
CFTO - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 08:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

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>> Hi, my name is susan. I'm from cambridge, ontario. I am in norway. The most northerly point of europe. >> Lindsey: that is next level. By the way, our colleague, will, that is his mom, susan. Thanks for sending that in to us. I think that is our first norwegian one. >> Kelsey: that is my homeland. >> Teddy: you have heritage there. >> Kelsey: my mom's parents immigrated from norway to canada. It's due to canadian soldiers that I am here today. We will put up the qr code. We would love to hear from you where ever you are in world. Scan the qr code and upload the video. We will watch it on the show. >> Lindsey: one of the stories we are following closely today. The noaa issued its most severe outlook ever for atlantic hurricane season. There's an 85% chance of an above average season. Including up to 7 major hurricanes. For more, the lead hurricane forecaster is joining us. >> Good morning. >> Lindsey: what do you look at to make that projection? >> We look at the surface temperatures in the atlantic that are at record levels. And we look at la niña which is conducive to tropical storm formation. >> Lindsey: we are looking at the damage that some of these hurricanes can cause. How do you get a specific number? >> We have multiple statistical relationships between ocean and wind patterns. We run hundreds, if not thousands of simulations. Partnering with the people in the europe centre. And our own models within noaa. >> Lindsey: not all of these hurricanes will make landfall, correct? >> Correct. Many could stay far from canada, far from coastline. Many could come close to the - coastline. During busy years you double your odds of hurricane landfall. >> Lindsey: out of the last ten hurricane seasons, this year could be the 8. Let's talk about the role of climate change. >> Climate change does have an impact on a lot of the structure of the storms. We see higher potential for higher coastal flooding. Intense rainfall with each storm and a slight increase of the winds at the core of each storm. The number of the storms is more uncertain given the data that we have. >> Obviously we are talking about here at home, our coast, the atlantic area. How could atlantic canada be affected by this? >> So as these storms develop and move north, they can tap into some of the energy along with the traditional storms that come along. They can merge and have some very intense impacts. Fiona was just two years ago and that brought a lot of devastation. I'm hoping that one of these hurricanes does not bring a lot of damage. We should prepare for a lot of damage this year. >> Lindsey: when does hurricane season begin >> June 1th to november 30th. >> Lindsey: what can we do now to prepare? What would you say? >> Gather some supplies now. The last thing you want to do is try and be in line with everyone else trying to buy batteries or testing your equipment. Make sure you have tested your generators now so you can repair them. Practice generator safety. Have some extra food on hand. Two or three to four days worth of food. If you are remote locations, maybe a week's worth of food. Dry foods. Things you can keep for a long time. Those are the best options. >> Lindsey: thank you. >> Good morning. >> Teddy: new this morning, we are learning the competition bureau is investigating the parent companies of loblaws and sobeys. >> Federal court documents show the companies are facing allegations of anti-competitive conduct. The commissioner of competition says the grocery giants put control into their lease

agreements to limit the potential new tenants. This could prevent independent grocers or new grocery stores to take that space. Sobeys owner, empire has PUSHs back against that investigation calling it "unlawful". >> Member of the royal newfoundland regiment have arrived in france to bring the body of an unknown soldier home. >> The body will be returned to canadian troops at a ceremony tomorrow. That region was the site of a bloody first world war battle in which hundreds of soldiers from newfoundland were killed or injured. The unknown soldier will represent more than 800 newfoundlanders who died in the first world war. Once it returns, the soldier's body will lie in state at the provincial legislature. >> Some disapointment for soccer fans as the match-up between white caps fc and intermiami fc will be lacking a lot of the star power. >> Super, super disappointing >> Miami will be without three international superstars. Lionel messi and two others. That's a massive load of fans who thought they would be seeing three of the best players of their generation. Some fans say they marketed the match as if the three would be there. >>> It's all coming back for celine dion fans in a brand-new documentary. >> Teddy: we are getting an up close and personal view of celine dion's illness. She says this documentary is a love letter to fans. The doc showcases her incredible career in music from live footage of her shows to personal interviews. I am celine dion drops on prime video june 25th. >> Edmonton oilers fans will be waking up to a smile on their faces and not just because it is friday. >> There it is. Connor McDAVID scored in double overtime to top the dallas stars 3-2 in game one. It was quite the game for the oilers captain. Game 2 goes tomorrow night in dallas. >> Kelsey: maybe I will stay awake. >> Lindsey: it's the weekend, you can do it. >> Kelsey: any of the western games are so difficult to stay up for. But I'm hopeful. Maybe. >> Teddy: fingers crossed. >> Kelsey: I will also be going to the kingston area this weekend because I am going for a baseball doubleheader. >> Lindsey: it's pretty there. That's where the market is. They have a market there. >> Kelsey: there are so many things happening. There's a big ship that looks like the titanic. There are so many things to do with the kids. Super sunny today in the kingston area. It is going to be a bit more unsettled into the weekend. Something to keep in mind as we are tracking some storms that will move through the region as we head into the weekend. Speaking of storms, a very active start to the day across portions of the U.S. midwest. We will start first with this active weather in our prairies. Heavy rainfall in southern manitoba. Parts of southeast saskatchewan. This has prompted rainfall warnings in the area. Up to 60 millimeters of rain. We have winds coming down from the north. It's cold. Some will flip over to snow. Now farther north, what is interesting is to see this pocket of warmer air through northeastern B.C. northwest alberta. Air quality advicesoryies for the first time in two and-a-half weeks have been dropped. Significant improvement there. Watching the fact that the temperatures are so warm in comparison to elsewhere. As we slide to southern alberta, teen temperatures in the next kilometer of days. Varying temperatures in saskatchewan and alberta. Brandon going from 5 today to 17 by sunday. Any snow that does fall for areas of southwest manitoba will not stick around by any means. Heavy rain flips over to snow. That will continue right into evening. In behind that, we have thunderstorms and scattered ones through b.c., alberta and

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