
CFTO - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>> Auto club aaa is predicting 38 million people will travel by car over the long weekend. The highest number since it began tracking in 2000. More than 43 million people are projected to travel 808 kilometres from -- 830 kilometres -- 830 kilometres from snow >> A & w signed a debt with a sandwich chain peda mange, r. >> It will see more stores rolled out across the country over the next dictate. The am w . >> It is a soggy start to the week across southern ontario. System rolls through. Set to bring some significant rain in parts of southern ontario today. For the g.t.a., the downtown core, looking two to maybe ten milimetres today and tomorrow. Further east, the more rain you will see. 11:30 tomorrow, just under 10 millimetre here in the city but out to kingstoning to 34 potentially so it is just one of those days you want to just keep an eye on the sky and drive with caution. Coming up a few look at your long-range forecast, including when the So you ready to go? Go until you can't go anymore. Lets go. Let's play hockey. Set the tone! We'll give 'em the lumber. You hurt? No excuses. They look ready to me. Bulldog hockey, baby. (Cheering) Light 'em up, light 'em up Light 'em up, light 'em up, light 'em up woman: Name two continents. Man: Mustard and relish. Oh my God. The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $56 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. [ Anncr]: Fact versus Fiction with Bath Fitter. Fiction: Some bath remodels just cover up water damage. Fact: Bath Fitter cleans and repairs your tub before installation to ensure a watertight fit. Bath Fitter. It just fits. Go to to book your free consultation. ( ) a name you can trust.A menu inspired by tradition. Jimmy The Greek is preparing daily meals for you. Let our family feed yours. Visit and find your nearest location today. [muffled noise] ( ) When my hearing changed, HearingLife understood. ( ) I don't just want to keep hearing my customers. I want to keep being me. Book a free hearing test with one of our hearing professionals and see how our personalized care can help you - keep being you. Love your ears at HearingLife. Did you know the most car accident claims for pain and suffering have a deductible of over $44,000. Even if it wasn't your fault. -What? -It's true. That's why you need to call Preszler Law now. (Song in French) ( ) ( ) Oh ( ) ( ) Get a head start with Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra and Canada's fastest 5g+ network. Getting the right new windowswith Pella was simple.Yeah, when renovating adr it can be hard tofind great people. Our dedicated Pellaadvisor was a godsend. We had confidence in Pella. They sold over 5 millionreplacement windows and doors. So, we knew our local teamwould be on top of every detail. And the installation wasdone in just a day. Mom the kitchen sinkis broken again. I wish Pella did plumbing. Hurry, replacement windowsare on sale now. Schedule a free in-homeconsultation for details. Dreamer on line 1. Lotto max Dream Hotline, Maxine speaking. How can we maximize your dream today? The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 14 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! What if we get one for the whole neighbourhood!? Quadruple that dream! Good start, now give that dream the ol' lotto max overhaul. Got another dreamer! The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated$70 million, plus an estimated14 maxmillions. [olg sting] . It's spring time in paris and the kings and queens of clay have come out to play roland garros on tsn and tsn+

>> Nathan: we are talking about the forecast now. For some reason, I was thinking this rain night stop and not last too long but continues to keep going and going. >> Michelle: we very talking and the our drives in today. I saw folks pulled over. It was heavy enough and pooling there. The grass in the trees are looking amazing. >> Jessica: a lush jungle when you drive with the grass and trees there. It was challenging for the drive for a lot of people and you have to drive according to the road. The sign says wet conditions, drive with caution and that is so so important. Take the time to turn your light on and you will get to and from your destination safely. >> Weather is brought to you by the preszler play firm. Hate been a soggy start to the >> David: >> Day. It is a challenging commute for many, so just give yourself that extra time on the roads. Temperature rise, still quite mild. We do have bit of a cool down waze head throughout the beginning of the week. Temperature-wise, right now, 19 here in the city. 22 in windsor. Relatively mild, just not as humid as before. Looking a fairly light kind of southeasternly winds from the most part. Gusts are stronger through hamilton and niagara and peterborough. >> Temperature is rise, 22. When you have the warmer air, ground level you have cooler air with the cold front coming through and wind direction kind of changeable. It's the perfect resty for potentially stormy weather. This eve mg, light showers but gets significantly lighter throughout the afternoon. We should be at 11 tonight so everybody holding on to that heat and humidity. This system is going to sit over us. Two of them maybing their way through. There is going to be a bit of a cold front that will trail off of it, bringing another round of rain into the day tomorrow. So that is what we are dealing with now. The bulk of the stormy stuff pushes out. We get a break. The morning commute, again for tomorrow, just moreway waves of rain off and on throughout the day until 8:00 P.M. and start to see things break up just a little. Early heads up tomorrow, will probably be full. We head into wednesday, things start to clear out and we have a beautiful kind of second half of the week. Monday and tuesday are soggy. Temperature-wise, around the seasonal mark today. We do cool down into the day tomorrow. The risk of thunderstorms is going to linger into the first half of the die but wednesday night, a lot of that pushes out and through your wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, it is going to be stunning. We do an slow but steady climb to seasonal. Friday, we get back to where we should be. But overnight low in the single singling by thes. Saturday and sunday, another stunning weekend, perfect weather if you wanted to get out and get active or go watch baseball. Nathan? >> Nathan: thank you. The jays will be back on the field today after a health care -- health care -- heart breaking loss yesterday. >> And the 3-2. Fly ball left field. And this game is over. >> Nathan: jays lost on a walk off homer after coming all the way back to take the lead earlier in the game. First pitch today set for after 2:00 this afternoon. Against the chicago white sox. >> The blue jays released a promo video teasing release of the city connect jerseys, meant to celebrate the link between the city and fall club are set toe be unveiled may 30th. >> Inaugural P.W.H.L. champion series will be going to a fife.a final game. >> Boston, minnesotaen a they score. Mueller scored. >> Boston scored in bubble over time last night to see their series at two games apiece. Minutes before the goal, minnesota scored and started to celebrate but the goal was waved off due to goalie interference. The game to decide who will win the first ever walter cup will be played on wednesday in boston. >> Still to come, a new study indicates people prefer video edit by humans. Video edited by artificial intelligence. We will have more on this later in the newscast. I'm not here for long Toronto's best music. I'm a survivor

