
CHAN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 08:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> A change to the rcmp dress code sparks anger. Coming up, the reaction of the You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) (Clock ticking) tylenol Rapid ReleaseGelcaps are scientifically designedto quickly release medicine and effectively relieve pain. Tylenol. Rapid Release. Rapid relief. My window's like a Mirrored reflection I have to steer you in The right direction On every trip, you can depend on Esso to be the place between places, connecting you to what's next. Sometimes we need a chance to show that we care. We care about our family. We care abou We care about our comfort. Heat pumps his green energy and will keep your house warm and cool in all seasons. Show that you care. Melanie Plumbing, Heating and Air conditioning. With majority of my patients with sensitivity, I see irritated gums and weak enamel. Sensodyne sensitivity, Gum & Enamel reliefs sensitivity, helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. I am a big advocate of recommending things thatnow work! A delicious McWrap can be hard to put down. But with new Creamy Avocado Ranch sauce, it's even harder. So what'll it be Sarah? Juicy text, or juicy bite? Obviously. For the McWrap fans. ( ) Dyson's powerful vacuum now washes hard floors. Continuously using clean water from start to finish. One machine for your whole home. Dyson's powerful vacuumnow washes hard floors. Buy direct from Dyson. (Sniffling) Feeling Claritin Clear is like... ( ) Is she...? Claritin Clear? Yeah. Get fast, non-drowsy allergy symprelief. Live Claritin Clear. ALL:Let's see your voice! >> Farah: ever since 1990 when balltej singh dhillon won the right to wear a turban while on duty, the rcmp has o occasion adjusted uniform regulations to reflect cultural and religious diversity in the ranks. The latest addition? Ribbon skirt. Now part of the ceremonial options for indigenous officers who identify as women or two-spirited people. Melissa ridgen explains why. >> Reporter: it wasoft launch on the RCMP's social media thursday, ribbon skirts, a symbol of resilience and survival of t nations women, now part of the uniform available for rcmp officers, along with the eagle feather and metis sash. >> Right away, immediately, it's a no for me. >> Reporter: nakota sioux tiktoker and act visit kairyn potts summarizing the wave of reaction. >> Upon seeing it, I was immeely turned off. I was like oof and I tried to unpack, why did I feel oof if when I saw that and a big part of it is the historical and ongoing trauma. eporter: social media flooded with hard NOs from indigenous folks except on the RCMP's own social media pages. >> Funny enough, the comments were turned off when it was posted. Maybe they foresaw sissues or didn't want to deal with some of the backlash. >> Reporter: many felt the announcement didn't include the police force's dark history from hanging metis leader louis riel to the forced relocation of inuit families to the high arctic to act as human flag poles for canada during the cold war and the forcible removal of first nations children from their homes to residential schools. Inspector kim mueller is cree and along with other indigenous women officers worked for years to have the regalia added to the dress code. >> Some of the, you know, social media coverage interviews I've seen so far make assumptions t where this is coming from and that it's a colonial organization taking something sacred, and agree to disagree. I am a first nations woman who is a proud police officer and my elders, my fy, my community are also proud of that and this is a way to celebrate people like me within the rcmp. >> Reporter: in the it will be up to the RCMP's 300 officers who identify as indigenous women or two-spirits whether they wear the ribbon skirt as paf their dress uniform or keep their culture and career attire separate. Melissa en, global news, winnipeg. >> Farah: in vancouver, lots of angry soccer fans after ling superstar lionel messi won't be playing in a much-hyped game

