
CHAN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>> Announcer: in partnership with preventable-- yellow lines don't prevent injuries. You do. Let's keep it preventable ) >> Announcer: you're watching global bc. This is global news morning. >>i was like is there even a point of g to the game anymore kind of thing. >>jason: soccer shocker. The messi situation - as tomorrows whitecaps-miami game - is left with some big no shows. A judge is expected to hand down a sentence to notorious sex offender randall hopley this morning for breaching his supervision order last year.,good morning I'm sonia sunger thank you so much for joining us, . >> Jason: and I'm jason pires. A judge is expected to hand down a sentence to notorious offender randall hopley thissupervision order last year. >>sonia: troy charles is outside vancouver police headquarters this morning. Troy, hoplas missing for over a week in november. Troy, what has crown asked for in sentencing? >> Many of our viewers might remember when hopley went awol for months cutting off his ankle monitor and clean for months and a canada wide warrant was issued on november 14th, hopley was arrested by an off-duty vancouver officer outside a police station. Hopley told police he non-expecting the weather to be so cold would not turn himself in if it had not been summer and last month, the 58-year-old breached his supervision order including not being in the presence of children under 16-year-olds. Hopl for abducting a three-year-old boy from home in 2011 and according to parole board of canada has been diagnosed with pedophilia, borderline intellectual functionind a personality disorder. >> Reporter: all right, what has the crown asked for in terms of sentencing? >> Troy: the crown is seeking attempt combi for your sentence with no credits enhance credits taken fime already spent in custody while the defence is looking for a two-year sentence and that hearing is coming up at 9:30 A.M. and will have the updates all throughout the day on global bc. >> Jason: thanks for that, troy charles rting from bc. Soccer fans are reeling this morning from the news ll messi will not play against the whitecaps tomorrow. In fact - he didnt' even make the trip. Disappointing, thats why most most people have bought their tickets, thats they its a sell out on saturday. >>if youre going to announce e players are playing and then two days before the game starts thyere not playing and these fare trying to sell these tickets ad theyre not going to sell them for anywhere near the money they played for it. >>jason: more than "50-thousand" fans were expected at a sold out b-c plac -- to see the soccer superstar play. In a statement -- the whitecaps say "messi" -- wi*not* make the trip to vancouver -- they don't say why not. While it wasn't "messi" to cancel -- it is for the ross family salmon arm. They spent almost 3-thousand dollars for a hotel and tickets -- to make their son's dream me true. >>we paid an inflated cost specifically to go see messi andhis team mates, they only come here every couple years so its a rare event. >>you look online and you look at the ticket prices for our same seats for a whitecaps game for the next game times difference, that hurts you know. >>jason: the whitecaps say they have no control over their opponent's line up. Their goodwill gesture to fans -- so far -- is "50 per c off "food and drink" at tomorrows game. >>sonia: cybercriminals have leaked hundreds of gigabytes of information from the recent london drugs ransomattack online. Global news has viewed some of the information, and can confirm it inclumedical and human resource files of employees. London drugs says it's taking all available steps to mitigate all current employees whose information could be potentially impacted. Cybersecurity exper agree, that there was no easy wa >>companies do hold very sensitive information about their empls. In the past for example, we have seen salary information up online. Disciplinary records, performance reviews >>the criminals aren't committing much identity fraud with this data because there is so much data, that your info has little value to them, it's just meant as a tool for extortion. >>sonia: russian-based ransomware group "lockbit" has claimed responsibility for the attack. It nded "25-million-dollars" by thursday, which london drugs refused to pay. The b-c supreme court has stopped the city of surrey from halting its transition to a municipal police force. Public

