
CFTO - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 10:58 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> Coming up, a new warning about processed foods. >> This is about eating whole natural foods to protect our cognitive abilities and brain health. >> Todd: bad for your body and for your brain. >>> Plus a true fall-off the chair moment. [ ] Fidelity knows we've all got them. Maybe you want to own a home, or never own a home. Maybe you want to travel. Or have a kid. Or travel with your kid. Yours could be retiring early. Or never retiring at all. At Fidelity, we know everyone has different goals. But the one thing we share? We all want to get to them sooner. ( ) Canada's favourite pizza delivers again with a new mouth-watering stuffed cheesy bread only from Domino's. Introducing Philly Cheese Steak, one of five delicious varieties. Just $8.99 eachwhen you mix and match with another pizza, side or more cheesy bread. Domino's. Pizza over everything. ( ) Make your first move with battery power made by stihl. ( ) ( ) ( ) Find stihl tools, starting at $229.99. Shop local. Buy stihl. Find yours at ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. Tap into BetMGM Casino and you're entering a huge library full of exclusive games. Games you won't find anywhere else. Looking for jackpots? Right this way. You'll always find someone ready to give you a hand. Or some dice. Your favorite games waiting for you... On BetMGM Casino. >> Todd: french fries, cookies, doughnuts, tasty, known as ultraprocessed foods. Bad news for the waistline, but according to new research it may be bad news for your brain. Ctv's heather wright has more. >> Reporter: they're quick, convenient and hard to avoid. Ultraprocessed foods, things like chips, cookies, pop and soup are everywhere. And according to a new study, there's a direct link between how much you eat and your brain health. The study looked at 30,000 people in the U.S. and those who consume just 10 percent more ultraprocessed foods increased their risk of stroke by nine percent and cognitive impairment by 12%. >> The dunn side is really coming into focus, not just with our study but others, there's a cost associated with that. >> Reporter: this is just a study to look at the dangers which leads to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and early death. Food is --ed ultraprocessed when it goes through multiple processing steps, nutrients removed to make it last longer and ingredients like sugar, salt and chemicals are added. >> In my 20s I was classified as morbidly obese. And my diet was primarily ultraprocessed foods. >> Reporter: sandra says she ate as a way to self soothe. She's a food addiction counsellor. >> This is about eating whole natural foods to protect our cognitive abilities and our brain health. >> Reporter: it can be hard and expensive to remove ultraprocessed foods from our diets. The lead author of this study says making even small changes can have a big impact. >> It's about gradually guiding and nudging yourself towards healthier choices over time. >> Reporter: experts say when it comes to processed and packaged foods, it's a spectrum. Some better, some worse than others. That's why they say it's important to read the labels to understand the ingredients and as often as possible cook at home. Heather wright, ctv news, toronto. >> Todd: what would you do if you won $70 million? A man in toronto literally fell out of his seat after seeing his bank account. Watch this. >> Holy (beep). >> Todd: there he goes. Greg chialtas was in tears after receiving the money from a recent lotto max win. He wants to travel and pay for his kids' education and no doubt a whole lot more.

>>> Still ahead, a homecoming more than a century in the making. Preparations for the final journey of an unknown soldier. [ ] ahead... City council tackling the troubling gridlock caused by construction on the gardiner and -- toronto is getting canada's first w-n-b-a franchise toronto's number one news -- is next... Sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv - Mama, what's a Dare Veggie... Crisps? - Oh! I'm Dare Veggie Crisps! I'm a little bit of all the things... veggies, crackers and chips. [group] - Ohhs! - Veggify your snack time with Dare Veggie Crisps. - Made with real veggies! ( ) Milestones aren't for looking back— They remind us to keep moving forward. Introducing Mazda's largest 2-Row suv. With hybrid power... ...and spacious versatility. Made for more meaningful journeys. The first-ever Mazda cx-70. Available as a Mild Hybrid Inline 6 Turbo or as a Plug-In Hybrid. ( ) (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your pc® Summer Insiders Report today. What's the Walt Disney World thrill feel like? It's like... Woody: Howdy, partners! and like... (Giggles) and also like... (Screaming) And it feels even better together. And check this out. You can thrill with this special 4-day, 4-park magic ticket offer. Visit to learn more. Disney thrills us like... (Screaming) Here's a fresh take. We think burgers taste better when they're made with Canadian beef. Fresh onto the grill. Fresh off the grill. Never frozen. Always juicy. ( ) Closed Captioning is brought to you in part by Non-Drowsy Claritin. Get fast 24-hour relief from symptoms caused by indoor and outdoor allergens. >> Todd: they're known as lost canadians, thousands of people born outside of canada who don't qualify for citizenship. Now the trudeau government wants to give them passports. >> Legislation will extend citizenship by beyond the first generation in a way that's inclusive and upholds the value. >> Todd: a new law would extend citizenship to people born outside the country to canadian parents born overseas. They lost that right in 2009 under the harper government but an ontario court found that change was unconstitutional.

