
CHAN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #6

>> Jason: summer is almost here and it will be a busy few months with occasion in the upcoming paris olympics but knew ipsos polling is show many aren't hyped up about either. For m let's bring in sean simpson from ipsos, to look at the numbers. Sean, let's start with the first poll. Many canadians want to take a summer vacation but how many are actu likely to travel over the next few months? >> Yes, 8 and 10 canadian say they really needocation this summer and it's been a tough year for debility and concerns and challenges around household and onlypercent say they are likely to take the patient though that's up 4 points from previous years and that represents a gap of some of those who want to patient does say they will be able to take it patient.>> How meet respondents can afford location this summer. >> Sean: [laughing] will that's a whole different question. A lot of people wto travel but three fourths of them say that they are scaling back their s due to an uncertain economy. Even though more on the roads, they might not go far or as long advocation may not be as luxurious as it did in previous years. >> Jason: turning now to thesecond poll which focuses on the paris olympics there seems to be renewed interest iis year's games. >> Sean: yes, there does come 6 and 10canadian say they're interested in following the olympics in paris this summer and that represents almost a doubling of interest compared hapman in 2021 on the 2022 games held in tokyo in beijing. I don't know if location is part of that-- wh interpret this as is something to look forward to an been facing a poly cri and we've got affordability cons and climate change. Warned the middle east warned the ukrainian people are looking forward to these summer gains as bit of a antic doubt. So much that's been dividing us as a country and world and maybethese olympics could help bring us together. >> Jason: absolutely, and I love your theort's a nice distraction for canada to repeat its gold champions and woman soccer. And finally, respondents were also asked what events they'd be more likely to follow. What did they have tosay? >> Sean: we interested in seeing some of those events that we don't get to see outside the olympic games so think gymnastics,nk aquatics, diving and swimming, something that we dooften get. Some of those track and field events as well people are interested in. Men are monterested in those big sport events like soccer and etball and women are more interested in that individuals once but 5 percent of canadians are interested in watching breakdancing tummer [laughing] port in the summer games this year. I don't know much about it but I'm looking forward to checking out it. >> Jason: philip kim from richmond is representing canada and breakdancing so they are art reason to watchbreakdancing in paris. Sean, thanks so much for joining us. >> Sean: my pleasure. >> Jason: coming up, coming up - a bet - is a bet... How vancouver mayor ken sim - made good on is wager with his edmonton counter - we'll show you - next. ( For 30 years, Walmart's helped Canadians save through a lot. The Elmo Craze in ‘96. Your endless wait for dial-up. Sfx: Iconic dial up ‘trying to connect' sound Those wide, shapeless jeans... that hair thing with the uh teeth. In the 2000s, you were all doing this. So we did this. In 2020, the race for toilet paper was won here. Whatever was happening, we made it happen - for less. 30 years later, we still are. ( ) ( ) Surprise! I've got Summer Fridays Masks for everyone. On my day, my besties will be glowing mama. It's this Merit. Does lips, does cheeks, I've got it on both shiny and soft? I know, right? Did you cheat on me? (Gasp!) Girl, no. It's Amika and it's Clean at Sephora. Brands like Phlur have everything you want minus certain ingredients you might not. Summer Fridays, Merit, Amika, Phlur. Clean at Sephora, is only at Sephora. people with disabilities are. - We're trying to build a bridge across the disability community. - I always say I am happier now with less sight than I've ever been. - Para sport lit that fire back i life. - If you embrace the differences about you, they can be amazing things. - Challenge your perspective of what people living with disabilities are capable of. Vo: AMI-tv. Television that includes everyone. Experience now on ami+.

( ) ( ) ( ) When your vehicle needs repairs,we can fix it, from brakes, to exhausfrom t And if you're not sure what the problem is, we have the tools to diagnose itand get you back on the road. Budget, Budget, Bu We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. >> Jason: not to bring everyone down but we have som news on that conducts and a lot of boiler fans are hurtingrting smarting. >> Sonia: canuckns have saw the herdight cap fans wealth face it-- let's see the roads,. >> Jason: lift us up. >> Katelin: I'll try. Just a way from 88th avenue if you're making your way through surrey because there is collision there at a very quiet morning commute a so far this practice occurred at the top just after 7 so we went to hours during showtime so affic doesn't stop when we are off the air if you're making your way along 88th avenue and affeg traffic with lots of volume season west that's a good area to avoid a it's taking your way towards the outs fraser br so if you can reroute or give yourself extra time stalled vehicle over the bridge but made span absolutely causing no delays and tha the good news and let's head towards thick k stretch and port mann bridge were traffic is looking good this morning. >> Jason: thanks so much katelin. >>sonia: tanucks are now oficially on vacation -after exit meetings and their year-end locker clean-out media availability ... And like most year's -- a number of injuries that players have been battling through came to light.ike elias pettersson -- who said he's been dealing with a sore knee since january.. Fort and not surgery.. Meanwhile brock boeserave us the timeline of theod clot that caused him to miss game 7 against edmonton. Sounds like it may have sta when he was hit by a shot in game one against the oilers... >>i had some I think a clot in one of my small veins which wasn't an issue so I was allowed to continue to play and then we got another scan after game 5 and 6, I got another scan the next morning after game 6 and it showed there was more clotting moving into my deep vein" ] jason: boeser says he has been on blood thinners since then -- but is cleared to train in t off-season.... Meanwhile - the city of vancouver has paid off a bet - after the canucks loss to the oilers earlier this week. >>we got the flag up. 't get the flag from edmonton in the mail unfortunately, so wd to work with what we had. And this was the largest flag we were able to find (**vo**) >> J: [laughing] the oilers flag was seen flying outside vancouver city hall. Mayors of the two citiade the bet as their teams squared off in the second round of the stanley cuayoffs. ,yes, that is a lot smaller than a lot of british colombians >> Sonia: [laughing] >> Jason: well-done city of vancouver.>> Steph: when it be painful to hang. >>ia: yes, we had to follow through on our end of the but we had with our family-- and we will still cheer on the team. >> Steph: lutely in it's all in fun and we got to get there so it's hours. And so is this rain. Unfortunately, I have to say soggy conditions this morning. So unsettled and cooler than it should for this time of the year and 11 degrees but it is weekend and we are expecting a few breaks so we do need this rate so let's appreciate that shelving. We are stone the playoffs a lot of time still on the couch there. Unled and we'll see more activities especially around of the region through the cariboo central and columbia to need and risk for the afternoon our next big weather maker and rainfall totals and upwards of some pocket sin snowing higher elevations and overnight lows dropping t single digits for the next several days. Attend a forecast for the fraser valley for abbotsford. See a bit of a warm up but it is cast so it's a long stretch of wet weather coming in hard and thats looking like next weekend. A week away that we should see some nice weather re so we need this weather let's enjoy and appreciate it the grout

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