
CFTO - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>>> Canadian music superstar celine dion is opening up about her health issues in a new documentary. >> I miss it so much, the people. I miss that. If I can't run, I'll walk. If I can't walk, I'll crawl. >> Merella: the film offers a behind the scenes look at stiff persons syndrome. It's a rare neurological condition. Dion calls the doc a love letter to fans. >>> After the break, more canadian national treasures. Rolling back the years, a rare look inside canada's archives. (music throughout) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. (Woman) We're putting our footdown to keep our feet up.Like way up with La- (Man) We worked overtime,now it's tv time. (vo) It's the La-Z-Boy Red Tag Sale! Save up to 25% La-Z-Boy. Long live the lazy. Captain, the Cable Emperor has established contact. Put him through. May the lag be with you. Both: May the lag be with you. What's the status? Their ship has escaped, Your Eminence. They're just too fast. I see. Well don't worry, good things come to those who... (Static) Who what? "...who wait," captain. He's frozen again. Of course he is. Classic Cable Empire. ( ) When we moved, I went online with Onlia and insured our home right from my phone. [child] Heads up! Oh no. [glass shatters] I went online with Onlia and submitted a home insurance claim right from my phone. ( ) We are all connected. Discover Echo from Cirque du Soleil. Now playing under the big top at Toronto Lakeshore Boulevard West. Tickets at Echo thanks its presenting partner Sun Life. >> Merella: for the first time, members of the public will get a chance to go inside a building designed to hold critical pieces of canadian history. Library and archives canada is giving rare access this weekend, but CTV's annie bergeron-oliver was able to get an inside look today. >> Reporter: inside these massive buildings are indispensable treasures that each tell a story about canada's history. >> We have a map that has the first time the word "canada" waugh was put on it, and we have a paper dress that was part of the 1968 campaign for pierre elliott trudeau. >> Reporter: those artifacts, just a few of the tens of millions carefully catalogued and stored by library and archives canada that may be on display this weekend when the public gets a rare look inside. >> There are many histories of canada and at library and archives canada, we want to reflect everyone's stories. >> Reporter: the precious collection largely housed in gatineau contains 425,000 works of art, 22 million books, the two original constitutions... >> This is a photo album from 1879, 1880. >> Reporter: and millions of photographs, films and government records. Many of the items stored inside the brand new net zero facility are all digitally catalogued and accessible by robots that move around the six identical seven-storey vaults. Each of the vaults is temperature and humidity controlled. It's also fireproof and designed to keep a single piece of paper in perfect condition for up to 500 years. >> It's going to be important for my grandkids, my grand grandkids eventually, and I think I'm really proud that they're going to be able to come and, you know, see the facility that's still going to be standing tall and proud in a hundred years. >> Reporter: a state-of-the-art facility housing items... >> This is an otto -- autobahn print. >> We have the fifth largest collections in the world. >> Reporter: a collection built

by canadians for canadians. Annie bergeron-oliver, ctv news, gatineau. >> Merella: some interesting stuff. That's our newscast for this thursday. Thanks for sharing your time with us and be sure to join todd van der hayden later tonight. For ongoing coverage of canada's top stories, tune in to ctv news channel. I'm merella fernandez. Your local ctv news begins right now. ( ) >> Announcer: [ ] >> I am honoured to officially announce that we have awarded the city of toronto the 14th wnba franchise. [ Cheering and Applause ] >> It is a historic day for sports in this city,