>>> To france now where preparations with are under way to return the body of a soldier born in newfoundland and labrador. He fought in world war i. At the time newfoundland was a british territory, not part of canada, but tonight officials are on the ground ahead of what will be an historic repatriation ceremony. Ctv's garrett barry is with them. >> Reporter: soldiers from the royal newfoundland regiment are back in france this week, this time picking up a fallen ancestor on saturday. At a ceremony in beaumont hammel on saturday. The hills still feel the wrath of artillery, scar from a battle that never really healed here. Or at home. >> It was just purely catastrophic is the only word I can think of it. >> Reporter: july 1, 1916, newfoundlanders were ordered over the top. The battle quickly became the deadliest in the royal newfoundland regiment's history. The battlefield was wide open and the german machine guns set on the few holes and the barbed wire that newfoundlanders had to run through. Within mere minutes, 324 were killed. Another 386 were wounded. Some historians believe that newfoundlanders never fired a single shot. >> I've seen it said by soldiers I've seen it said by historians and I still don't know. It's hard to believe but yet the massacre was just as hard to believe. >> Reporter: a generation of men in a small country dead or wounded. In total, more than 1700 newfoundlanders died in the first world war. Shawn goodyear is a descendant of five brothers who went away to fight. Only two came back. >> Each one of them brought to the group a certain strength, either a stabilizing or you know go get situation. When the three boys were lost, there was a gap. >> Reporter: more than 800 newfoundlanders died in the first world war with no known graves. Officials hope this unknown soldier will represent all of them. After the remains are handed over on saturday, canadian forces will move immediately to head back to canada and bring that soldier home for the first time in more than 100 years. Garrett barry, ctv news, beaumont-hamel, france. >> Todd: coming up, untold gems go public. A rare look at precious pieces from the canadian story. Peter. We have quite a few questions... about retirement. Asking yourself the right questions, leads to the right answers. Were you truly ready to "hang it all up"? Retirement's not an ending... it's an opportunity. Care to elaborate? You can find new purpose, passions, financial possibilities. It can be whatever you choose to make it. Couldn't have said it better myself. Ask yourself what the chip Reverse Mortgage can do for you. Canada's favourite pizza delivers again with a new mouth-watering stuffed cheesy bread only from Domino's. Introducing Philly Cheese Steak, one of five delicious varieties. Just $8.99 eachwhen you mix and match with another pizza, side or more cheesy bread. Domino's. Pizza over everything. Rona [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This is her why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at Welcome to BetMGM Live Dealer. All your favorite casino games. Black Jack, Poker, Roulette, Craps and More. All on your phone, desktop or tablet, twenty-four seven. Play with friends or make new ones at the table. Double down Dave! Chat with players and live dealers like you are at the casino. Give me a ten! Yes! Now you're betting with The King of Live Dealer. [Lion roar] >> Todd: finally for us tonight going deep inside canada's history. The public is going to get a rare look at vault like storage facilities that hold millions of artifacts, all preserved and catalogued. Ctv's annie bergeron-oliver went inside for the sneak peek. >> Reporter: inside these massive buildings are indispensable treasures that each tell a story about canada's history. >> We have the map with the first time the word canada was

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