
CFTO - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

they should not be able to have that easy access. >> That's fantastic and makes it easier for everybody, everyone's happy. >> Reporter: not everyone. The retail council of canada, speaking for big groceries, calls this a sweetheart deal for the multinational companies that own the beer store. A gift from taxpayers while pushing recycling costs onto grocers and consumers and members will have to take a serious look at weather or not selling alcohol under this framework makes sense. For entirely different reasons, the centre for addiction and mental health is also disappointed. >> We really feel like this is a choice of convenience over ontarians health and well-being. >> Reporter: they say alcohol plays a role in 6000 deaths a year and ontario, number they expect to rise. >> We are really worried about violence and domestic violence. Which is seeing increases and we know how that is linked to alcohol. We are worried about dui. >> Reporter: the premier acknowledges there will be speed bumps navigating a change of the size and scope. >> I'm confident we will get through those pumps. >> Reporter: this accelerated timeline is fuelling speculation at the premiere may call an election early. Today, doug ford would not commit to sticking to the june 2026 date. He says he is committed to getting his agenda through. Reporting live, michelle, back to you. >> Michelle: thank you. Their concerns tonight about the provinces funding of the national ten-dollar a day daycare program. >> Nathan: they come after daycare announced it was at risk of closing because of funding issues. Beth macdowall has the details. >> Reporter: sending children to ten-dollar a day daycare has been a lifeline for many parents. 150 faces in this area could vanish by the end of the year if more money does not materialize soon. >> Affordable daycare is essential for families like mine communities like this. But more than that, the entire economy of ontario. >> Reporter: sunnyside garden daycare is nonprofit. In a letter to municipal and provincial politicians, the daycare says that while it did receive funds through its service manager, which is the city to stay afloat, the money cannot be used for operational costs and instead it was told it had too much staff and pay raises were too expensive. >> We cannot deny that we are in a higher income neighbourhood. But when the whole point of the ten-dollar day program was to institute universal healthcare, I don't think our experience is unique. It is an experience being felt across the province, including for those situated in neighbourhoods that provide care for lower income families@the toronto community for battle childcare says it is aware of mmre than 20 centres facing deficit budgets. The seo station of early childhood educators of ontario says federal money and 2022 covered costs between parent fees with public dollars. But does not account for the real cost of a childcare program. >> Including paying decent wages to early childhood educators and our staff and it has not accounted for rising costs because of inflation, increased wages, those types of things. It has become more difficult over the last two years as the revenue sort of stagnated. >> Reporter: advocates say the ontario government needs to release the funding formula so that the sector can plan and have stability. >> The GOVERNMENTPcén7s,5Zwé"#á“K funding formula ready. But it is not sharing which providers until january 2025. By the delay? Share the funding formula now. >> Reporter: an education ministry official says the funding formula is being finalized and will be announced this year and will be ready to be rolled out in 2025. Any statement to ctv, a spokesperson for the minister of education says, national childcare is a federal government signature program. We will keep cutting fees for parents but the federal government needs to step up with funding or this program will fail across the country. 92% of ontario's childcare centres opted into the ten-dollar a day program. Advocates and parents wanted to work. Beth macdowall, ctv news. >> Michelle: sad news out of barrie today. A toddler has died of injuries after he was hit by a recycling truck yesterday afternoon. It happened around 12:45 in the city's south end. The 23-month-old boy was taken to hospital before being airlifted to a trauma centre. Police were later informed that the child did not survive the night. An investigation into what happened is ongoing. >> Nathan: back here in toronto, a pedestrian is fighting for his life after he was struck by a vehicle down town morning. Emergency crews were called to the area at around 9:45. The man who was hit is believed to be in his seventies. He was rushed to hospital while the driver involved remained off the scene. The road was closed for the investigation but reopened by 2:00. >> Michelle: toronto police say a man has died of injuries after an assault last week in

