
CHAN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

FBIandRick and Morty. Fine, I'll call that one legit. And that same 12.99 gets you reality gold from Slice, Food Network and hgtv. All right. That is StackTV. Who's ready to watch?! >> Ancer: you're watching global bc, this is global news morning. >> It's a very exorbitant amount of money. >>jason: travel expenses questioned the new documents showing just how much delta's mayor spent on trips - during his time as metro vancouver board chair. Good morning, everyone, and thanks for joining us. I'm jason pires. >> Sonia: I'm sonia sunger. A judge is expected to hand down a sentence to notorious sex offender randall hopley this morning for breaching his supervision order last year. >>jason: troy charles is outside vancouver police headqurs this morning. Troy, hopley was missing for over a week in november. >> Troy: yes, that's correct and good morning, many of our viewers may remember last november when hopley went awol for 10 days cutting off his ankle monitor and fleeing his halfway house. He was eventually arrested outside a vancouver police station. Hopley told police he was not expecting the weather to be so cold and that he would not have turned him in if it had been summer. Last month the 58 year old pled guilty to charges related to breaching his long-term supervision order, including not being in the presence of children under 16 years old. Hopley is known for abducting a three year old brom a home in sparwood back in 2011.e parole board he has been diagnosed with llectual functioning and a personality disorder. Now, that hopley hearing is coming up this morning at 9:30 A.M. and the crown is seeing a combined 4 year sentence with no enhanced credit given for time aly spent in custody while the defence is arguing for a two year sentence will obviouslyave all those updates as they come today here charles reporting, thanks, charles. >>jason: soccer fans are reeling this morning from the news liomessi will not play against the whitecaps tomorrow. In fact - he didnt' even make the trip. That's why most people have most people have bought their tickets, thats they its a sell out on saturda >>if youre going to announce these players are playing and then two days before the game starts they're not playing and these fans are trying to sell these tickets and they're not going to sell them for anywhere near the money they played f it. >> Jason: more than 50,000 fans were expected at a sold out b-c place -- to see the soccer superstar play. In a statement -- the whitecaps say "messi" -- will *not* make the trip to vancouver -- they don't say why not. While it wasn't too late for "messi" to cancel -- it is for the ross fy from salmon arm. They spent almost 3,000 dollars for a hotel and tickets -- to make their son's dreame true. >>it would be like buying concert tickets, and they substitute the lead singer or guitarist, but you went to see >>i didn't really know what to think, kinda in shock, it's like is there a point going to game anymo >>jason: the whitecaps say they have no col over their opponent's lineup, and plan to have "food and drink" half off at saturday's game. Onia: cybercriminals have leaked hundreds of gigabytes of information from the recent london drugs ransomattac online. Global news has viewed some of the information, and can confirm it includes medical and human resource files of employees. London drugs says it'kingall available steps to mitigate any impacts, including notifying information could be potentially impacted. Group" has claimed responsibi delta mayor george harvie is facing questions -- over his travel expenses as chair of the metro vancouver board. 21,000 dollars for a flight to asia - plus 27- hundred for accomodations and per diems. 1 dollars for an inn at laurel point. Councillors removed harvie earlier this month as board chair - citing a lose of confidence. But he was allowed to stay on until july 1 -- to attend a conference on diking systems -- held in amsterdam. One councillor is urging metro vancouver to cancel the trip. >>when we cant control as a metro vancouveverning body expenses like business class tickets to international travel when those types of things are

looking like theyre out control, and theres no oversight on it, is there any wonder that the public is loo confidence basing mega projects like the waste water treatment plant in north vancouver balloon from million to almost 4 billion dollars. >>sonia: in an email tobal news - george harvie's office says in part, “...he will remain a member of the mayor committee, where the learnings from the trip will continu be valua xperts say canada post needs to make major changes if it wants to stay afloat after a difficult year.ost 748 million dollars in 2023, its second worst year on record. Some possible measures include higher stamp prices, creating a efficient delievery network, or expanding offerings to customers. Canada post says households only receive two letters per week on average last year, but its charter re rounds of mail delivery. Residents of fort nelson could soon return home - as the fire fight situation improve in b-c's northeast. Fire crews say theyre focusing now on hotcommunity - and mopping up along the "a". 47 -hundred residents were forced to evacuate on may 10th as the "parker l burned kilometers from the town. 10 properties - including four homehave been destroyed. Premier davby says an assessment of those structures is underway. >>there was a period of time there where entire town of fort neslon could have burnt down and fort nelson first nation but for the efforts of our amazing crews, and were not oft of the woods its a long fire season ahead, but it could have been a lot worse. >>jason: no specific date has been set for residents to return home -- but the to mayor is hoping for early next week. Canucks gm patrik allvin was announced as a finalist for general manager of the year onthursday... But he's got a lot of work ahead of himll this off-season.. As the canucks held their year-end media availability -- much of talk centered around how can the club retain some of its key free agents -- and at the same time try to improve for next season... They have 9 players on expiring contracts -- so some hard choices will need to be made -- as there wone enough money to re-sign them all... >>the pla expressed their interest to stay we all know we ve a salary cap so we want to be a competitive team moving forward so ionly so much I can pay certain individuals so hopefully we can finway to keep a lot of players. >>i don't kwhere you guys get those numbers -- from the trees? I don't know you need to stop listening to edmonton reporters who is reporting the contract negotiations -- it's only between my agent and patrik. And obviously I love here. Hopefully we can work something out. >> Jason: soap france fell in love but other teams with free ent offering more money so does he stay for making less here? >> Sonia: that will be a personal decision. >> Jason: a family decision. >> Sonia: definitely. We will hope that he stays and we will see what happens but right now let's check in with st steph how your day is shaping up on this friday and a beautiful photo there behind you. >> Steph: good morning, everyone, and happy friday. Thank you, sonia and jay sent them here's a thought thank you flashing frock on later afternoon from yesterday and kootenay region, and seeing these thunderstorm activities for about a down quite frequently through the afternoon afternoon. So it's a late day occurrence in this late instability continues throughout the weekend and below seasonal temperatures and expecting more rain and light rain all day t. Hopefully a few breaks late afternoon. But otherwise expecting mostly overcast skif the showers throughout the day today. Still seem quitbit of heavy rain right around prince ge and the caribbean region and asker us here in the south co it will taper off and we'll see some breaks and this is showing you tomorro so it will start off what and some morning shower and then temperat are getting to forecast for saturday not a complete washout until sunday as far as we are here around michael vancouver and a littlebit of everything and very stormy conditions this morning into the afternoon aboutpers and afternoounderstorms in vancouver island expecting mostly cloudy skies and a bit windy for 2 feet on kelowna at 18 degre and seen thing with kamloops slow seasonal time theirs in through the weekend your 5 day forecast with a few breaks on saturday afternoon a cooler days ahead and a few what days as well. Back to you.>> Jason: thank you, stephanie. >> Sonia: the new pie theatre will amphitheatre will look dient, both in appearance and in name. >>jason: a ground breaking ceremony is planned for this

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