
CFRN - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 07:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

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clarifying changes the province amending parts of its controversial bill. 20. And a new beef. How oilers fans home and away are preparing for the dallas stars. After facing weeks of criticism, the province's making changes to controversial legislation. Bill 20 will change how local elections run and will give cabinet the ability to amend or repeal municipal bylaws and city councillors. Ctv's jeremy thompson joins us now with more on this tonight. Jeremy, what do we know so far about the changes coming to bill? 20? Well, matt, I spoke with municipal affairs minister rick mckiver about this earlier today on his way into the house. Though he would not go into detail about these changes, he does say there will be 2 included in today's amendment. Now. >> Represent the vast majority of both urban and rural communities. The changes to bill 20 will likely address to contentious parts of the legislation. The first is around voting for someone without id at a polling station on election day, so that they can vote. Bill 20 is initially written, would disallow that practice without presenting any evidence that voting has actually led to problems. Municipal leaders have also been calling for more specific language in the bill about when the province could change or repeal the by-law or remove a city councillor mciver says he met with local leaders to help shape the amendments, including a phone call with a blur. Alberta municipalities president tyler gandam just minutes before speaking to reporters today. >> The amendments are very as a result of conversations with the municipal leaders. So I'm hoping that they'll either be more on happier, less unhappy. >> Bill 20 has been harshly criticized by local leaders since it was introduced about a month ago. Edmonton city council unanimously passed a motion calling for the bill to be scrapped until further consultation was complete. The president of the rural municipalities of alberta called the bill complete garbage. And the worst thing to happen to municipality is in nearly 2 decades. Others have described it as a deeply flawed power grab. Now it remains to be seen exactly what the changes will be in this legislature member. This is also the bill that includes adding in a municipal municipal political party. So a lot to is in this bill to change. The bill will be tabled in the legislature any minute now. Matt. And we'll have more information and initial reaction to whatever changes may be at 6 o'clock. >> All right, looking forward to that. Jeremy thompson live for us tonight. Thank you. The man is in custody after a 15 year-old boy was killed in northwest edmonton last night. Police were called to the intersection of one 37th avenue and one 84th street just after 9.30 officers found an injured boy, he died before he could be taken to hospital. A man was arrested shortly after police say it appears the victim and the suspect knew each other. Police are not looking for anyone else at this time. Saint albert public schools says a grade 9 student from lorne akins died last night. Flags outside the board building were lower today in his honour. The city says a pair of pit bulls attacked multiple people earlier this month have been euthanized. Surveillance video obtained by ctv news appears to show 2 teens attempting to get away from 2 dogs before a man tries to get the dogs under control. The city says the dog's owners were issued 4 tickets that come with mandatory court appearances. Edmonton city council is changing its naming policy to better promote diversity and inclusion. >> That having a strong resource for outreach and education in the does not preclude the need for stopping support additional facilitation and education. And the broader community. >> Today city councillors debated the 8 recommendations brought forward by the naming committee. They include developing a culturally sensitive renaming process, including indigenous names and community engagement. The renaming process could include river valley parks, district parks and city owned facilities. No anticipated budget was brought forward. The new process will include lessons learned from the renaming of all over to work when the when. The edmonton oilers biggest trade deadline acquisition is almost ready to return to the lineup. Adam henry cause ms. 6 playoff games because of an injury. >> I I don't do well. Just sitting there watching some kind of pacing around. It's a it's not a great feeling. It's, you know, when you're playing, you're just, you're in the game. In the moment. It and you have and when you don't have that control, its hard to. Its hard to take the. >> It adds a lot to our team, whether that helps us with their second power kelly kill or probably more importantly, it's little secondary scoring. >> Oilers head coach chris not block says henry could play against the dallas stars as

