
CFTO - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 11:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>> The loudist I've ever measured a cicada chorus is 96 decibels. To put into perspective, when jets are flying into chicago o'hare, the cicadas will drown out the jets. >> Reporter: there are apps to track them and zoo animals find they're a tasty snack. Even humans like to fry up a little crunchy cicada cuisine. >> I like to tell people if it's coming from a new orleans kitchen, even if it's bizarre, it's going to be tasty. >> Reporter: so enjoy the spectacle. Above ground the bug's life isn't long and a double brood won't be back until 2037. Joy malbon, ctv news, washington. >> Heather: a spectacle indeed. That's our newscast for this friday. For all of us at "ctv national news," thank you for watching. I'm heather butts. Goodnight and I'll see you again tomorrow. [ ] [ ] Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now atCRAVE.CA.

[ ] >> Michelle: a deadly crash this afternoon after the wheels smashers through a bus windshield. Good evening we begin tonight in saint catherine's where 48 old man is dead of history we'll smash through the windshield of a coach bus resulting in a three vehicle crash on the qew. Ontario provincial police say the crash happened around :40 pm now the garden city skyway bridge, video from our chopper shows the coach bus with a shattered friend when sheldonmac and many banknotes to be seen on this -- side of the highway that appears to be missing the rear. Rep mike this collision the result of a wheel coming off a passenger van, and going through the windshield of a coach bus. As a result of this we'll striking the coach bus, a 40-year-old man from toronto was pronounced dead at the scene. >> Zuraidah: three other passengers were taken to the area hospital with serious injuries, the qew reopened around 11. >>> In toronto, and 92-year-old man is fighting for his life in hospital after being hit by a car crossing the street on spadina avenue any mnpmac emergency crews were called to the spadina avenue grange avenue area around 940 5:00, the man was walking northbound when he was had by vehicle in the light -- light have turned, the nine year old remained on the scene, mother and child are in hospital after being struck by vehicle in etobicoke, they respond to the area of royal york road just before 5:30 pm. The victims were transported to hospital with nonlife threatening injuries, police to the driver remained onto the scene, no word on any charges. >>> The university of toronto said pro- palestinian demonstrators have until monday to vacate an encampment that has been ongoing for three weeks, the deadline comes out of her organizer turned down a proposal from the schools officials, a trespass notice has now been issued, db mike walker has the latest. >> Reporter: with the deadline to offered the -- to accept the offer of past. >> Order of trespass a rep mike special constables delivered trespass notices to pro- palestinian organizers, statements and demonstrators. >> This document is a farce. >> Reporter: rejecting the university of toronto offered to end the encampment offering -- occupying to the green space for more than three weeks now and includes more than 170 tenths. >> This document is nothing but a summary of their already existing procedure on divestment and disclosure with a few minor tweaks, to betas into thinking we are getting a good deal out of this. >> At the offer is fair and reasonable and reasonable, universities offer includes inviting students to present their demands to the business board of governing council but of forming working group to consider options for the disclosure of the school's investments! The university says it will not end any partnerships with israeli schools which is at one of the demands. >> Our approach is in keeping with the university's fundamental commitments to free expression, peaceful protests and the diversity of opinions that exist in our community. >> We were given a proposal for a committee, no commitment for devised money, you want a commitment of our development, we demand it. >> Reporter: the university has it made it clear that encampments on its property are illegal, there is also number of health and safety concerns, there have been numerous incidences of hateful speech on campus and reported to police since the encampment was established. >> To students are reporting it to us they feel unsafe, they feel targeted. >> Reporter: jay sullivan, with an advocacy group for jewish students calling for the removal of the encampment. >> It's long been time since the university took meaningful concrete steps to ensure jewish students like any other student is able to come to school and a study and live and work, free of harassment and intimidation. >> Reporter: giving demonstrators until late monday morning to clear the encampment, before then that of the two sides will meet over the weekend. >> There is lots more room for improvement. >> Reporter: of the encampment is not of removed, the university will take necessary legal steps. The university administrators and demonstrators are expected to continue negotiations on a sunday, at this point toronto police say the university has not requested its assistance to help clear the encampment stomach mike walker, ctv news, toronto. >> Zuraidah: expect to see larger cases of beer and grocery stores starting the summer, the province heating of the expansion of alcohol sales but not everybody is applauding the move. Siobhan morris has the details. >> Reporter: the premiere does not drink alcohol but has been pledging for years to place it

