
CFTO - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> Next to a first look at the forecast, plenty of warmth and sunshine today, we are still above the average high, nice conditions, sailing on the lake and there is more of this lovely weather to come. Jessica smith it was a look at the current conditions, feels like summer yet again. >> Jessica: a desk, meteorological start of the summer beginning of june, we are already feeling the warmth. So much of it over the past few days, humidx and high pressure nice and clear, whether in parts of southern ontario a bit wild yesterday. Around the mid-twenties micah for the most part around the golden horseshoe, at beta easier to manage with the value significantly lower. It is a bit cooler to the islands place to be expected. In the evening and be a full night ahead of us, a bit breezy today, that continues tonight and into the day tomorrow. Coming up a full look at your long-range forecast, wrapping over the work and school week. >> Michelle: thank you. >>> It is us was a frustration for thousands of drivers and this afternoon it has been the topic of debate at city council. >> Nathan: counsellors are considering ways to shorten gridlock on the gardiner expressway, looking to rehabilitate the expressway. We're live tonight in the council chambers with the latest, natalie can look. >> Reporter: hello, there does seem to be consensus out of this construction needs to be sped up by to actually getting to that debate is not started yet. I can tell you that it has been some political posturing on topic today. Around-the-clock construction are the talks at city hall. As counsellors look to accelerate repairs on of the gardiner expressway in the face of a public card why it is my outcry on the three year timeline. >> If there is a way to do it without it causing as much misery for people who use it, that make sense to look at. >> Reporter: counsellor brad bradford speeding -- with a motion to speed of construction. >> It's unacceptable when you look at jurisdictions around the world able to accomplish is much faster, for toronto jasanna tans and suggested three years is an appropriate timeline. >> Reporter: to 30 percent cut to capacity between dufferin and von with traffic like never before, while crews it worked a rebuild of 700 metres of elevated deck and rehabilitate the supporting structures underneath. >> At the initial phase, they can't do anything to. Where they need to do is rebuild , we can't just repave to five the mayor insisting chardy district the front insider that you've engineered to look at ways of expediting the process . Counsellors now playing the part when politics over whose idea it was soon counsellor bradford's motion really will not help in any case, there is work being done 24/7 right now. >> Reporter: city staff has said of the primary work hours at 7:00 am until 11:00 pm monday to saturday, was nonnoisy and work overdone overnight soon is tricky business, for those of you who were here when we did the first phase of the gardiner your member that was around-the-clock work and we had to change course because it was quite destructive. It is a voluntary. >> People are saying we have to do this faster, that's take a serious look at around-the-clock. I know the downside of that is it's going to be horrendous noise for people living there at nighttime, by they have to make a choice. >> Reporter: choice at council seeming willingly to make, are going out who gets the credit. >> Reporter: out of the council chambers a few minutes ago, at the quick dinner break before the resume at 6:30 o'clock? At some point they will debate excellent waiting in the construction, the latest tonight at 11:30 pm. >> Nathan: thank you.

>>> When man is dead and another is in clinical condition after a double shooting in mississauga last night. >> Michelle: the shooting happened in the parking lot about public school with yellow crime tape greeting students and staff as they arrived for classes morning. >> Reporter: police say the shooting happened in the school parking lot just after 11:00 o'clock last night, the scene is on montevideo road, near battlefords road in mississauga. When man is dead and the second man is in critical condition. >> Is some form of gathering at the lots on the east side of the school, the nature of the gathering is unknown but there was some kind of altercation that occurred between the two victims and suspects it, the number right now is unclear. >> Reporter: evidence markers placed on the parking lot as police continue their investigation, the school is open today and they will be a heavy police presence to maintain at the scene and make sure the well-being of the students. Neighbours say the gun violence is unsettling. >> We were just talking to somebody else in the neighbourhood and he said of this has never happened before. I'm shaken, last night we thought it was fireworks. So just because it's victoria day weekend, you know? >> It crazy, never thought this area would have something like this, you know? We moved here to this vase save nice part of mississauga, really scary to be five the two victims were known to each other, by the motive remains under investigation. Police at canvassing the neighbourhood for any surveillance video that might show what happened in the parking lot and possibly identify any suspects or vehicles that were involved in this shooting. John musselman, ctv news, mississauga. >> Nathan: police are investigating after driver crashed into a home in morecambe last night. It happen on crescent in to the cousins parkway and fields area just after 10:00. One person was injured and taken to hospital but is expected to recover, it is no word on what caused the driver to veer off the road and smashed into the house. >> Michelle: police service request gathered a launch for the latest crackdown on sweet racing and stunt driving. It's called project arrays, standing for alameda racing activity on streets everywhere. Toronto pope was a delayed more than 1400 stunned driving charges, with nearly 600 so far this year. Alongside hundreds of related criminal charges. But these incidents taking place across the region, officers say street races has no boundaries and they are committed to stamping it out. >> It is crucial for people to understand the risks as seas -- associated with illegal street racing and the potential consequences, not only for themselves but for other users of our roads we. Want to emphasize the importance of keeping racing activity confined to legal racetracks. It is is essential for public safety. >> If you choose to produce bait in dangerous and illegal driving , you will be investigated, he will be identified, your vehicle will be seized and he will be charged criminally or provincially. We utilize helicopters, on mortgage vehicles in a deployment of specially trained officers to help us achieve our goals. >> Michelle: police are also encouraging everybody and anybody who hears or sees a dangerous driving to get in touch. >> Nathan: take a look at this, provincial police uncovered a number of stolen vehicles including several classic cars. Investigators say they received a complaint last year about $3 million worth of allegedly stolen cars. Last week they say they found and seized 16 of the vehicles in question in a startling north of belleville. Taught a local man in their fifties face theft, fraud and conspiracy charges. >> Michelle: here summing off your to do list, the problems and as as of july first, when terry and will no have to reregister their license plate. Back in 2022 the province drop the fees associated with the animal at -- registration, with the plates still had to be reregistered each year. The problems that only plates in good standing will be automatically renewed, weaning drivers of parking tickets at have to renew their plates annually ones of those debts are paid. >> Nathan: toronto pope or are asking for your help identifying the suspect in a sexual assault on a go train. Investigators share these photos of the suspect, cc last friday just before noon, officers responded to a call about a woman being assaulted on an eastbound train in union station. The suspect was then the scene of fleeing down the platform stares north on bay street. Anybody with information is asked to contact police. >> Michelle: ontario liberall asking for an update on the rcb ongoing investigation into controversy surrounding ontario's green belt, last year. Doug ford reversed the decision

