
CFTO - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

fishing boat next to a concrete dock near a few cottages. Police say they can't yet speculate on whether there will be any charges. >> Michelle: back here in toronto, the city is celebrating its newest arrivals today as it looks to help them adjust to life in toronto. This is the tenth annual toronto newcomer day. Festivities are being held in nathan phillips square from 10 this morning to 3:00 in the afternoon. Newcomers will be able to meet with representatives from local organizations to learn about services they can access to make getting settled easier. There will also be a showcase of cultural performances and a citizenship ceremony for new canadians. >> Nathan: the ongoing rehabilitation project on the gardiner expressway causing gridlock for thousands of commuters. It's the focus of debate at city council today. >> Michelle: councillors are looking at ways to get the project done and the lanes re-opened much earlier than the three years it's expected to take. Ctv's natalie johnson is live at city hall with the very latest on all of this. Natalie? >> Reporter: hi, michelle. This discussion was recently added to the agenda here at city hall in the face of a public outcry over the chaos that this construction is having on the commute. The mayor saying city staff are now working with the contractor to take a look at how this construction work can be expedited. Councillors this afternoon will take a look at what else can be done here and why none of this was done before the construction even started. Around the clock construction is today the talk at city hall. As councillors look to accelerate repairs on the gardiner in the face of a public outcry over the three-year time line on the latest round of construction. That has snarled traffic in and around the expressway like never before. >> It is unacceptable when you look at jurisdictions around the world that seem to be able to accomplish this work much faster, for toronto to sit on its hands and suggest that three years is an appropriate time line for these sort of things. >> Reporter: councillor broad bradford spearheading a motion to look at 24/7 construction to speed up the process. The current construction has meant a 30% cut to capacity to the gardiner between dufferin and strachan while crews work to rebuild 700m of elevated expressway and rehabilitate the supporting structures underneath. >> People are saying we've got to do this faster and let's take a serious look at working around the clock. I know the downside of that is there's going to be horrendous noise for people living there at nighttime, but they've got to make a choice. >> Reporter: the mayor says the contractor is currently testing the noise levels that would be created by overnight demolition. The priority work hours right now are 7 a.m. To 11 p.m. Monday to saturday. >> We have to keep the gardiner safe, and you know when you come into a city and there's no infrastructure work, no construction work, that's a city in trouble. When you see cranes and you see orange pile-ons, that's a city that's keeping up to date. >> Reporter: council will also examine whether using off-site or prefabricated technology could help expedite the time line. And council will also be taking a look at the problem of parallel routes being blocked off for other kinds of construction at the same time. The debate gets underway here in the chamber this afternoon. Reporting live, natalie johnson. >> Nathan: the university of toronto is expected to hold talks today with students who have set up a pro-palestinian encampment on campus. The encampment was established three weeks ago in kings college circle. Demonstrators want the school to disclose its ties with the israeli government and divest from certain israeli companies and academic institutions. The university has said it is corresponding with student representatives but it has concerns about safety and hate speech in the camp. Some of the protestors are threatening to participate in a hunger strike until their demands are met. >> Michelle: in the middle east, the palestinian health ministry says twelve people were killed by israeli forces in the west bank. 25 others were injured in the two-day operation that israel says has been completed. It occurred in the city of janine and an adjacent urban refugee camp. The israeli military says the action was part of a crackdown against militants in the area. Militant groups claimed at least eight of the dead are fighters. The two locations have long been a bastion of armed struggle against israel's occupation. The frequency of raids by israeli troops has increase ready during the war in gaza. >> Nathan: the international court of justice will rule tomorrow on an urgent request to order a ceasefire in gaza. South africa has urged the panel of 15 judges to order israel to totally and unconditionally withdraw from the territory. The israelis have strongly denied allegations of genocide, insisting it is doing everything possible to protect the civilian population. Last week, the chief prosecutor at the world's top war crimes court announced he's seeking arrest warrants for israeli prime minister and defense minister and for three hamas leaders. >> Michelle: in ukraine, six civilians were killed when missiles struck kharkiv today. At least six missiles were used in the attack.