Listen for your chance to play CHUM's Road Trip Challenge. Win a Nissan Rogue s all-wheel drive. ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. -Could you use eightythousand, two eightyor even two point eight million? -Spring is a perfect timeto get things done. It's great to know a Flexi Linecan help you do that. -Call us today at1800-NEW-CAPITAL to see what'savailable to you. Getting the right new windowswith Pella was simple.Yeah, when renovating adr it can be hard tofind great people. Our dedicated Pellaadvisor was a godsend. We had confidence in Pella. They sold over 5 millionreplacement windows and doors. So, we knew our local teamwould be on top of every detail. And the installation wasdone in just a day. Mom the kitchen sinkis broken again. I wish Pella did plumbing. Hurry, replacement windowsare on sale now. Schedule a free in-homeconsultation for details. Hi, it's Doug Ford. Just give me a call back. Well, it's the people. That's what gets me up every single morning. Really busy, busy. Morning to night. I'll be there in a little bit. Thank you. You take care. They're working hard every single day, because they believe in a better future right here in Ontario, and so do i. I think the future of Ontario is very, very bright. It's the best place anywhere in the world to raise a family. I always ask my team, what are we doing to make life better and easier for folks out there? You can change people's lives with one phone call. You really can. If I can help them, that makes my day. And that's what I'm here for, to listen and to do what we can to try to help the people. You can't always get it right. And let me tell you, when I don't, I hear from the people. But that's what it's all about, listening and working hard to make things better for every single person in Ontario. Getting it done for the people. If there's anything else I can help you with, don't hesitate to reach out. A message from the Ontario pc Party. Spring is here and there'sno better timeto get into a new Nissan. ( ) You've been waiting forthe right moment to get out and drive and great offersare ready and waiting for you. So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. During the Nissan Spring into Savings event, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) Dreamer on line 1. Lotto max Dream Hotline, Maxine speaking. How can we maximize your dream today? The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 14 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! What if we get one for the whole neighbourhood!? Quadruple that dream! Good start, now give that dream the ol' lotto max overhaul. Got another dreamer! The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated$70 million, plus an estimated14 maxmillions. [olg sting] Buckle up big boy. It's team lisa vs team gordon She can Vanderpump off. We're done >> Michelle: these days some people worry artificial intelligence are coming for their job. For video editing that already happened. . To talk more around this, dan riskin joins us to tell us about the tostudy on the topic. >> I was curious. I've seen the new software where you gift it a pile of video and kicks back out. Pi worked with talented eeditor who made beautiful looking things out of what looked like junk in the moment. I was curious to know how it compares. When A.I. cuts a videos it doesn't quite connect with the viewer very well. They had 4200 people in the U.K. watch video of news covering 14 different topics from crypto currency to international politics and cut by a.i., people found it less engage passenger didn't think the music fit and didn't find it as trustworthy compared to stuff cut by people. There was an intermediate, A.I. did a first cut and person made it look better. Temperatures that in the middle. Having a human as your editor, results in better content for viewers. >> Michelle: we have seen with our phi phones what they spit out. You do something on the weekend and sometimes it is good. Other times it is horrible and

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