scarborough. Investigators sure this image of the victim. The toronto man on may 16th, near eglinton and birch amount, police say a suspect attacked him with an object, leaving him critically hurt. A 65-year-old from toronto had faced assault charges but after the man's death on sunday, he is now charged with second-degree murder. Police say the pair knew each other. >> Nathan: meanwhile, peel police have made an arrest in a fatal stabbing in mississauga. On monday morning, police were called to a motel near britannia and widow wrote. They found a woman in her fifties with stab wounds was pronounced dead at the scene. Homicide detectives say the following day, the arrested 25-year-old from mississauga and charged him with second-degree murder. They say the victim and suspect are related but this is not considered a case of intimate partner violence. >> Michelle: in the york region, police arrested a man after several neighbours reported finding bullet holes on their properties this week. Investigators are accusing the 47-year-old of shooting a long gun from his backyard in the direction of the victim's home. They say they uncovered 10 of those firearms as well as a crossbow, ammunition and beer cans that may have been used for target practice. He faces several weapons harges >> Nathan: today's the first day voters can cast a ballot any mississauga mayoral election. >> Michelle: advance polls open this morning and is john musselman reports, there was a steady stream of voters taking advantage of the opportunity. >> Reporter: there was a steady stream of voters arriving today at this advanced pole at mississauga city hall. Residents here are voting for a new mayor next month. Social services, crime and transit are all top of mind. >> There's a problem with removing snow and things like that. We need someone to help us. >> The prices are over. Overpricing, the rent is high. >> Auto theft. Safety of civilians. >> Reporter: there are four main contenders for the top job. The latest poll conducted by main street shows a long time politician in the lead that there is still a large percentage of undecided voters. >> We have to do it or else we won't get our choice. Or at least the opportunity. >> Reporter: the by election is being held to replace former mayor bonnie crombie who has moved on to provincial politics as the leader of the ontario liberal party. It's a saga has only had two mayors in the past 45 years. Hazel served as mayor for 36 years before crombie. >> To be a mayor you need governance experience, you need fortitude, you need community experience and you also need to be available to people, given the busyness. I don't see that so much and new candidates because I have lived here in mississauga for 18 years @officials with the city of mississauga say 22 additional advance polls will open next weekend. >> To make the process as easy as possible, that is important to bring your id and if you can, your voter card. The id would be a driver's license, a bill, something that has your address on it@the by election will be held on june the 10th. John musselman, ctv news in mississauga. >> Nathan: as talks continue to avert a potential worker strike, there is a partial subway closure to bear in mind this weekend. All day tomorrow and sunday, line two trains won't be running between kennedy and woodbine stations. The ttc saas this is to accommodate track work for the extension. An automatic train control. Shuttle buses will be running. >> Michelle: and critical track work is prompting changes to go train schedules this weekend. On the lakeshore west line, trains will run every 15 minutes between union and oakville go but only every hour between oakville and west harbor go. Barry line trains will not run at all but replacement buses will go to and from highway 407 station where transfer is available to the ttc. >> Nathan: peel police say a dog who was saved from a potentially dangerous situation near pearson airport is now home and safe. Police shared images of the seven month old last night. They say good samaritan spotted her running in traffic along airport road and highway 409. And hand her over to peel police at pearson. Animal control took care of the dog and by late this morning, she was reunited with her foster family. >> Michelle: the man responsible for the crash involving the humbled broncos junior hockey team has been ordered to leave canada. The immigration and refugee board ruled today that the men be deported. 16 people were killed, 13 others were injured in 2018 when his truck ran a stop sign and into the path of the bus. He pled guilty to dangerous driving of fences and was sentenced to eight years in

prison. He was granted full parole last year. 's lawyer says there are still numerous other legal procedures to come and the deportation process could take months or even years. >> Nathan: about 9000 canadian border workers are one step closer to walking off the job. They voted 96% in favour of a strike mandate. The job action could happen as early as next month. A busy travel time between the U.S. and canada. But most are considered essential workers. So basic services will be provided during a strike. Mediation sessions are scheduled to begin on june 3rd. Union says members have been without an updated collective agreement for two years and that negotiations are at an impasse. The government assist -- insist it is ready to negotiate. >> A major ruling from the international court of justice between israel and hamas. >> Nathan: the top court has ordered israel to stop the military operation in rafa. >> Reporter: inside this court room and the netherlands today, a landmark emergency ruling in a case brought forward by south africa, accusing israel of genocide. >> They have not sufficiently addressed and expelled the concern raised in rafa. >> Reporter: and a strict order from the world court. >> They must immediately halt military offence and any other actions in rafa may inflict on the palestinian group in gaza, conditions of life that could bring about physical destruction. >> Reporter: the president of the court also ordered israel to open the rafa border crossing to allow humanitarian aid in calling the situation in gaza catastrophic. >> Rt Honourable pm Justin Trudeau: canada's position has been clear for many weeks now. We need an immediate cease-fire. Hamas needs to lay down its arms, release all hostages but there also must be no more military operations and rafa. >> Reporter: the court also called for the release of all remaining hostages. And while it's order is legally binding, the icj lacks the power to enforce. >> The international court of justice does not have its own army, it does not have its own police. It depends upon the security council to implement its orders. >> Reporter: this is the third time the court has issued orders for israel to pull back and address the humanitarian suffering and gaza. But israel has been accused of ignoring their orders in the past. >> Israeli spokesmen have already announced that essentially, israel will not comply with the order and that they will continue their operation. >> Reporter: israel has repeatedly dismissed accusations of genocide, saying it has the right to defend itself from hamas. South africa's wider case here accuses israel of state led genocide against palestinians. The decision on that could take years. But the icj has rejected israel's request to throw the case out. Ctv news, ottawa. >> Michelle: the bodies of three hostages killed during the october 7th attack in israel were recovered overnight from gaza. The bodies were located and their families have now been notified. The announcement comes less than a week after the army said it found the bodies with three other israeli hostages. Hamas led militants killed 1200 people and inducted around 250 others, about half of the hostages have since been freed. >> Nathan: egyptian security sources say food and fuel may soon start arriving in southern gaza via the israel crossing. An agreement between the president of egypt and the united states would see a to temporarily scent to the un in the territory. It would be delivered via the crossing and southern israel at the egyptian and gaza borders. Sources told reuters that egypt is coordinating with israel on the age. The shipment will continue until legal mechanisms are in place to reopen the nearby rafa border crossing from the palestinian side. >> Michelle: ukraine's president says his country's forces have secured combat control in northern parts of the region. In the city, he visited a printing facility where an attack killed seven people yesterday. Russia has launched an offensive into the north of the surrounding region. But the president said that ukrainian soldiers have managed to take control of the border area where the enemy struck on may 10th. The assault opened a new front and what kyiv said was an effort to divert its outnumbered troops from the east where the fiercest fighting is taking place. >> Nathan: boeing has had a possible date for its first astronaut launch. The company is looking at june 1st. It follows weeks of review to show the star liner capsule can basically fly to test pilots to the international space station. That is despite a small helium leak discovered following the first launch attempt on may 6th that was scuttled by a

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