
CFTO - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

different problem but is now fixed. Engineers say that evennif the leak worsens, it could be managed midflight. >>> Coming up, emergency care specifically designed for those in crisis. We pay a visit to the new mental health zone and north york general emergency zone. >> And coming up on consumer alerts, snoring can be annoying but it can also be harmful to your health. If you are having trouble getting a good nights sleep, you should know that snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea. But there are treatments that can help. I will have my report. >> And this entire week, the hotspot today, the folks in hamilton. Is better at the weekend, stay warm but the weather gets a little messy. Coming up we will have a full look at the long-range forecast. And stay with us as you get a Oh Canada!! their time has come Argentina have done it! One more Messi moment! Beyond glorious! Messi magic once again This is it...the stage is set That's what they came for!! And it is spectacular!! ( ) ( ) ( ) Nutty...and sweet. Latte macchiato. ( ) This one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. ( ) Sweet. Bye. Nespresso, what else? When you live with diabetes,confidence comes from knowing your glucose levels and where they're headed. Manage your diabeteswith confidence with Dexcom g7. ( ) Make room for more fresh ingredients. Say to goodbye to less-than-fresh take out. Say hello to home made and delicious. HelloFresh, home cooking made easy. (Woman) We're putting our footdown to keep our feet up.Like way up with La- (Man) We worked overtime,now it's tv time. (vo) It's the La-Z-Boy Red Tag Sale! Save up to 25% La-Z-Boy. Long live the lazy. Let's maximize those dreams. That's right. The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! Got another dreamer! Get your lotto MAXtickets today! [olg sting] So I know we agreed on price, but this car is taller than I was expecting. I like your dinosaur shirt. ( ) That's Clutch. ( ) a wolf in the wild... and your dog both share a hunger for meat. That's why blue Wilderness is made with more of the meat your dog loves... Go wild with protein-rich blue Wilderness. We are all connected. Discover Echo from Cirque du Soleil. Now playing under the big top at Toronto Lakeshore Boulevard West. Tickets at Echo thanks its presenting partner Sun Life. For healthier meals every day of the week. Frigidaire ovens have 15 ways to cook. Like air fry and steam roast. To make life a little yummier. For all we share. Frigidaire. >> You will sure have a lot more energy throughout the day if you get a good night sleep but not everyone does do to a medical condition. >> It is called sleep apnea, you may have heard of it. Where your breathing stops and starts that the night. Ears pat foran and consumer alerts. >> Thank you. People with sleep apnea are usually loud snorers and they often feel tired even after a full night's rest. The canadian lung association says about seven% of canadians have it that there are ways to get a more restful sleep. Snoring is not just annoying, it can keep everyone in bed from getting a good nights sleep. >> It becomes harder to operate. Where you have to be up at six or 7:00 and the kids are up and you were unable to do that. >> Reporter: they should try lifestyle changes but when those didn't work, you talk to his doctors about a sleep study. >> An overnight sleep test can detect whether you have obstructive sleep apnea which is when your breathing pauses during sleep because something blocks your airways. >> Reporter: left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea can cause daytime sleepiness and can

also strain the heart and increase the risk of anxiety, diabetes, hypertension and even stroke. The primary treatment for sleep apnea is a continuous positive airway machine or a cpap. They are fitted with a mask connected to a pump that pushes air into the airway, holding it open while sleeping. Cpap can significantly reduce the number of breathing interruptions during the night. But patients often have complaints. >> It requires daily cleaning witches another thing to add to your day to day routine. >> Reporter: if the full face mask is not for you, you may want to consider a nasal pillow or nasal mask. Another alternative. Or custom-made dental devices. >> These are designed to move the jaw and to shift it to the front of the mouth to keep the airway open. They can be used along with cpap. >> Reporter: in the u.s., there are devices like inspire that are surgically implanted into the upper chest like a pacemaker. They stabilize your throat during sleep to prevent obstruction of the airways. With no hose or mask it may seem more convenient and inspire told ctv news it is not available in canada and he says it is not something he would do. >> Reporter: I would not personally track personally be comfortable with on the go surgery for something that can be managed without it. >> Reporter: it is important to realize that snoring and sleep issues can be serious but a restful night can start after a good conversation with your doctor. And to reduce symptoms to get a better night's rest, and is advisable to skip alcohol and sleep on your side or stomach, losing weight can also help because obesity is a primary factor for sleep apnea. On your side, I'm pat foran. [ ] >> Announcer: if you have a consumer story idea, e-mail us. >> Michelle: we have been treated to several stellar days of weather this week. May is really finishing up and beautiful fashion. A live shot of the lake in burlington behind us. People enjoying the water tonight. >> Nathan: hopefully this continues because that is kind of perfect conditions right now. >> Jessica: we lost the humidity we had to start the week, that was the kick starter for a lot of those that we saw. But now is perfect. It just a nice into the weekend but we have some active weather to contend with first. Bring an umbrella if you go outdoors and if you were out for saturday. The good news is that it is not a wash of a day but we are expecting some unsettled weather to kick off our weekend. Weather is brought you by train, the most reliable heating and cooling brand, it is hard to stop a train. It really has been one of those perfect spring and early summer days that we had. Just a light wind out there. We had the sunshine, light cloud it was just gorgeous. That continues this evening if you want to take it out for a walk or maybe you are plank sports tonight outside, a great night to do so. Temperature wise we sing at 25 not contending with too much as high pressure holds firm. 27 in windsor, a little cooler out through ottawa tech anywhere north of sault ste. Marie, we are seeing those mid-single digit in low double digits. Tonight here in the city and throughout the majority of the gta, holding on around 13 or 14 degrees. Seasonal norms around 11 so we are pretty close. Everybody seeing it where we should be. The active weather begins in the southwestern corner towards windsor tonight and then sweeps its way across as we had throughout the day tomorrow. But even with the active weather, we do not cool down all that much as we sit at 24 for us and the same through london, waterloo, hamilton, niagara. It is quite comfortable even with the active weather. The bulk of the system, again will be northern ontario but a bit of a trough coming down off of that that will rise as the cold front comes through, that is what we will see as we had throughout the day tomorrow. Timing it all out, clear tonight if you're heading out this evening, absolutely stunning. It is as we head into the late morning that we see the first round of rain and the chance will linger into the early evening around six and then we see sunshine before the day is over. So not a wash of a day by any means and as we get into sunday, lots of sunshine until about 7:00 pm and then we watch for the of showers to roll in. Temperature wise, were just above the seasonal mark start to finish saturday and sunday. Sunday is the dryer day of the two. Messy weather comes in late in the day sunday and brings us and A3s down a little. A civil digit low on wednesday to kind of mark the middle of the week and then, again, just in time for thursday and friday next week wi our products for quality Over and over and over again." So, you know they're built to last. ( ) Only the best earn the badge. ( ) Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you.

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