to open up protective lands to build housing. >>> Reports from the provinces auditor general and integrity commissioner indicated certain developers were favoured when deciding which areas to include, ontario provincial police referred to matter to the mounties to logical model investigation and october, no information has been shared since then. Primo doug ford has denied wrongdoing,'s office targets questions to the rcmp who says it is not in a position to comment. >> Nathan: the justin trudeau government tabled legislation that would provide citizenship rights to some children born abroad. >> Of the proposed legislation will expand citizenship beyond the first generation in a way that is inclusive enough to hold the value of citizenship. >>> The past two bill expands automatic citizenship to anybody born outside of the country to a canadian parent before the light decision comes towards. Also introduced amendments to issues raised in part of entry committees. They were restoring citizenship to those called lost canadians that can be 70 who was never able to become a citizen or lost citizenship because of the previous an outdated legacy to provision. >> Nathan: those born outside of canada will have to spend at least three years here prior to the birds or doctrine of their child to pass on their canadian citizenship. Last year the canadian superior court found the current assistant grades two classes of canadians, they gave ottawa until june 19th to fix the problem. >> Michelle: the rcmp has a commitment to reconciliation and inclusion, canada's national police force has added a traditional indigenous revenue skirt with classic red -- officers have also been allowed to incorporate eagle feathers and incorporate that into the uniform. The rcmp has worked to build bridges with the indigenous community for the role they played in colonialism. >> Nathan: the gaza strip, palestinian officials say is really forces killed at least 50 people in attacks across the territory today. Close combat was also reported in areas of raw format, residency is really tanks advanced in the city south east edging towards a southern -- western district which is densely populated. Does it continue to operate in three eastern suburbs, israel says it has no choice but to attack rafah to root out the last two battalions of hamas it believes are sheltering their. >> Michelle: in ukraine, six civilians were killed with muscles struck kharkiv today. At least 60 people were injured in the attack on the country's second-largest city, ukrainian president vlodymyr zelensky called the attack extremists and works best renewed frustration at not getting enough air defence systems from western partners. The cleaning army is facing a difficult challenge as it tries to hold off a russian offensive. >> Nathan: I bipartisan groups of U.S. senators wrote a letter to the prime minister urging canada to live up to its nato commitments, all alliance allies to spend at least 12 percent of gdp on defence. Canada's spending well below that at around 1.33 percent. The 23 lawmakers say nato is facing a severe threat and are calling on all members to uphold their commitment. Eighteen of 32 allies are projected to reach 2 percent spending by the end of this year. >> Michelle: the U.S. government and nearly 30 states are suing ticketmaster and its parent company in antitrust lawsuit was filed today back. >> Our complaint makes clear what happened when a monopolist dedicates resources to entrenching its monopoly power and insulating itself from competition, rather than investing in better products and services. We allege that live nation has illegally monopolized markets across the live concert industry in the united states for far too long. It is time to break it up. >> Michelle: the justice department accuses live nation of using a number of tactics including alleged threats and retaliation to stifle the competition by controlling virtually every aspect of the industry, the company says it will defend itself against these abases allegations. >> Nathan: the european space agency because it is treasure trove, that telescope was operating to those that meant offering this latest piece of the cosmos, five pictures really strike weight her during the ooservation of 17 astronomical objects, they included clouds of gas and dust as well as a distant clusters of galaxies. The images are at least four times sharper than those taken by ground based telescopes and they could help scientists look for rogue planets and study mysterious dark matter. >> Michelle: coming up it has been called a game changer in hiv prevention, along our getting shot approved in canada now to be highly effective to reduce the risk of hiv infections. >> And coming up on consumer alert, are you planning a flight anytime soon.

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