professional women's basketball is coming to toronto. >>> A good evening it is official, toronto will be home to a new wnba franchise beginning in 2026. >> Of the first outside of the U.S. as of the league looks to expand its footprint. >>> Mike walker joins us live from what will be the team's home arena, mike? >> Starting in 2026 coca-cola coliseum will be the loan for the 20 wnba team by the owners. Set of this team will have the opportunity to play in other canadian cities, you move to a league and the calls for a probe in sports and inspire future generations of players. >> Toronto welcome to the w. Triples. >> Reporter: after much dissipation it's official, the wnba is coming to toronto. Kilmer sports ventures were awarded the franchise, larry tanenbaum was also the minority owner of sports and entertainment paid $150 million U.S. for the team. >> It will make pathways for women in this country, they can see that the sport they play has girls and women, is just as important and worth investing in >> Reporter: toronto has been on the wnba radar since the raptors 2019 championship around, last week of the league sold out the scotia bank arena for a preseason game. >> I attended our toronto game and lots of people coming up, saying thank you for making my dream come true by bringing to the wnba here. That is when I knew him this is the right place as you're thinking about expansion. >> Reporter: starting in 2026 the team's home coral be at the 8700 square feet coca-cola coliseum with occasional games playing at the scotia bank arena in montréal and vancouver. >> We want to elevate his game. >> Reporter: spending a decade with the raptors as vice president of operations and player develop a name for the chief president today. >> At the wnba, has come so long, very difficult to work through. So it's not easy but it is worth it right! Woman sports are gaining momentum, that pwhl inaugural season saw huge success with three canadian teams, the wnba is now tipping off its 28th season. >> It is amazing, now female athletes are being recognized. >> I feel like some young girls and athletes can relate and feel inspired. >> Reporter: and sentiment shared by this olympian was a coaches national use basketball team is. >> Young athletes will have role models. We haven't had that in so long. It is something you dream of and it is something that is finally coming true. >> Reporter: this also plans to build a state-of-the-art sprocket is facility that was see community initiatives, as for the team's name and colours, that work is just starting planning to have public input in the near future. Reporting live, back to you. >> Nathan: thank you.

>>> Later on on a ctv news who will visit one of the team's top high school basketball teams to hear from players what I do we aim be a team coming to toronto means to them and their future in the game. >>> Developing news tonight from the ttc, where the union or resenting nearly 12,000 workers has officially set a strait -- strike dated june 7th. >> Michelle: that is the first day of atu local 118 or legally allowed to take a job action after it was issued by the ministry of labour. News coming hours after the ontario court of appeal ruled that the members right to strike is protected by the charter of rights and freedoms. Back in 2011, the then liberal government passed a law banning it unionized ttc workers from striking, last year the superior court judge found the legislation interfered with it workers collective bargaining rights, the province challenge that decision by today the court of appeal agreed with the lower court's conclusion, for now, both sides remain at the table planning to reach a deal that ttc said of the members of local 113 walk off the job in june, there will be in packets to transit service by did not say it was those impacts would be. >> Nathan: new develop and in the encampment at the university of toronto, with the school's president now saying the encampment must end in universities prepared to take further action. >> Michelle: comments coming after enhancement organizers and university officials as afternoon, john moore is alive on campus to break down these lake at the joint latest developments. >> Reporter: this is the first time we have heard from president meric gertler assaying it fundamentally violated the rentals of inclusion in a discover protesters to move onto, it is all we are hearing and offer now from the university to students who have been here protesting, one that they have 24 hours to consider, a lot of moving parts by aid starts with it meric gertler reaffirming universities support of human rights. It also talks about setting up summit committees one to review the divestment process, one looking at establishing more transparency and disclosure of exactly where you ft money is going to be invested. There is one heart know and thatt3 is breaking academic ties with israel, president meric gertler again gave students 24 hours to leave in hopes of truck mole over the offer in hopes that they will accept it. >> The offer is fair, and the approaches keeping the universities been a mental of free expression, peaceful protest and the diversity of opinion should exist in our community! We are situating this discussion where it belongs to make clear and robust policies and procedures, the university already has in place to considered divestment requests. We are still in ongoing dialogue with students, we remain committed to peaceful resolution and hope the students will except our offer. Should an agreement not be reached, we will issue a notice of trespass and pursue any subsequent legal action. >> Reporter: of course our questions about what exactly those other legal steps might be, peat did not rule out at the possibility of a even police cleaning the encampment and that has weighed students tonight, that is why they are not ready to say yes that they will accept the deal. >> At this ministration claims they wanted this encampment come to a peaceful resolution yet they have blindsided us at every turn. This is a farce, they have stated to us on record will not call the police over this weekend! Still, the trespass notice and the lies they have spread about us is hate speech and they continue to talk about it, lang groundwork for violent clearings >> Reporter: students will take the night to consider their options, they will share what they plan to do next at 11:00 o'clock tomorrow. We also heard from jewish students to talk about at the heart this encampment has cause, they worry about what life will look like further convocation, one even called it a terrorist camp, it is clear even if the camp moves on those auto heard and discussions that will yet to be had at u of t. >> Michelle: thank you.

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