
CFTO - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

office. Police are reminding people to know the sign of drug poisoning and practices safe drug use. >> Ontario's privacy commissioner says she will publish a special report about the use of non-government e-mails and deleted messages related to the green belt. In 2022 tthe ford government removed land from the green belt to build 50,000 homes before reversing that decision. Reports from the auditor-general and integ commissioner found the process favoured certain developer, private commissioner says her office is working on 19 active access to information appeals that are similar to concerns raised by ontario N.D.P. leader marit stiles. Y an indigenous M.P.P. set to make history at queen's park this week. Sol mamakwa who is deputy leader of the n.d.p., will rise in the chamber on tuesday to ask a question in cree. Family and friends and elders are said to watch for the gallery. Marking first time in the ontario legislature that it will allow a language other this afternoon english or french to be used. Mamakwa is the only first nations lawmaker at queen's park and was punished decades ago for speaking his own language at a residential school. >> More news in a moment first, let's take a look at the city this afternoon. And after a bright sunny weekend, it has the weather has taken a turn. Darker skies and torrential rain at times were getting a good solid dose of wet weather today. Let's bring in jessica smith for a look at the current conditions. Seeing a lot of stormy stuff behind you. >> Prime Minister Trudeau: I know, one of the days where you want to have the umbrella handy. It will be soggy. Heavy rain in the G.T.A. and across a large organization of southern ontario, prompting some storm alarms and warnings through eastern ontario and portion of western quebec. Out to say kingston and ottawa, under a tornado watch right now. Montreal under thunderstorm warmings. So we are looking or thunderstorm watch. This active weather kind of the perfect combination for the potential of some pretty extreme weather. Right now, just a watch but always a good idea to keep alert to your phone and any kind of weather alert. We are looking at humidex values in the 20s. As we get through the afternoon, island of pearson, a lot of rain, 16, 17 apiece. Into the afternoon, seasonal but still really hot out there. Coming up a few look at your long-range forecast. Right now back over to mish pel and nathan >> Nathan: extreme ocean temperatures are having experts pointing to potentially lethal atlantic hurricane season. >> Michelle: as paul reports forecasters are urging canadians to prepare for the worst. >> Reporter: hurricane forecasters predict an above average active hurricane season starting in june. >> We are ran transitions to -- we are transitioning to from an el niño to la niña. >> There are already record temperatures for the atlantic ocean. Hurricanes draw energy from warm ocean water. >> It is really lining up to be an active season in the atlantic. >> The 2024 hurricane forecast predicts 17 to 25 named storms up from an average of 14. 8 to 13 hurricanes in the forecast, is a jump from the average of 7. The forecast also calls for four seven make majors. The previous average is only three. Hurricanes making landfall are different to predict. Even drawing an aventh season but also worth noting 2022 was not an active season. It was an average hurricane season but that was the year fiona made landfall here in the maritimes. >> Hurricane fiona caused more than 800 million dollars in damage. Leaving physical and emotional scars. >> People are very concerned. >> Emergency management crews are already busy prepping for the probability of future major storms. >> More generate rer, more flood response, our key arborist works with nova scotia power and public works department. >> Previous hurricanes brought down tree and power line, causing massive outages. >> Just looking for trouble. We will have a hurricane. We know we will have 100 kilometre an hour winds. >> Canadian hurricane centre is urging people to be prepared a. >> We will have storms surge. We will have heavy rains and strong winds. >> Ever the hurricane forecast is correct, people living along the atlantic coast should brace for nasty and dangerous weather between june and november. Paul hl hollingsworth, ctv news, halifax. >> In b.c., residents of north nelson are being allowed to return today. >> You will need to bring a few days of food and essential supplys. There may be supply shortages and all of our stores are all

