
CFTO - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> In rio de janeiro the statue of christ the redeemer was lit up with images of pope francis to mark the launch of his book. Several images from different moments were projected as well as quotes from his book, life, my story through history. He tells the story through the events of marked humanity in the last 80 years. From the outbreak of the second world war to present day. >> Michelle: the world's largest tree has passed a general health check. It is the granddaddy of general sequoias known as general's sequoia. People are looking for an emerging threat to the significant treed the bark beetle. But the towering 2200-year-old tree is doing just fine. >> Jessica: a beautiful end to the work week. Sunshine and low humidity and a very light wind throughout the day. If you want to get out and enjoy it's a fantastic one to do so but looking at the uv index between high and very high and sun protection is key especially if you want to hit up a patio. Coming up a look at the long-range forecast and breaking down active weather on t She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. (Woman) We're putting our footdown to keep our feet up.Like way up with La- (Man) We worked overtime,now it's tv time. (vo) It's the La-Z-Boy Red Tag Sale! Save up to 25% La-Z-Boy. Long live the lazy. Let's maximize those dreams. That's right. The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! Got another dreamer! Get your lotto MAXtickets today! [olg sting] Captain, the Cable Emperor has established contact. Put him through. May the lag be with you. Both: May the lag be with you. What's the status? Their ship has escaped, Your Eminence. They're just too fast. I see. Well don't worry, good things come to those who... (Static) Who what? "...who wait," captain. He's frozen again. Of course he is. Classic Cable Empire. ( ) So we're walking the whole coast of Nova Scotia. Literally the whole coast. We're talking lighthouses, seafood, glamping. Tidal bore rafting! Totally not a bore by the way! We hottubbed. We cold plunged. The Cabot Trail? The views! And the coastal towns? Oh! You should have been there. Okay, we get it. That's why we came with you this time. Right. Yes. Getting the right new windowswith Pella was simple.Yeah, when renovating adr it can be hard tofind great people. Our dedicated Pellaadvisor was a godsend. We had confidence in Pella. They sold over 5 millionreplacement windows and doors. So, we knew our local teamwould be on top of every detail. And the installation wasdone in just a day. Mom the kitchen sinkis broken again. I wish Pella did plumbing. Hurry, replacement windowsare on sale now. Schedule a free in-homeconsultation for details. A wolf in the wild... and your dog both share a hunger for meat. That's why blue Wilderness is made with more of the meat your dog loves... Go wild with protein-rich blue Wilderness. ( ) Bonnie Crombie. Oh, the new Ontario Liberal leader. Of course, she's friends with Justin Trudeau. And just like Trudeau, she supports a carbon tax. Makes me wonder what she was like as mayor. She raised taxes... twice. Three times? And her last act as mayor was raising taxes again? No, thank you. Bonnie Crombie, she's expensive. A message from the Ontario pc Party. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! . Messi magic once again Oh Canada!! their time has come The stage is set And it is spectacular!!

