
CFTO - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 11:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

heard the shots. >> That doesn't sound like fireworks or anything like that. >> There were no reported injuries in this incident but with homes lining the alley, there is fear that someone could be hurt or killed. >> It's getting to where the neighbourhoods no longer safe and it doesn't feel comfortable anymore. >> When it comes to the shooting in this alleyway, police say they have received help from the public and that is making all the difference. There are a number of cameras in the area and police say the community here refused to put up with the violence. >> Securing the evidence that a seam, providing us with statements, offering video to a point where I am confident we are going to make some arrest. >> However, they say that other incidents have created fear of retribution. >> The street code coming into a judge fx where it stabbed to talk to, please. >> Reporter: there been three homicides this year member of shootings resulting in injuries, some of innocent bystanders. Police say anyone can anonymously help by calling the response unit. >> Zuraidah: to mentor and hospital following two separate stabbings this afternoon. People were called to the area of james street and alliance avenue says in eglinton at 5:00 pm. They found a man suffering from stab wounds. He was rushed to hospital with serious but nonlife-threatening injuries. So far no word on any possible suspects. Half an hour earlier, police were called to the area of deference street south of blue or four reports of a stabbing. A man in his twenties was taken to hospital with serious but nonlife-threatening injuries. Police are searching for a single suspect in connection with this incident. They are asking anyone with information to come forward. Girls hockey coach in brampton has been charged for allegedly sexually exploiting two players on his team. The 26-year-old is charged with two counts each of sexual exploitation and child alluring. Police began investigating a little over a month ago after being given information about alleged inappropriate behaviour involving a coach. The ontario women's hockey association says they are ineligible to coach and the sanctioned events pending the result of the charges. Peel police are asking anyone with information to come forward. City council is set to debate accelerating construction on the gardener tomorrow. One of many issues stretching the city's budget as toronto tries to climb out of a $26 billion funding hole. >> The fountain in the middle of mel lassman square paints the perfect picture of the infrastructure issues. When the waters on, at least down into the parking lot below and with no money to fix it, the city has turned off the tap e it's a struggle. We can't keep up with the things that they expect and we are unable to ever get out of that hole. >> Reporter: not without help from other levels of government. The city staring down at $26 billion shortfall when it comes to maintaining roads, bridges, buildings, and more. Nearly 40 percent of the city's capital assets rated as poor or very poor. >> This isn't a surprise. We need a new deal for the city of toronto. >> This is a direct consequence of the two previous mayors who wouldn't invest in keeping the structure in good repair. >> One of the city's most contentious infrastructure targets -- projects has also been added to the agenda. Three-year construction on the gardner is at capacity by 30 percent and tied up traffic like never before. >> The idea that we are going to type a major artery like the gardner for three plus years with no end in sight, that's unacceptable. >> Someone who previously lived in asia 24/7 is definitely something that should be normal. We have to find ways to mitigate sound. >> Reporter: the mayor says the city is working with the current contractor to develop a plan for expediting the work and the contractor is testing the noise levels that would be created by overnight demolitions. >> Coming up, as the warmer weather arrives, the provincial opposition is seeking greater protections for workers trying to beat the heat. >> A very summery -- but this blast of summery weather, we're looking for an early start to patio season as we head into the day tomorrow. Tempter buys into the 20th, more of a magical humidity and a great day to spend time outdoors with proper hydration and sun protection. Coming up, a full look at your long-range forecast to let you know how long the seat will stick around. With lotto 6/49's two jackpots, what possible could you find? Play the growing Gold Ball jackpot plus the Classic jackpotof $5 million. [olg sting] ( ) ( )

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into your friday morning, more of the same. It really isn't until we get to the start of the weekend that we see a few more showers trickling in. Temperature wise we should be at 21 for the hi, 11 for the low. They are not quite there but we are close as we had three or thursday and friday. To get even throughout the weekend, a cool down but it isn't just closer to that seasonal norm. A chance of messy weather rolls and through the end of the date friday, taking off our saturday but we're not looking at a wash by any means, just a few pop-up showers. Mccool down even more so towards monday, tuesday, wednesday, hovering around the seasonal mark with humidity to contend with. The 18 or 17 will feel closer to 21 week. We pretty much average out. For your monday, a few light showers, a little cloud cover into midweek but not a bad way to step into the end of of may. >> Zuraidah: thank you jessica. We've been seeing summerlike weather this week and the provincial opposition is calling for more protection for workers who are feeling the heat. Are queens park village chief explains. >> Not quite summer but already the sun is baking ontario. Making prep27 sometimes sizzling working conditions on the street andff. >> When you have protection for workers for heat stress as ontario faces more climate driven... The ontario federation of labour and workers want the government to do more to make sure workers are kept cool weather they earn their paychecks in schools that the he drains them of their energy. >> Reporter: tasks such as -- >> Making tasks such as cleaning, lifting even more exhausting. >> Reporter: or work in the shop. >> I'm wearing heavy letters, a mask, gloves and sometimes I can only stand there for 10 minutes and I have to stop and peel it off. >> All that gear can speed up the effects of heat stress on the body. Critics say that cranking at the ac if you have it is not an adequate plan. >> You'd be amazed at how many times I've heard that -- not only is it sweltering lee hot, the water fountains are also turned off because they didn't pass the water testing. >> The ndp will look at what other jurisdictions have done to -- to a bill they'll present this fall. >> Making se -- >> Reporter: there's an acknowledgement the solutions will cost more. >> There's also a cost when workers cannot work, when workers need to go home. We see lives lost. >> Reporter: a spokesperson for the minister of labour says employers have a duty to keep work environments safe including in high heat. She says the ministry does thousands of proactive inspections each year but that workers should report something if they think rules are being broken. >> Zuraidah: ontario's long-term care nurses are expected to see their most significant wage increase in more than 30 years. The union representing a majority of nurses says the races will work out to the 11 and a half percent over two years. The starting wage registered nurses in long-term care homes goes from $32.22 per hour to nearly $34 per hour. Meanwhile, the top eight year rate increases from $48 per hour to $51 per hour. Still had it, food bank canada has issued its poverty report card and a majority of provinces in the city of ontario are barely passing. Used to be. We're three or four or five times as much. Rolling back the clock Taking a picture is important. To highlight the shocking reality of food inflation. Tomorrow on ctv news at 6. Morgan Rielly just realized that adulting can be offside. Why do I pay the same for car insurance as that guy? It's 'cause you're the same age. Not fair. Not one bit. I don't get it. Check out Sonnet Shift. It's a new app from Sonnet Insurance where safe drivers can save up to 35%. I'm a safe driver. Yes you are, Morgan Rielly. I am Morgan Rielly. Uh-huh... Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings. Five stars, all rise forTo Kill a Mockingbird.Unmissable and unforgettable. Beautiful, elegiac satisfying,even exhilarating. A New YorkTimes critics pick. Mockingbird is nowthe most successful American playin Broadway history. All rise for AaronSorkin's great play. Richard Thomas isAtticus Finch in Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird."May 28th through June 2nd at the CAAEd Mirvish Theater. Book at -Hey, whatcha doing? -I'm just looking up how to install hardwood flooring.

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