trying to get their trucks in here to make sure they have full self for everybody. That might take a couple of dayses so bring supply with you, particularly the essential things you might have to have. >> The evacuation order was lifted at 8:00 this morning. About 4,700 people were told to believe -- leave back on may 10th when winds pushed. The parker blaze within a few kilometres to town. Six properties were damaged. Evacuees are being asked to be patient. Leaf traffic is expected on the highway. Resident of the fort nelson first nations are being allowed back in today. >> Ree via rail launched a train service between toronto and ottawa. The 641 train will operate monday to thursday, leaving ottawa at 4:19 a.m., and arriving in toronto at 8:48:00 A.M. it will make 7 stop along the way including in kingston, bell vul bellview and coreburg. The train in the afternoon from friday sunday will now run every day. >> There are just a few weeks left before M.P.s break for the summer and the liberal government is put some high priority legislation on the fast track. >> Nathan: include a long awaited framework for a national pharmacare program. Annie bergeron-oliver has the story. >> Reporter: the liberals are trying to quickly pass new pharmacare legislation that could make many diabetes drugs and contraceptives free by year's end. >> Prime Minister Trudeau: right now only a fraction of canadian women are eligible at low to no cost for birth control. >> The liberals launched a first plan in phen -- february, offering 1.5 billion. So far, no deals have been made with the provinces ander to toys and quebec and alberta want to opt out. >> We are not a photo on. We hope it is not a hallow promise. That is what we were said, does it delay? Will it fall to the same kind of issues that are. >> Many groups are on side. The pharmacare plan will improve the health of canadians some who testified at committee, said the list of medication said to be cough sed too limited. >> For many inuninsured, most of the commonly prescribed will not be covered. >> Another concern brought up to M.P.s the universal single payer model could disrupt existing private drug coverage. >> We fear this would crowd out private play payers which cover kerr the majority of canadians including one in three seniors. >> Reporter: government's pharmacare legislation has the N.D.P. support. So it will pass. The question now, is when. Annie bergeron-oliver, ctv news, ottawa. >> Nathan: in the middle east, officials in raf fay say 435 people were killed in an israeli air strike last night. Causing a massive fire at tent camp in the southern gaza city. It happened in a neighbourhood where thousands were sheltering. Some global leaders expressed outrage. Rim's military said it was investigating reports that a strike carried out against hamas commanders in rafah caused a fire. Local health officials say israeli bank israeli tank continue to bombard. >>. This ukraine, thee people were killed in an attack. Six others were injured in the russian missile strike. It damaged a coffee shop, car wash and garage. In the east, one civilians was kill canned and ten other people were hurt in an attack in kharkiv. There is damage to production at least. >> Nathan: in the u.s., severe weather killed 19 people in the southern planes over the weekend. Tornados and powerful thunderstorms left a wild trail of interest disu.k. Interest. The governor of kentucky declared a state of emergency and the weather service issued a thunderstorm watch for parts of georgia and south carolina. Hundreds of thousands of people also faced power outages because of the weather. >> Michelle: a cyclone brought heavy rain and wind to part of bangladesh and india after making landfall. The storm flooded to coastal village, left hundreds of thousand of people without power in southern bangladesh. 7 deaths reported. In bengal state, high winds uprooted hydro pole and trees. Airports and schools were closed today in the area. And sea ports suspended operations. More than 1 million people were evacuated in part of both countries to ahead of time. >> Nathan: more than 2000 people are feared buried alive after a massive landslide in.

a paw new guinea. >>> They are trying to rescue whatever they can. By using digging sticks, spades, agricultural forks, and their hands, of course. >> Nathan:ED the government is now put out the call for international support with the search efforts. People in the region have been hesitant to bring in heavy machinery to remove debris in the hopes of finding any survivors. And more for more we -- for more we are joined by tony grace. Pit look. >> What are the detail? >> Reporter: that number more than 2000, that are now feared to have been buried alive, that more than triple the estimate, gives you a sense of the scope of the tragedy in the remote mountainous area of. A paw pop -- poppa as you mentioned, some locals do not want the ground disturbed in the hopes of finding more people alive. Seconds just the tough terrain getting equipment up into the mown and theys now community and tribal warfare in the area means that the aid and rescue workers and experts who are being shuttled into the area had to be escorted and back back to the capital each night. We are taking a number of factors magnified. More than 2000 people believed to be buried alive. The nearest neighbour, australia are pledging to send aircraft as soon as possible. The first excavator just arrived in the area yesterday. And this whole landslide happened after weeks and weeks of heavy rain. And part of the problem right now in addition to the complications I mentioned, is that the ground is still shifting. It is moving today. Mouche water is underneath that could complicate efforts to either find and retrieve victims of this landslide or just to figure out exactly how to approach the recovery effort here. So it is a very complicated situation that is unfolding. Many world leaders got their eye on the closely today. >> Nathan: tony grace, thank you. >> Reporter: you bet. >> Michelle: toronto is partnering with both provincial and federal governments to improve transit in the city. >> Nathan: the partnership is aimed at troe poeting innovations solution solutions to address transportation problems. Mike walker joins us with this story. Mike? >> Reporter: this will be a year long pilot project using the latest technology including artificial intelligence. The city hopes will help find solutions to improve the flow of traffic. Now this will be a partnership with the ontario vehicle innovation network. At the end of the month seeking interest from tech company to test out their device. The pilot will see special zones set up with innovative technology including high-tech cameras, drones and A.I. to monitor traffic flow and that information will be sent to traffic management. With recommendations to implement changes to traffic lights in real time. The three major telecom companies bell, rogers and telus recently installed some of the technology across the city, and they will also be a part of the pilot. >> It's beginning to solve our congestion problem using a.i., using better camera angles and better cameras, using 5g. All of it. >> We have to keep looking at new and more innovative solution and technologies to help us better manage traffic. And through that sort of the common thread throughout all of this is a bit of an enabler are the telecommunications industry so for each of the technology we need have something in the field that connects us back that we have the ability to remotely control or effective will I better manage traffic on the right of way. >> The provincial and federal government are providing funding for the pilot. It is not clear how much this will cost the city. Testing will begin this summer at some if of the city's busiest intersection. Staff are expected to report back on some of the findings at the end of the year. Michelle? Back to you. >> Michelle: thank you. The U.S. is marking memorial day today and ten of million of americans are expected to be on the road. >> We are still seeing the big travel numbers. We haven't seen numbers like this in nearly 20 years opinions not since 2005 we see numbers this big.

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