farnworth says the surrey police service will become the city's police of jurisdiction on vember 29th. The province has set aside $150-mon dollars to help with the transition. Farnworth says he hasn't yet spoken with mayor brenda locke -- was elected in 2022 after campaigning on the promise to stop the traion to a municipal force -- andp the r-c-m-p. >>theple of surrey wantthis over, they want a transition moving forward, andthat's what's going to happen. It would be great if the city of surrey was t, but the transition is moving forward, there's been a lot of work underway with the rcmp ahe surrey police service, and what would really help things along is for the city of surrey to be at the table, working in collaboration with all the parties involved." > >>sonia: r locke says she accepts the decision but insists the rcmp remains the most financially prudent option for her community. Locke says council now must decide how to pay for the higher co policing. >> Jason: while the next turn now officially on vocation after exit meeting their year-end locker cleanup availability thursday... And like most year's -- a number of injuries that players have been battling through came to light... Like elias pettersson -- who said he's been dealing with a sore knee since january.. Fortunately it justnd not surgery.. Meanwhile brock boeser gave u the timeline of the blood clot that caused him to miss game 7 against edmonton. Sounds like it may have started when he was hit by a shot in game one against the oilers... >>i had some I think a clot in one of my small veins which wasn't an issue so I was allowed to continue to play and then we got another scan after game 5 and 6, I got another scan the next morning after game 6 and showed there was more clotting moving into my deep veinas been on blood thinners since then -- but is cleared to train in the off-season. So he should be good to go next fall. That is great ne >> Sonyes, that is and I'm glad they were able to catch it when they did. Good morning to you staff, looks like a lot of rain moving your way. >> Steph: yes, yight want to see that it's unsettled and cooler fee more definitely like a pool or spring day throughout the weekend. This prepare for a little bit of everything and any bre catch, enjoy them and showers are back with 11 degrees and not really making it anywhere close to 18 degrees or 19 degrees and 14 degrees is the daytime high on sunset at 9:02 A.M. 9:02 P.M. in anticipating high elevations of the province and snowfall and thunderstorm activity again expected through the interior regas well as the columbia kootenay and thompson opened agand all expecting that risk of afternoon thunderstorms in anticipating these unsettled conditions andshowers with overnight and another big weather maker really moves in on us for sunday. So sunday is a soaker scattered lily today and tomorrow if you're planning your weekend ahead.those clouds are increasing but otherwise starting off not too bad for rupert and smithers in geornd quesnell and that rain is around midday and some showerd thunderstorm activity in fort nelson with local smoke with a air-quality statement has been lifted as of right now for your interior region cariboo at 50 degrees and belmont at 15 degrees and thunderstorm activities potentially throughout the afternoon and some hail yesterday in the west kootenay so we're just anticipating a little bit of everything and enjoy someaks indefinitely cooler alone spring jacket on number one stick out towards fraser valley through maple ridge today and then we're expecting quite a bit of rain well as on tuesday. Back to. >> Sonia: all right, thank you very much stuff. Eating of the sky, if you had an eye on the sky last night you might have seen a special sight. >>jasoneathtaking images from toronto - of the flower moon - a celestial phenonemon - named in referencce ts appearance in late spring when many flowering plans begin to bloom. He event is also the last full moon of spring and sees the moon light up in a vibrant orange and red due to the sun and moon being dily opposite each other in the sky. It will be followed by the strawberry moon month. >> Sonia: and tasting laugh soundsty [laughing]. And you know what I saw them good exactly lthat yesterday and I mentioned that to mark probably won't see it today. Katelin, you're looking at the roads right now, how are things looking? >> Katelin: pretty good and calm: collected here for this friday no issues tlk about

and even the balding situation normalcy is not-- but definitely a of a slowdown is bigger with angrily 300 second street is making way west about collecting overpass collection at this limit drops there but otherwise a great start this friday heading over to the port mann bridge-- looks like were gathering a bit of volume of the st end in it kind of slows down towards the edge of the reen but so far, traffic is steady as you make your way towards the bridgck. Let's had next-door to the pattullo bridge and a bit more volume in the 5:00 hour and calling study so promissory siding king george and got road looking pretty decent so bit study to your commute this morning as he had to new wenster and members of victoria street blocking traffic in both directions. And that's your ok tire traffic. Sonia: statement >>jason: still to come on global news morning - a dogs curiosity gets the better of him >>sonia: the toxic substance in >> Their family members, so terrifying. >>sonia: the toxic substance in the puppy's pet carrier - and how consumer matters got to thebottom of it. And later.... >>jason: do you have a vacation booked for this summer? We will show you some surprising - or maybe not surprising stats - that reflects how many canadians are lanning a getaway this year. That's coming up later this your. Stay with us. -Think fast!-Dad! (Announcer speaks wordson screen) They say it can see the future. ( ) And it can live for decades. With outstanding safety and longevity, you can always trust... The new Subaru Crosstrek. The true Urban Legend. So I didn't think I needed Swiffer, until, I saw how easily it picked up my hair every time I dried it! Only takes a minute. Look at that! The Heavy Duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. Even for his hair. Wow! And for dust, I love my Heavy Duty Duster. The fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing. I'm so hooked. You'll love Swifferor your money back. [piece of a falling bbq] - Oh! [Men forcing] [sledgehammer blow] [woodpecker] - Dinner!! - Rona For 30 years, Walmart's helped Canadians save through a lot. The Elmo Craze in ‘96. Your endless wait for dial-up. Sfx: Iconic dial up ‘trying to connect' sound Those wide, shapeless jeans... that hair thing with the uh teeth. In the 2000s, you were all doing this. So we did this. In 2020, the race for toilet paper was won here. Whatever was happening, we made it happen - for less. 30 years later, we still are. ( ) -Could you use eightythousand, two eightyor even two point eight million? -Spring is a perfect timeto get tknow a Flexi Linecan help you do that. -Call us today at1800-NITAL to see what'savailable to you. Welcome to Vancouver's premiereretirement community, Here at Legacy Senior Living itsall about choice We want to make sure we alwaysprovide cretive healthy foods its your retirement its yourliDiscover the difference atLegacy Senior Living Closed captioning of this program is brought to you in part Gordon Ramsay Burger at great Canadian Casino Vancouver. Check out the new 24 hour feature burger until June 30th. >> Jason: the oro collective bringing a variety artists. >> The collective start about 20 years ago uterine environ. The representatind also celebration and and showing how street dance could be in a performatinvironment. We want to vancouver tree dag represents. >> Sonia: the festival link will include dance battles and workshops it in terms of building community and expression. >> Constantly growing exponentially and this scene is blossoming and in a lot of different effectives. Whether it also show how street dance can be in a performative environ there'slways new kids coming up, and they see something: they w to learn and there's a lot more dance studios that are taking a lot of street dance and incorporating r platforms or into their after school projects for these kids >>if you really a go into the performing arts and be an artist and you wanna express yourself we wanna show that this gives you an opportunity again to be more creative and put it on in a theatre, ee it to a non dancer audience, and evoke emotion from them

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