speaker: it's a bummer everyone wanted to see arguably the best playe the last 2030 years later in vancouver. I can say is it gives us even more responsibility to us to put a great show to play very well. Cyber criminals having information from the recent london drugs arrest some attack online. Good news has viewed some information can confirm it includes medical and human resource files of employees. When a drug says taking all available steps to mitigate any impacts, including employees whose information could be potentially impacted. Cyber security exper agree there was no easy way out for the company. >> Speaker: companies do hold very sensitive information about their employees in past, we have seen salary information and line. Details of disciplinary records, performance reviews. >> Speaker: criminals are not committing a lot of identity fraud with this type of data because of so much stored data, llions of millions of records out there and settle your personal information has very them. They're just using us a tool for their rtion. >> Jason: russian-based ransomware group clock bit husk sponsibly for monthly fee attack. Itursday, which london drugs refused to pay. >> Sonia: breaking news this morning aop un courthouse road israel must halt its military operations in the city of roth. The international court of justice made the ruling this morning responding to the requ made by south africa looking for interpret

for palestinians. While the ruling is legally bind the court has no way of enforcing it. In the course president cited the deathl followed for vegetarian summer break in the ga strip as why israel must end its offensive. >> Speaker: it has not provided sufficient inforon concerning the safety of the population during the activation process. Or the availability of water, sanitation, food sanitation, food, medicine, shelter for the 800,000 palestinians ave evacuated rothwell. >> Sonia: international pressure continues to mount as israel against israel to rein inits war with hamas. The country insists that the right to defend itself after the devastating attack last october. >> Sonia: I methe city of surrey will have one police force and will be of the surrey police service. Bc supreme court bag in the effeely ending mayor attempts to stop the transition. Richard zussman reports. >> Reporter: as decisive as a >> Speaker: peop >> Reporter: on their say bc supreme court thwarting outthree separate requests from the city of sur quashing first request reject the bc to the police service stopping surrey's house to leasing a unconstitutional and ard request sorry for the province to pay for the entire surrey. >> Speaker: police force rejected. Transition is moving forward has been a lot of work on the way. Th the rcmp and the surrey police service, and on really what help things along the city starting to be at the table. >> Reporter: the surrey police ised to be on the police jurisdiction b it's insists the rcmp remains the most financially option for the community. Pointing to court documents showing costs of 30 to $75 million higher than pected. >> Speaker: the court has nfirmed it will be more expensive for surrey to transfer the surrey police service when compared to maintaining the rcmp both way of transition costs, and incremental annual cost >> Reporter: former attorney general and advocate for the safari police service will house the fact this decision is just 27 pages so as a city o. >> Speaker: I think jce who was pretty definitive with a time 27 p so, I'll think that this d end the matter. Councilor says while the mayor as transition costs ofo piled up. >> Speaker: this has been going on out for year and a half. If you do the math it's almost $100 million we wasted. >> Reporter: mayor access council now must make a decision on the taxes will go up or new infrastr stop being due to higher costs of policing. And this no decision yet on whether she would appeal. Richard zussman, global news, victoria. >> Sonia: critics are accusing vancouver city planners are protecting the shaughnessy neighbourhood for more vancouver city councils hearing are logs multiplexes in the first shaughnessy area which is a heritage conservation zone the port follows bill 44 which requires cities to permit greater density, even in protected areas. The proposednges would mirror those requirements, with the exception of protected heritage properties. When housing advocate says muchmore can be done to intensify the neighbourhood. >> Speaker: we minutes away from downtown which is the largest job site of t and broadway which is like an artist drop centre in province. People want to live closer to their jobs. If the only thing that since that lot told is extremely large mega mansions. >> SpeakerEN housing crisis and we want to do your part to accommodate new neighbours and thatnot of the city. >> Son says council will consider the reports next week. A new motion on protecting arts and culture spaces in vancouver it will be by city council. One city council christine boyle says many artists are b forced on the ground due to a loss of spaces and affordabil emotion asked staff to at recommendations on revamping regulations for venues in 4 gr. Working group would also be instructed to do increase the number of affordable arts and culture spaces in the cl be debating the motion at the next meeting on wednesday. peaker: the revelations. >> Jason: come into effect next week in an effort to stop preventable commercial vehicle crashes.

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