
CHAN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> And its aureus high-risk sex offender has been sentence for breaching his supervision orders. Randall hopley went missing in 2023 after cut off his ankle monitoring de, he was also charged with using a computer at a public library in november of 2022 to access material violating the terms of his release, he pleaded guilty to threarges, the crown wanting a for your sentence, the defence asking for two years, the judge gauge him that I gave him 29 months. >> I think he shoul have been put away from the rest of his existence personally but for some reason they keep giving sex offenders light charges and light sentences, I don't understand it at all. >> It should be permanent,hey should be held on a permanent level, td not be released ever, they should be under a continu custody order peently back with credit for time served hopley received another six-month for failing to appear for his trial to be served at the same time. >>> Is nations inhe tiny central coast community rallied outside their rcmp detachment this afternoon calling forhe removal of one of it's officers. A number of offensive faceboo post have been identified and lengths to constable adrianrobinson using a pseudonym, they include one from 2 if imposing in colonial rigali a with the comment what is to be done about these pesky natives stirring up trouble in the nies, the first nation demanding his immediate removal but the rcmp are refusing a of conduct investigation because the posts were made prior to him becoming a mountie. >> These posts were unacceptable and absolutely racist. Is really concerning, people are hesitant tol the rcmp, it leads to mistrust of the rcmp >> Sophie: north districts rcmp say they are committed to addressing theoncerns through a fair process, the first nation evidence old that a transfe of the officer is underway but it coulke up to 90 days, in the meantime hel continue to serve the community under the supervision of another officer. Coming up, good news for the residents of fortson, updated timeline of when they will be ableo return home plus ,. >> Having additional treatment space open at bc cancer victoria is much needed. >> Sophie: the new expansion for cancer patients on vancouver island. >>sy on all the major routes including the arthur lai bridge with traffic backed up in both directions and congested around the north end. Today's lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million plus an estimated wegovy's millions, lotto max, dream to the max. I'm trish jew Three beach houses... Three renovation teams. Summer's hottest renovationcompetition returns. It's time to battleon the beach. (Announcer says words on screen) ream on StackTVand the GlobalTV app. We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. When it feels like all that's left is “work hard”. It's time to play again. Easily find your next favorite game with Free casino games, Poker tips and Sports odds. Make a play. At Pharmasave. We see you and we care for prescriptions for common conditions, expert health advice or support for life's little mishaps. Come talk to your Pharmasave pharmacist. Live well with Pharmasav GolfBC, your first choice for golf. From Vancouver to Whistler. In the Okanagan. On Vancouver Island. Book your tee time at (Wind) Ready to build some money muscle? At Coast Capital, we're finding ways to help you get paid more! nt has the banking features you want... comes with free access to Coursera'ne training, that could help advance your caree Ash is studying negotiation. ( ) And Cody's... coding. The potential outcome? More income! Switch to Elevate Chequing today C'mon team,

>>> Fort nelson residents being told to be patient, public meeting was held this afternoon to inform residens are slowly bein the area being made safe after it was threatened by the parker lake ago. Now at the regional meet our polity is still without functioning hospital, the target to begin faced return is monday or tuesday in the meantime rcmp are continuing patrols. >> They don't know the difference betweeneone driving down the road unless there are in some kind of vehicle identified as fire service personnel or someone supporting the fire service, they don't know the difference between them. >> Sophie: rain is in the forecast for the weekend. >>> Bc cancer foundation is unveiling its new care and research pavilion in victoria. The expansion adds 12,000 squareing bc cancer centre across the street creating a space for more crucial supportive care services d treatment, making -- the building was purchased and renovated through donor funding, a first inhe foundation's history, despite the large addition, one patient says it is enough and that the government can't rely onor dollars to address the creek treatment backlog. >> T are certainly services and supports it will offer that areeeded but we are still in a situation where people are dying on wait lists to get treatment and we know the services tfacility will offer aren't part the essential care. >> When we think about cancer care often we think about chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, but in fact it is whole person that needs to be cared for incng those supportive components, the mental health piece, having that in a separate space helps those that are needing that additional support. >> Chris: >> Sophie: the pavilion will be up and running b this time next year.