early as game one. The 34 year-old hasn't played since game 2 against vancouver and has one goal in 6 games. These playoffs. The oilers only have 2 days off before their third-round series begins compared to a week off between rounds one and 2 defenceman. Cody cc says he's glad it's a shorter break. This time. >> Most of the break was a little too long within the last 2 just too to practices and kind of overthinking. So not much time to to think now, we can roll our momentum into game one. >> The puck drops on game one in dallas tomorrow night at 6.30. The edmonton oilers are hoping to feast on the dallas stars in the next round of the stanley cup playoffs. Some fans are hoping to feed the team with energy and with food. As ctv's evan kenny explains, the series will be filled with beef, both on and off the ice. >> Edmonton oilers fans are hungry for more winds in the stanley cup playoffs while they wait for game. One of the western conference finals between edmonton and the dallas stars, they're being fuelled by jacques burger shack. It's the same pre-game meal. Some of the oilers coaches and staff have eaten during these playoffs of the 4. No. >> In the playoffs when we have this year. >> Just like the oilers game plan for us just went in battles. The coach's orders are simple. 13 standard burgers and 7 orders of fries. >> Hockey players and athletes are superstitious, so I think we have been a part of the routine now, I hope that >> When they eat it and then they have the eu court feeling of of winning that the kind of really the 2 together. >> Dale cyle, also known as banjo guy, will also be trying to help the team win in dallas with his support from the stance. The city is definitely live and I think carried so should be a pretty crazy week in edmonton. I'm pretty lucky. Actually to be able to go down. Dallas hear it for games one and 2, he's already got the go ahead in dallas to wear a full face of makeup after facing issues in other arenas, they say a whole face states ago. Bringing the heat for sure. He's predicting the oilers will win the series in 6 games. The burger shack agrees they're not worried about meeting dallas fed a lot of time in texas because his outstanding, I don't think anything holds a. >> A torch to alberta. >> Evan kenny ctv news, edmonton. >> And speaking of beef, alberta's premier and the governor of texas have started their own in the form of a hockey bet. Danielle smith is challenging her counterpart with the bat based on the oilers and the stars. She wrote on x quote, when the oilers beat the stars, you must eat the world's best steak in alberta rib steak on video and comment on just how amazing it is. And quote, greg abbott responded saying, quote, he's in adding, I bet the world's best ribeye, which is only found in texas that the stars beat the oilers. Yeah, texas or alberta state. Josh, I don't think there's too many losers coming out about that. >> No, no, no, not given the beyond meat the to advertising for a lot of people, though, unless you're in some wildfire portions of the yet. So I mean, have been scattered across parts, the province of the last number of days. We started seeing here in the edmonton area last hour or so you got some heavy rain there. Looks like the southwest corner of the city. We that ports of some small hail. And a couple parts of the city and up around was set earlier this afternoon. You can see it's coming down heavy are here off to the north of the see beach region behind what's going through right now. There is a gap right there. And so I think once you get through the rain, it's raining in your neighbourhood right now. You're done with it for at least a couple of hours. Still a slight chance mid evening, you might see one more brief, spotty shower, one little flash of lightning. They're off to the northeast. I think we'll see any thunderstorms, but you can see it's been mainly central and north-central alberta that has had the showers off and on through this afternoon. As we said yesterday. You get some sunny breaks at times you get some scattered showers at times. But for most of the daytime hours today and really for the next couple of days, it should be fairly dry. It's 11 degrees downtown right now. Still 14 south, the city where the rain has not ruled in just yet. It's coming though. 14 was our high earlier this afternoon ahead of those showers, 5 degrees cooler than average. This is now an entire week. With temperatures below average. 16 degrees why not below average, but below average temperatures with a high of 60 degrees last wednesday. You can throw another blue one on the board here and it looks like through the rest of this week will see more blue on that temperature calendar next week should see temperatures climb back above average 4 degrees tomorrow morning, chance of scattered showers again through the afternoon hours tomorrow and a high of about 13 to close. Look at that warm up for the next week, just a few minutes. All right, josh, thank you. Emergency medical service students are learning

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