in closer reach. >> We are getting a don't foster, we're getting it done starting this summer. >> Reporter: starting august 1st got groceries and big box stores that already sell alcohol can add a boozy seltzer's, premixed drinks and bigger cases of beer up to 30. >> At september 5th, convenience stores like this one will be able to sell beer, cider, wino and ready to drink alcoholic beverages steve as starting halloween more big retailers can have their license, the expansion more than a year ahead of schedule, to make it happen, 225 million taxpayer dollars goes into the beer stores through the transition. >> Or is going is to ensure that we protect the beer store employees to make sure they know they will be taken care of, we will audit every single penny to make sure it's going in the right place. >> Reporter: encoding keeping a minimum number of stores open, with hospitals under strain, municipal infrastructure buckling the. >> $125 million to alcohol -- accelerate alcohol sales. >> Thank you for that, when it comes to patient... >> Reporter: boasting on healthcare and access to primary care, from ontarians, a cocktail of feelings about these changes. >> People are looking for convenience,. >> Oh wait about, it they should not be able to have such easy access to go and get it from a convenience store it. >> Make it easy for everybody, everybody's happy. >> Reporter: not everybody, the retail council of canada call exists a sweetheart deal for the multinational companies that own the beer stores, a gift from taxpayers, while pushing recycling costs onto grocers and consumers, and members were how to take a serious look at whether or not selling to alcohol under makes sense, entirely different reasons, the centre for addiction and mental health is also disappointed. >> Are really feel like this is a choice of convenience over ontarians health and well-being of. >> Reporter: saying alcohol plays a role in the 6000 deaths a year in ontario, a number they expect to rise. >> We are very worried about the violence and domestic violence which is already using increases, we know how that is linked to alcohol. We await about duis. >> Reporter: the premier ecology there will be speed bumps,. >> I'm confident we will go to those bumps. >> Reporter: the timeline of speculations that the premium recall an early election, today doug ford would not it commits to keeping the vote in 2026 but is committed to getting his agenda through. >> Zuraidah: more news in a moment, is give you a life look right now a downtown toronto, 15 degrees and are merely clear skies, jessica smith has our first look at the forecast. >> Jessica: aid was the most amazing today, the centred from start to finish, freezing low humidity, it is one of those days he just want to be outside of the entire time. Tonight is all, we do have a decent start to the day tomorrow before it gets messy but this evening sitting at 14, should be around 11 so we are holding onto that nearest seasonal market. When it gets lighter but it gets breezy or tomorrow. We're starting off with sunshine by that arena, risk of thunderstorms roles and, and sticks around until at least the made afternoon. Coming up, a full look at your long-range forecast to show you how long this rain will hold on and what we can expect for the weekend is. >> Zuraidah: thank you.

>>> Prosecutors say the suspect in a deadly mississauga shooting pledged allegiance to isis, and a man was killed because he was ready to expose those ties. John woodward has a story. >> Reporter: it was a bloody scene in may of 2021 in the family-run restaurant, five people shots, the 25-year-old died in an attack that shock the city of mississauga. >> Just don't understand. >> Senseless. >> Senseless. >> Reporter: at the time police released this surveillance video before and after the shooting, part of an investigation that led to the arrest of three men, natasha, solomon raza anna and owned it, in light of the crown attorney to tell a jury in the first degree murder trial that he had gone to work in his white house, singh that you will hear evidence that he was aware of the group pledged allegiance to isis, they were not just buying and selling products, they pledged our regions to isis, and when he was being used to finance at organization, sent back home to four that that caused. >>> He is planning to go to the authorities and betray the others, it's my position of the others came up with a plan to prevent that from happening, a plan to kill him and his family. The councils and between nines 2021 of that plan was put into action, alleging that he entered the restaurant, pulled a handgun and shot seven times and 18 seconds, witnesses told that they saw a slender man jump into a honda accord which set all, inside, the mother heard several pop sculptures trauma and the arm, rushed into see several others dink shot including one of her sons . She said elegant him, he was looking at me, I could see the blood everywhere on the ground, I could do nothing. She called 911 and asked any driver in the gas station for help you muck police at full different pulled footage from 70 security cameras to follow the accord back to the business, and major break in the case. John woodward, ctv news. >> Zuraidah: people police made an arrest in a fatal stabbing and mississauga, police were called to a motel near widow road just before 9:30 am monday. A woman in her fifties with stab wounds was browsed at the scene, the 25-year-old woman of mississauga was arrested the next day and charge of a second we murder, police he the victim and suspect are related, but did not consider the case of intimate partner violence.

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