>> Nathan: friday and a good feeling in the air. A great start to the day and hopefully the weekend is just as good. >> We've had great weather and talking about rain tomorrow but today is looking amazing. The sun is looking really good and is tomorrow awash up or good news? >> Jessica: the weekends are getting to the time where you want to spend out as much time as possible. We have waves of active weather but not a wash of a day by any means. Weather is brought to you by the preszler law firm. Injury lawyers you don't pay and less they win. A beautiful start to the day if you are an early riser. Not cold by any means but not nearly the same humidity we had early in the week that when you walked outside it was the 12 punch when you walk outside. The good news we hold on to the sunshine start to finish and temperature wise a much lower humidex value so easier to contend with if you want to spend time outside and work outside. At 24° in the city and not much of a humidex of any to deal with. 21 windsor and warmer through ontario. Some of the air will track its way down to us but not before the weekend is said and done. Today at a time high of 26 or 27 so just above the seasonal norm and we are kind of parked at the mid 20 range. Same with southern ontario. Kind of in the low twenties towards peterborough but pretty nice to wrap up the short school week for a lot of people. Into the evening sitting at 14 and we should be at 11. Really across southern ontario so a bit easier for sweeping -- sleeping. Still benefiting from the high-pressure but the system west of the great lakes will push its way into us. The bulk will be in northern ontario but we are getting the tail end of this as it pushes through. Timing it out through the rest of the afternoon and evening. Clear and comfortable and fantastic if you are travelling to a cottage this weekend. We see the first round of showers making their way through saturday. We will be clipped by it. A break in the day about 2:30 or 3:00 we get another round and a lot of that pushes out in the early evening. A bit of late they sunshine before the day is said and done. Cloud cover starting on sunday but it pushes out early in the day and a beautiful end to the weekend to. A bit of rain into the day tomorrow. Temperature wise into the weekend above seasonal for the high and low. Sunday picture-perfect right on par for where we should be. Into the beginning of next week another round of rain rolling in and it gets a little cooler for tuesday and wednesday at about 18 and 17° and thursday next week spot on for seasonal. 20 for the high and 11 for the low exactly where we should be. Back to you michelle >> Michelle: thank you jessica.

>>> We talked about how there are concerns about how ontario is finding its portion of the national child care program and what it could mean for childcare centres amid outcry that some are at risk of closure. Joining us is the executive director of the association of early childhood educators ontario. Thank you for joining us alanna. What is your take on the issue? >> Thanks michelle. I think childcare programs across ontario have been in a really tough position. They are trying to make this amazing ten-dollar a day childcare program work but the way the system has been funded the last 2 years has made it really difficult and they are facing deficits and having to think about withdrawing from the program and they are cutting staff wages. We are hearing a lot of difficult stories at a time when we should be talking about how great the program is for children and family and educators in ontario. >> Michelle: I think if you talk to parents right now and if you have a child and child care and I do we have seen the cosco way down. That is a good thing but I imagine it wasn't designed to leave the childcare providers out to money. Can you help us understand why it isn't working? >> When ontario first signed on to the canada wide childcare system plan the first step was to reduce the parent fees. Immediately federal funding flowing through the province going to childcare programs to cover that cost difference. We call this the replacement model where the revenue from parent fees would be replaced by public dollars. What that doesn't do is account for the real costs of operating a childcare program including paying decent wages to early child could -- childhood educators and it hasn't accounted for rising costs because of inflation and increased wages and those things it has become more difficult over the last 2 years as the revenue has become stagnant. >> Michelle: we've heard from the province a new funding model is coming. What do you say to that? >> We are looking forward to the new funding model. I think we really need childcare programs right in their -- right now to see stability and make sure they continue to operate and in order to keep expanding and building new childcare we will also need them to feel like they can stabilize their finances and start planning for the future as well. We are hopeful this will meet the needs of operators and help address existing gaps and also help wage increases in the province. >> Michelle: can the childcare centres that are struggling wait until next year and what is needed now? And to what extent are different childcare centres at risk of closing? How bad is the situation? >> There are variances across the province. Each municipality things are different and it also depends on the childcare program. I think the province has responded by offering funding for the emerging issues -- emerging issues find. I think in the short term or funding through that emerging issues find would really help meet the needs where folks are spending the deficit or coming close to closure and we really need to make sure the programs continue to operate and provide that quality care in the short term and then we need a good funding formula for the long-term. >> Michelle: alana powell is the executive director of the early childcare. Thanks for taking the time. >> Thanks michelle. >> Nathan: a sad update to share about a story we mentioned earlier. A toddler hit by a recycling truck in barry has died. It happened in the south end of the city yesterday afternoon. The 23 month old boy was taken to hospital before being airlifted to a trauma centre and the police have been informed the child did not survive the night. The investigation into the crash is still ongoing.

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