
CFTO - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>> Lindsey: everyone's favourite grumpy cat is back and in a big way. >> Lindsey: the garfield movie is officially making its way to theatres this week. Chris pratt voices the cat. And rad interviewed chris. Rad is joining us now. >> Rad: now I want to be voiced by lindsey. >> Lindsey: could you imagine. We will put up a qr code. Scan the qr code to buy tickets to see the film. Rad, let's quickly talk about what the movie is about. What can audiences expect? >> Rad: it's a garfield movie. This character -- that loves lasagne and hates mondays. This movie gives us the origin story. How garfield met john. It gives us the story of how garfield was abandoned by his street cat dad. Who is voiced by sam l. Jackson. >> Lindsey: cool. You chatted with chris pratt. The chris pratt. We will show a couple of clips from that conversation. Take a look. >> When I think of garfield, I think specifically of this adorable snark that he had. He had a specific brand of humour. When I think about that humour, I think that kind of paved the way for so many things after. That adorable snark. >> I think certainly that era of comedy was changing anding there was a high likelihood because of a comic strip like "garfield" helped shape comedy. Snark became apparent. It went from "the simpsons" to "friends." >> Lindsey: what is it about garfield's personality that you think people relate to the most? >> I think the snark and also his laziness is all of us. And it's in that conversation. You think about garfield. He was born in the '80s. Late '70s and '80s. At the time of reagan. Character is a responsive idea of that time. Working our 9 to 5 jobs and go being back to ou suburban homes and doing the jane fonda workout. He gave way to that slacker genre ask this idea of no, self-care is lazy. Self-care is hating mondays. >> Lindsey: this next clip is about bringing garfield to life on the big screen >> Thinking about that original humour. I'm thinking about the process of adapting comic strips to animation. You are taking material that was where they would set up the jokes in a handful of frames to now you have motion. You have a much bigger canvas. Talk to me about that. Bringing that comic strip. >> You know, any time you adapt ultimately to your big studio and you are trying to make a big movie. It doesn't automatically make it a big movie. The lego movie is a great case study. What is that movie supposed to be about. Ultimately it comes to story tellers crafting and narrative and focusing on which relationships are going to be the most meaningful relationships in these characters' lives. For garfield it's this relationship with vick. His biological father who he unexpectedly meets. >> Lindsey: how has garfield adapted to modern times in this movie? >> There's the obvious ways where this is garfield 2024. Checking out cool cat videos that -- and also ordering his lasagne through food apps. We are not talking about the 3 to 8 sensibility. This is a movie that takes the gags that would set up in a comic strip and it finds a way to make that in motion. Also in terms of adapting the modern times. This is a generational story. This is a story of garfield and his dad. And the same way it is generational story with the audience where it is adults who grew up with this comic strip, with this character is bringing

their children to garfield. My daughter, she saw the trailers. Commanding me like garfield commands john. The garfield energy is living within this new generation. >> Lindsey: thanks so much for this. Garfield is in theatres on friday. Rad, thanks. >> Announcer: "your morning" is brought to you in part by... The garfield movie. Now playing. >> Lindsey: it is a full moon tonight. It is a perfect community to do some soul-searching with a tarot reading for kelsey. Stay with us. Surprise! I've got Summer Fridays Masks for everyone. On my day, my besties will be glowing mama. It's this Merit. Does lips, does cheeks, I've got it on both shiny and soft? I know, right? Did you cheat on me? (Gasp!) Girl, no. It's Amika and it's Clean at Sephora. Brands like Phlur have everything you want minus certain ingredients you might not. Summer Fridays, Merit, Amika, Phlur. Clean at Sephora, is only at Sephora. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Loving the uncommon is a wonderful thing we have in common. ( ) Listen up! Here's a lesson about Activia Fibre a simple way to add fibre and 1 billion probiotics to your day that contribute to healthy gut flora It starts inside Activia This new Charmin Ultra Soft smooth tear has wavy edges. It's no ordinary square. New Charmin Ultra Soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better with more cushiony softness. Enjoy the go with Charmin. This is Brad.Brad neglected to properlymount his brand new tv. And with a dishwasheron the brink... Brad's problems keep mounting. Lucky for Brad there's Jiffy. The app that connects homeownerswith Pros in a Jiffy! Way to go Brad. Download the app or book online. Jiffy. Canada's number onehome maintenance app. A wolf in the wild... and your dog both share a hunger for meat. That's why blue Wilderness is made with more of the meat your dog loves... Go wild with protein-rich blue Wilderness. (Woman) We're putting our footdown to keep our feet up.Like way up with La- (Man) We worked overtime,now it's tv time. (vo) It's the La-Z-Boy Red Tag Sale! Save up to 25% La-Z-Boy. Long live the lazy. >> Lori dyan has a book out called "burn your s****." it's great to have you. >> Thank you for having me. I'm so excited. >> Kelsey: in the book you talk a lot about rituals. You have a morning ritual. You have a list of four things. Words, water, move and breathe >> Words is journalling. Dumping my brain on to the page. And sometimes I am half awake. Water, drinking a big glass of water first thing. Just to get me awake and moving. And then move my body, whether it is yoga or going for a walk in the woods. And words, water, movement, and breathe. And I breathe. Got to do some meditating. >> Kelsey: that's sounds like the most peaceful morning. >> When I do it. That is the thing with rituals. If you can do it, great. You don't have to get strident about it. Because then it can be obsessive ask that is not helpful. >> Kelsey: how long does the whole thing take? >> It could be just a few minutes with each one or it could be a more luxurious morning where I spend an hour doing it and go for a walk in the woods for 45 minutes. >> Kelsey: I guess it is what