the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy called the attack extremely cruel and expressed renewed frustration at not getting enough air defence systems from western partners. The ukrainian army is labouring in the region to hold off an intense cross-border russian offensive. The U.S. is expected to announce an additional $275 million in military aid for ukraine tomorrow. >> Nathan: here at home, the federal government tabled legislation today designed to extend citizenship to some children born outside of the country. >> The proposed legislation will extend citizenship beyond the first generation in a way THATç is inclusive and upholds the value of our citizenship. If passed the bill extends automatic citizenship to anyone who was born outside the country to a canadian parent before the legislation comes into force. We also introduced amendments to respond to issues raised at the parliamentary committees as well as in the courts. They will restore citizenship to those we call lost canadians, that could be someone who is never able become a citizen or lost citizenship because of previous and outdated legislative provisions. >> Nathan: in 2009, the conservative government changed the law so that canadian parents born abroad could not pass down their citizenship unless their child was born in canada. Last year, the ontario superior court found the current system unconstitutionally creates two classes of canadians. It gave ottawa until june 19th to fix the problem. >> Michelle: pakistan is grappling with an intense heatwave that has seen temperatures soar as high as 49o in some areas. Experts say this extreme heat could last as long as twelve days and may be followed by more spikes in temperature before monsoon rains bring relief in late june. Doctors are treating hundreds of heat stroke patients at hospitals across the country. Authorities have urged people to stay indoors if possible, hydrate and avoid unnecessary travel. >> Nathan: the U.S. justice department and 30 states are suing to break up live nation. An antitrust lawsuit against ticketmaster and its parent company was filed today. It accuses them of running an illegal monopoly over live events in america and driving up prices for fans. For years, there have been calls for a re-examination of live nation's purchase of ticketmaster in 2010. The issue gained renewed attention following the 2022 botched sales of tickets to taylor swift's first concert tour in years. Live nation has denied it violates antitrust laws. >> Michelle: in spain, police have recovered the fourth of five stolen paintings by artist frances bacon. The 1989 painting of a man's head is valued at $5.4 million. It was located following the arrest in february of two people suspected of having received two of the five works by the irish artist. The paintings were taken from a madrid apartment in 2015. 16 people have been arrested. Police are continuing to search for that fifth painting. >> As we near the end of the short work and school week, the forecast really agreeable today. We have the sunshine with less humidity, making it a little easier to enjoy time outside. But the uv index in the high category, so sunscreen is just a must as you want to spend some time outside today along with hydration. You're hitting up a patio this afternoon and enjoying it all, humidity wise it's a little easier to manage. But it will be windy, we're looking at a gusty westerly wind with wind gusts upwards of 40km/h. Coming up I'll have a full look at your long-range forecast as we step into the end of the week and look ahead to the weekend. So you ready to go? Go until you can't go anymore. Lets go. Let's play hockey. Set the tone! We'll give 'em the lumber. You hurt? No excuses. They look ready to me. Bulldog hockey, baby. (Cheering) Light 'em up, light 'em up Light 'em up, light 'em up, light 'em up woman: Name two continents. Man: Mustard and relish. Oh my God. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! phone plans with lots of data, Virgin Plus is the obvious choice. So, is it necessary to use the selling power of adorably fluffy kittens? Is getting discounts on food, fashion and entertainment more enticing when they're in tiny costumes? Or is it cuter from them? (Cat meowing) Do we need all this to convince you? ( ) We don't. Because when you're choosing an affordable phone plan, the obvious choice is Virgin Plus. Obviously. ( )

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Renewal by Andersen is a full service replacement window division of Andersen, which is a family of U.S. and Canadian companies. They've been around for over 115 years. So we'll be here to stand behind our warranty. You replace a lot of vinyl windows here in the Toronto area. People choose vinyl because they're sometimes less expensive, but vinyl is really 1950s technology, so they tend to warp and crack, meaning that you'd have to do your windows again. Okay, so if you don't use vinyl, what are your windows made of? Andersen research and develop our fabrics window material for over 30 years before we install it into one. Home fabrics is a composite material that's two times stronger than vinyl and really just much more beautiful. And right now, renewal by Andersen has a great deal for Toronto area homeowners. Before May 31st, save $299 on every window and saved $799 on every door. Get an extra $500 off your project, plus pay nothing for a year for a free appointment. Call renewal by Andersen named Home Stars Best of the best for 2024. One 800 307 9300. Life's got a way of showing you what your next move is going to be. As long as you're open to seeing it. Sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv >> Nathan: some wild weather last night caught on video by a viewer on their drive home from brampton. Dark skies, plenty of rain and lots of lightning that lit up the night. The video was captured driving north on county road 10 near alliston. At the time a tornado warning was issued by environment canada for the surrounding area. Thankfully, we had not get that here, but the buzz the story, the wnba coming to the city of toronto. How exciting is that? >> Jessica: it's so exciting. I mean, I played junior high basketball, high school basketball, but it's so cool now to see that this is an option for people and you have something to look forward to here in canada. We've been talking about it for the past couple of weeks and I'm so excited, 2026 can't come soon enough but what is happening today is your forecast and that is going to be beautiful. But the sun is strong. Weather is brought to you by... A beautiful start to the day, a ton of sunshine out there for your morning commute. Sunglasses are a must now. It makes it really challenging if you're out there and you're stuck in traffic or you're not stuck in traffic, up early enough, but you want to make sure that you have all the right tools to get through your day safely and that includes eye protection and sunscreen. Temperature wise, it is comfortable. We're at 24 already here in the city. The same through windsor, ottawa at 22. Sudbury at 18. Sault ste. Marie at 13. And for our friends in thunder bay sitting at 10. As we head into the afternoon, we'll see winds pretty gusty, westerly-southwesterly for the most part. And in and around the gathright now they're kind of sustained around 30km/h. Into the afternoon, we'll sit at about 26. So we're not too far above that seasonal norm, but with the breeze comfortable for spending some time outside in significantly less humidity in the air. So much easier to be out there and not feel like the heat is literally sitting on your shoulders. Temperature wise we're kind of in that mid-20 range right across the board. Into this evening we're a little closer to seasonal, clear night ahead of us, beautiful if you want to get out in the evening and go for a walk. High pressure the dominant system. There is that cold front that affected us yesterday that brought all of that really intense weather. As we head throughout the day today, nothing to write home about, beautiful today, tomorrow almost identical forecast. But it's as we step in towards saturday that we're watching for the chance of a few more showers, even the risk of thunderstorms to roll through. But today, nothing to really talk about as far as your forecast goes. It's just beautiful outside. We do have a uv index in the very high category, so I know we're not quite officially into the summer season just yet, but start thinking that way and preparing accordingly. And a reminder that it is sunny and nice outside but the temperature in your car is really hot so never leave

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