
CHAN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 09:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

toronto. >> Farah: and that's "global national" for this friday night. I'm farah nasser. On behalf of our whole crew, thank you for spending part of your evening with us. Ght's your canada is a beaver about to take a dip in the south saskatchewan river in saskatoon. Please keep emailing your photos to Jeff sempel will at the anchor desk thi weekend. Until next week, take c of yourselves and take care of each other. Good night. [ ] >>> Pushing back the new pattullo bridge. >> I frustrating, and it's frustrating for everyone who lives in the region. >> Sophie: the delays plaguing the crossing and the broadway subway line to. >>> Plus, missing lionel messi. >> I think there is no one or disappointed in the players. >>have to say about the super starch skipping the trip to vancouver. >>> And outrage in >> These posts werecceptable and absolutely racist. >> S rcmp officers social media past resurfaces promptinlls for his immediate removal. >>> You're watching globc. This is global news hour at six. >> Sophie: good eve, thank you for joining us, we begin wi more delays in the building of major infra- structure product in major vaner, both the pattullo bridge replacement and the broadway subway will be pushed back by nearly a year. Jennifer palma I life at the pattullo bridge tonight with t details, jen this announcement of the delays came buried in a press release this afternoon. >> Reporter: they sure did, it was a very positive projects moving forwaress release put out by the province saying they were chuckling -- chugging along fine but now they have had a slow down that is going to affect commuters businesses and ultimately the economy, the pattullo bridge is under construction and hasn since about 2020 when the project began, it was due to open in the fall of 2023 but was delayed due to supply chain challenges and inflation. E date was pushed back to 2024 and now it has changed 20 swinney five as completion date, the promises the cost of the projects nearly $1.4 billion, the other major delay is the broadway subway projects, the 5.7 kilometre line with six stations and extends to the millennium line, repairs are taking longer than expected and a five-week strike in 2022 you might remember with it was slated to open in 2025, then it was pushed back to 2026, now a new date of fall027, the cost for the line, to .83 billion, ears with the transportation ministere to say about it. >> Is the first in a century pandemic of course making it difficult to step up and k going to figure out safe work protocols, then also there have been conflicts around the world blocking shipping lanes in the d sea, parts coming from around the world that are needed as stages of the construction. >> The problem is that every time deuce pcts go behind schedule or overbudget or both it restricts other capital projects are being undertaken, is a hit to our deficit. >> Sophie: what about businesses, they are feeling the impact for years what are they saying about this? >> Reporter: understandably they aren't happy about it, they have sufd not only losing customers but staff obviously lots of money, for many of them needing to either shut downr remove locations if they are able, one ofhe interesting things, the provinces the broadway corridor is considered tost employment corridor in bc, you would think getting thatine done would be priority number 1, it apparently generates $14 billion in this delay is significant, today we did catchp with one business owner and here is how he is been dealing with thistough time. >> I had to reduce hours, I couldn't afford the rent and wage, all the expenses word dropped, we had belts and playoff people, lose hours, reducing tory

>> Sophie: sosa recap, the broadway subway line is due to be done in the fall of 2027 and the pattullo bridge the fallf 2025, you might be wondering is thisng to cost us more? We are not sure yet, the transportation minister says they areking at that and should be letting us know it is next few weeks. >>> Now to the fallout overhe upcoming whitecaps match against interim miami miami and the news that lionel messi did not make the trip to vancouver. Paul johnson joins us live from bc place, a lot of angry fans and what both teams are saying tonight not likely to make them feel better. >> Reporter: no sophie. The back story to this from lot of fans we spoke with theirexpectation was this was going to be a historic sporting events in bc, likely the only time the superstar el messi might play in vancouver, a lot of them splurged, telling me theypent hundreds or even thousands of dollars for tickets, many makingelaborate plans to travel. >> This one I the barcelona lentil mes longsleeve shirt. >> Reporter: like millions of boys around the world, lankford's carter revers the soccer start lionel messi, when he found out messi would be playing in vancouver around carter's birthday they had the perfect plan. >> We jumped on the tickets and we have booked our fairy, we are heading over tomorrow and we will stay theeverything was lined up except the part of lentil messy getting on the plane. >> All that came out of m mouth was oh, no,. >> Fans were willing to pay whatev to get a chance to see this guy on canadian soil, I the price. >> Reporter: but it does now. With line a messi an official no-show many fancy the situation feels like a bait and switch and they want their money back. Kingsley bailey is a vancouver ticket salesman >> A full refund or credit,should not be profiting from this problem of the fans are suffering from. >> Reporter: but the whitecaps appear to empathize and off on food, it doesn't appear to be a refund in the works, as to why lentil messy wat take the field as advertised, is unclear whe his coach ordered him to rest or if he just didn't f not listed as an injury. By comparison, check out this moments in 1977 when the superstar of that era delightedfans at the old empire stadium, not seemingly bothered by hisagent or the astroturf he was playing on, many are mad at the whit is a growing sense that a certain argentine forward has let them down. >> He should be asham him some of himself if I'm being frank and I think he needs to be knocked off of his pedestal. >> Reporter: in vancouver, global news. >>orter: while it is not clear that lionel messi is doing this a lot of people are now talk about this concept called load management that some elite athletes are doing, basically takiime off for some m time to rest up and be ready for the big games next some fans that we spoke with say they get it,se top athletes are under a lot of pressurecactus one fan is told me I'd be curious about what my boss with think if I told him I was doing load management. [ Laughter ] >> Sophie: thank you for that paul. So what is lionel messi doing.

>>> Will this is where they are tonight, this social media posts prompearance at the youth international cup being played tonight in fort erdale. In this aureus sex offender has been sent is for breaching his supervision orders, the crown wanted for years while defence ask for to. >> Reporter: notorious sex offender randall hopley has been sentenced to two years in jail for fleeing h downtown eastside halfway house before a trial date last fall, sparking canada wide manhunt. >> Do you think it is enough? Spewing no, it shows our system has failed completely, it is left up to the public to protect themselves, that's what it feels like. >> Two years is noth on parole he'll be out in ten months. >> Reporter: hopley walked away from the salvation army with a cart full o belongings last november, cutting off his ankle monitor. After ten days at large 58-year-old turned himself in lling the vpd he was cold. Hopley was sentenced to 29 months after pleading guilty to breaching his long-term supe to reside at the halfway house and being in the presence of children while using a library commuter to browse the internet in 2022 with 11 months credit for time served, he received 18 months jail at another six-month for failing to appear for trial to be servedt the same time. >> I served a federal sentence, it was drug-rela and I was and idiot, but they are handing some of these people to year sentences, three-year sentences when they should be locked upfor decades. >> Reporter: hopley, his intellectual functioning is borderline of ducted a 3-year-old boy from his far would home in 2011 andurn the child unharmed four days later later, was also convicted of sexually assaulting a 5-year-old boy in 1985. >> As the judge was detailing his coronal history hopley interrupted her, you shouted disputing the number of sexual assaults she was referencing, she's got it wrong told his lawyer. >> Reporter: the judge clarified hopley was never charged for three sefences committed while a team, she noted his cognitive and emotional challenges make him hard to reach and he remains a risk to offend against children.

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