you need. Your book talks about all sorts of rituals from using crystals. People know you best as tarot lori. You have a dedicated following. You have been reading tarot cards for more than 30 years. I love your tag line. It is woo woo without the cuckoo. What does that mean for you? >> I think it gives everybody my sense of the approach to tarot. I have been doing it for 30 years. It's more just to -- I always say it's having a conversation with your soul and I am the interpreter. >> Kelsey: I have never seen tarot cards before. >> Tarot cards, there are 78 cards in a deck. Each one has a different image on it. Each card tells a different story. You put these cards together ask they tell a story of you. And again, it's not fortune-telling. It's not predicting you are going0 bob at starbucks on tuesday. It's not like that. You don't want to advocate responsibility of your life with some random lady with tarot cards. They give you a peek behind the curtain of what's going on energetically. >> Kelsey: can I peek. >> I am going to stare at you. Now just say outloud these exact words. What do I need to know right now. >> Just pull out one card. Face down so you can't see it. >> I want you to pull another card. I just want a little more context. >> We have page of one. For me, the page of one is the bearer of good news. He is saying good news for you. I can't tell you what that is or when it is happening. It's like a weather system happening of good news. Connection. I pulled another -- I had you pull another card because tarot loves to be a bit bossy saying, you like that. You want that. Here is what you need to know so you don't screw it up. To help facilitate this good news, remember the message of this part. It's going to look scary, but there are no bad tarot cards. Just bad tarot card readers. 9 of swords. Like he woke up from a bad dream. This is about stress and worrying and anxiety. In the morning, lying in bed. You got to watch. You are not making mountains out of mow hills. Get your head out of your butt. The things that keep us up. Stress and worrying at 3 in the morning. Watch it. >> Kelsey: thank you. That was very lovely. I love that. Lindsey is just like, yeah. She is like, do me. We are going to take a break. Lori, I hope you will stick around for a sec. Lori's new book is out right now. We will be right back. Make your morning extraordinary. Lost a bet. Nutty... and sweet. Latte macchiato. Okay George, this one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. Sweet. Don't forget to recycle. Bye. Unforgettable. [engine sputters] Nespresso, what else? Parrots are incredible animals. [Parrot] Another overdue bill! Yeah. They're also extremely intelligent. [Parrot] Forgot to pay again! They also repeat things they hear a lot. The new bmo eclipse rise Visa card rewards you with points for paying your bill on time every month to help build a routine. [Parrot] Rewards you with points! And you get 5x the points on things like groceries, dining and recurring bill payments. [Parrot] For paying your bill! —But also you can... — [Parrot] Every month! —And just remember. —[Parrot] Build a routine! [Parrot squawking] He is a talker. When a bank helps you make real financial progress. That's the bmo Effect. Bmo ( ) [bell ringing] ding...ding... ( ) [creaking] ( ) [creaking. gasp...] ( ) ( ) ikea. Bring Home to Life.

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