against the whitecaps on saturday. >> It was bit o a gut punch. We love the whitecaps. >> Yeah. >> And we've been to many of their games, but this one specificalas to go and see messi. >> Farah: darren ross and hisnt nearly $3,000 on tickets and a hotel to watch messi, and the bc family is not alone. More than 50,000 sr fans bought tickets to watch inter miami take on the whitecaps. Two other top mia players, luis suarez and sergio busquets, also also bhe lineup. Does putin want to halt war on ukraine? Ahead, the skepticism over insider info allegedly from within the kremlin. Salonpas, makers of effective pain relief patches for 89 years believes in continuous improvemen like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients and sizes to relieve your pain. Salonpas. It's Good Medicine. Hisamitsu (Wind blows) (Lively Orchestral Music) (Lively Orchestral Music) Mr. Clean Magic Eraser powers through tough messes. So it makes it look like I spent hours cleaning. And no, I didn't! It makes my running shoe look like new! It's amazing! It's so good, it makes it look like I have magical powers! Magic Eraser and Sheets make cleaning look easy. Want some coffee, mate? Coffee'd be great. Thanks, mate. How 'bout some Coffee Mate? —Coffee, mate! —Coffee Mate? Already said I want some coffee, mate? I meant you want some Coffee Mate? Oh! I'd love some Coffee Mate with my coffee, mate. —Mate? —Mate. Crikey, that's rich and creamy coffee, mate. Dry skin needs a little extra care. And it's natural. Treat it that way. With Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion. Formulated with nourishing prebiotic oat. Proven to moisturize dry skin. All-day. Also, try our face formula. Aveeno. (Sentimental instrumental music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at (ball thuds) (children laughing) (door thuds) - Miss? (student sighs) (slams desk) - Just one second. - [Narrator] Helping kids find their way is what teachers do. - Deep breath. - [Teacher] It's okay if I join you? - [Narrator] But with more complex needs and less classroom support... - I'm gonna need you to cover two classes. (colleague sighs) - [Narrator] There's just not enough of us. It's time for bc to hire more teachers. - Are you okay? - [Narrator] So we can help more kids. >> Farah: to russia's war with ukraine, transparency is not something you would expect from the kremlin, but tonight, four ymous sources apparently close to russian president vladimir putin say he is willing to end his war if russia is allowed to keep theritories it now controls in ukraine. The big qs whether the messages are real. Mike armstrong reports. >> Reporter: there was no confirmation but also no denial. Vladimir putin, visiting one of his few allies friday, belarus, said there is a need for peace talks with ukraine, but he added that they should reflect realities on the ground. What that likely refers to are the front lines in eastern ukraine. According to a reuters report, four sources close to putin say he is willto "freeze the war." that would be on the condition he keeps what his troops have taken. Right now, russia controls about 18% of ukrainian territory and is fighting to take more. Now, the first question about this potential putin proposal is whether it's real. While a report citing multiple kremlin sources, even anonymously, isn't likely to have come out of the kremlin without putin's approval. The university of toronto's aurel braun. >> It's highly unlikely. This is a putin regime. It is very tightly controlled. >> Reporter: the other question is motivation, the proposal could be a trial balloon to feel things out

it could also be a way of putting pressure on ukraine and the west to playg fatigue with the war, but an agreement at this point would leave russia isolated and impoverished and putin with perhaps only one accomplishment. >> If vladimir putin's focused only on one thing, that is staying in power and protecting absolute power, then he has been successful. >> Reporter: the ukrainian president in his weekly statement friday said putin is trying to disrupt an upcoming peace summit any way he can. About 70 countries are set to meet next month witzerland that will include prime minister trudeau, china has been invited, russia has not. Mike armstrong, global moal. >> Farah: there's a frantic search for survivors in a remote part of papua new guinea after a terrifying overnight landslide. The entire side of the mountain me down at 3 in the morning burying hundreds of villagers under rock and debris as they slept. At least 100 people are dead and there are fears of many more. >>> Next, the wheel of fortune guest that's got everyone giggling. Announcer: What is StackTV? Woman: You're not gonna believe this. Three, two, one, go. StackTV is a streaming service for your whole family. Let's get into it. StackTV is drama, and comedy... What's happening? I'm in. StackTV is action... Please do them now. And a dose of reality. Every single turn. StackTV is everything you want and so much more. This is fun. (Exclaiming) That is StackTV. We're back, baby! What! Are you ready for it? Watch now with your free trial. ( ) Ooooo! ( (Bip) OoOooo! ( ) Ooooo! —Oooo—Ooooo! —Ooooo... Have a little boooooost. ( ) [ ] Ever notice some odours don't come out in the wash? Odours like those from sweat,ine, and other musty odours can get trappedin fabrics. Try Downy Rinse & Refresh. Just add to the fabric softener drawer. It's formulated withodour-releasing technology to helpremove odours 3 times betterthan detergent alone. Plus, it's gentle on sensitivein and on all fabrics. Release trapped odours the first time with Downy Rinse & Refresh also available in fragrance-free. Brand Power, helping you buy better. What do you do if your child needs hospital treatment but your family lives far away? Ronald McDonald House is a place for families to stay while their child is in hospital. [kids laughing] Because when families stay together, sick children get stronger. My window's like a Mirrored reflection I have to steer you in The right direction On every trip, you can depend on Esso to be the place between places, connecting you to what's next. (ball thuds) (children laughing) (door thuds) - Miss? (student sighs) (slams desk) - Just one second. - [Narrator] Helping kids find their way is what teachers do. - Deep breath. - [Teacher] It's okay if I join you? - [Narrator] But with more complex needs and less classroom support... - I'm gonna need you to cover two classes. (colleague sighs) - [Narrator] There's just not enough of us. It's time for bc to hire more teachers. - Are you okay? - [Narrator] So we can help more kids. We're ready. ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. We're finally here! This is wild, man. (Announcer says words on screen) more canadnians than ever are turning to global news. For trusted news coverage available on all platforms >> Announcer: more canadians than ever are turning to global news for trusted news coverage available on all platforms. Watch, listen and follow global news. >> Farah: sad news today for dog d internet meme lovers alike. Kabosu, the face of the popular online do meme, has died. The female shiba inu's owner says kabosu fell to deep sleep and quietly passed away in her owner's arms. She was suffering from cance and liver disease. Kabosu was adopted 2008 from a puppy mill and in 2010 she hit stardom online when this photo of her expression went viral. It led to a constant stream of goofy internet memes over the last 14 years. Kabosu was 18 years old.

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