>>> After the break, hope on the coast. [ ] >> It is the first situation the sunshine coast will have pathways out of homelessness. >> Reporter: the group coming together to suppor women in nelus, if you need to ANNOUNCER:Who's a fake... We're being bamboozled. And who's the real deal? ALL:Let's see your voice! (Singing in deep voice) I Can See Your Voice,all new, tonight at 8 Easternon Global. St It's my homecoming! We're a team! (Announcer says words on screen) You've got a friend in me ( ) You've got a friend in me ( ) You just remember what your old pal said, boy You've got a friend in me ( ) It's a celebration of friendship and beyond. From the new parade, to Together Forever, a new nighttime spectacular fireworks show. Pixar Fest, at the Disneyland Resort for a limited time. Starting April 26th. Want to save money while making your home more comfortable and en efficient? FortisBC's got rebates Rebates... on energy effit windows and doors, insulation and more. Visit All the things you take care of make you beautiful on the inside. Collagen30 can help on the outside. It's clinically researched to help reduce eye wrinkles within four weeks. Collagen30. Beauty from the inside als can happen to anyone at any time. The als Society of B.C. invites everyone to join us r the move to cure als this June in communities across British Columbia. 100% of the proceeds raised will go to supporting people living with als in B.C. upport research to project Hope at ubc. Whether you run, walk, ride or roll, let's move togeise awareness and funds for those living with als in B.C. d the Yukon. Closed captioning of money numbers is brought to you by Envision final. Stop your 9 to 5 before you're 95. Avoid never retirement. Talk to an advisor today. [ ] >> It has been a soundtrack for summers in vancouver. >> Sophie: key any amphitheater gets a new name and a new look. Rst though, the affordable housing crisis hits a lot of people in bc, but some of the hardest hit are single mothers and those escaping violent situations, now 50 banding together on the sunshine coast to change that. Sunshine coast community services haven working on this 34 million-dollar housing project for the. Now 50 local w are hoping to raise the project the final push. The building would h four floors of affordable rentals for vulnerable women and two floors for the programs, the society is waiting foinal approval from bc housing to puthovels into the ground by september. >> A number of our programs are oversubscribed and we are also managing all of this in the midst of a affordable housing crisis, it is an opportunity to resources the organization has and respond to the emerging needs in the community. >> It was a nice w to dovetail with the 50th anniversary, gathering 50 women togethero do a big push for the fundraiser >> Sophie: the project is 90 percent funded and it is hoped become a community hub.

>>> Let's bring in our senior meteorologist or a look at the weather forecast. >> Kristi: cold and wet, but that's exactly what we need, we need temperatures to remain low, we need the moisture,e sought across many parts of the province today, not as much in the northeast we are expecting some as we head into the overnight period, we had improvement in terms of the fire danger rating but just to let you know, that fluctuates and has more to do with the fuels on the top layer, so when we get moisture it can quickly drop and dry out as well, when we get deeper into the ground this is more so what we are looking at in terms of the drought ande are still looking at a significant drought in the northeastern corner of the province, a level three in the central interior region, we do certainly need more moisture, we are going to get some in the central interior tomorrow as you n see that system moving across there will be cloud and showers across the south coast as well for saturday but we are looking at some brakes with blue sky tomorrow afternoon, the best ce of moisture will be in the morning areas at 17 degrees, below seasonal for this timef year in the interior and we will likely see only 13 or 14 degrees ss vancouver island, 15 in metro vaner. A typical daytime high for this time of year is 19, so yes cool indeed sophie, especially on sunday but again, we made it. It is just tough to handle over the weekends >> Sophie: thank you christy. >>> The pna have revealed partner for their new amphitheater, freedom mobile. Pne announced the ten year naming rightgreement during the groundbreaking ceremony for the venue this afternoon. It also marks the beginning of a 12 year partnership between the wireless to look indications provider and theair, there is no official name yet as british columbia's will have the chanceto vote online on for potential names for the venue, freedom mobile amp, freedom mobile arch, freedom mobile rise and free but freedom mobile place. >> Pne amphitheater on where we gather today has been sin the sixties home to some of the greatest summer shows in our province, grading special memories for generations of vancou rights, ritesh colombians, and guests around the world. We are pro of that history but we are more excited about future. Vancouver. >> Sophie: city councilors approved increased financing after the budget balloons to $100 million.

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