
CFTO - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

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I'm not a farm girl yet, but I'm farm-curious. On the show with real life romance I feel really special. Real connections I'm all in. Real heartbreak who will find their happily ever after? I did fall in love. You're a person I can see a future with. I choose you. Farming for love on ctv Welcome to the world of spycraft. (Dramatic music) Keep yours eyes glued to the action. Let's get down. Let's get funky! What are you concealing? You a communist sympathizer? (Whistles) It's just a job. . It's spring time in paris and the kings and queens of clay have come out to play Tennis played on another planet That is a piece of art right there Ooo lala! Roland garros on tsn and tsn+

[ ] >> Nathan: billions of dollars today city council's meeting to find solutions and address concerns like easing the gardener gridlock. >>> That story in the moment but first a man found with gunshot wounds was rushed to hospital. >> Michelle: he was discovered behind a building launching a police investigation. Mike walker joins us from the scene with the latest. >> Forensic investigators remain on scene and are continuing to collect evidence after this overnight shooting. Police say the suspects still remain at large. The shooting happened shortly before 12:30 this morning behind two buildings at isabela and sherbrooke street. One of the buildings is transitional housing. There are more than a dozen evidence markers across the laneway. Responding officers found the man suffering from gunshot wounds and was rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries. The motive is unclear. We spoke to people in the immediate area and they described hearing a commotion last night behind the building before gunshots were fired. >> I heard fighting in the alleyway. And then bang. >> About a quarter to 12 approximately the yelling started again and a person shouted call the cops, call the cops. And security went and called the cops. We realized it was some of the got shot. There's always some conflict here. >> Reporter: police say the suspects fled the area on foot but at this point there is no description. Reporting live, on mike walker. Back to you michelle. >> Michelle: thank you mike. Still ahead a rally outside police headquarters calling for charges to be dropped against people charged with vandalism of an indigo store. >> Nathan: but first a look outside. Warm shorts and t-shirt weather once again. With the humidex it feels like we are in the thirties. Looking at current conditions with jessica smith >> Jessica: it is hot and humid on this wednesday. A recipe for showers. It is going to be a bit... It will be a yucky one out there. I will have more on your long-range forecast coming up. I will send things back over to nathan and michelle >> Nathan: robert pickman is in critical condition after being attacked. >> Michelle: he was accused of killing many more than the six women he was charged with. Here is more. [ Indistinct Audio ] >> Reporter: that is robert pickman admitting to an undercover officer that he was one shy of 50 murders of women. So many that pickman does not appear to recognize the photos of them in a police interview. >> So many people coming, I don't know. >> Reporter: he faced a 271st degree murder charges in the crown proceeded on six and the evidence produced after an extensive search of his family farm import quote. He was sentenced to life IN?1tUn7sn7UHEZwé"#á“K prison. On tuesday the correctional service of canada said we can confirm inmate robert pickman was involved in a rage or -- major assault to. Did not involve any of our staff. An investigation to what occurred is underway. >> Reporter: police in québec seen the 74-year-old pickton is clinging to life. The suspect is the man who is still incarcerated. >> An inmate with a history of assaulting people and had been in segregation for a while and have been released onto a specialized unit and he attacked mr pickton. >> Reporter: pickton was convicted in the death of marnie >> It's not a big, think god. There are so many more questions that have to be answered. >> Reporter: in television interviews from prison pickton hinted at a much larger story but he chose not to take the stand. And inquiry showed how few protections there were for his vulnerable victims as well as police mistakes that let him kill for longer. Bc enacted a law against offenders profiting from their crimes. The lawyer left him brain-dead and assigned his life sentence may soon be close to an end. Jon woodward, ctv news. >> Michelle: crews had to tackle a two alarm fire. It broke out on being great drive near matheson boulevard and tonkin road. No injuries were reported and no

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