
CFRN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 05:55 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

>>> A demonstration in israel this morning is reminding people of the uncertain state of hostages being held in hamas. Protesters in tel aviv held up some of photos of some of the hostages. Nearly 130 people are still being held in hamas. This comes after new video was released showing 5 israeli soldiers being captured by hamas. This fot age was released by the soldier's families to put more pressure on israel's government to secure their release. >> Students at a pro palestinian encampment at university of toronto will meet with school administrators today. >> U of t thinks we are weak and that we will not be able to maintain this encampment, but they are wrong. >> A rally was held last night at the encampment that has been set up for more than would weeks now. Some students say they have begun hunger strikes. People at the encampment have two main demands. That u of t disclose its relationship with israel and that the school divest any investments it has with israeli companies. Those at the encampment and taking part at the hunger strike say they will stick with it until the demands are met. >> The city of toronto is looking to take a new approach with its strategy when it comes to dealing with homeless encampment. >> Clearing is not a strategy that works. It removes people from one place to go where? >> The new report shared wednesday recommends a housing first human rights approach. The city says with a lack of mental health care services and a lack of housing and hiring costs, more people are experiencing homelessness. The goal is to use more outreach workers and compassion. A toronto shelter and support worker says, what is really needed-second a coordinated regional response. The city will represent the report next week.

>>> Police in eastern ontario have wrapped up the on-scene investigation into a deadly boat crash over the victoria day weekend. Three young adults died and five others were taken to hospital after a speedboat ended up on top of a fishing boat on bob's lake near kingston on saturday night. The opp reconstruction team is piecing together what happened and they can't say if there will be charges at this point. All three people killed were in their early 20s. They were pronounced dead at the scene. >> China this morning is holding military drills in taiwan calling them punishment against the island. >> The drill simulates a full-scale attack on taiwan. Li is a member of taiwan's separatist democratic progressive party who has been called a troublemaker by beijing. Taiwan's coastguard is keeping a close eye on the drills. Telling china's ships to stay away. >> Former U.S. presidential hopeful nikki haley has shared who she will support in this fall's presidential election. >> Biden has been a catastrophe. So I will be voting for trump. >> Akshay: the former south carolina governor said donald trump hasn't been perfect either. The endorsement of a former rival came during haley's public speech. She was donald trump's last major rival. >>> A brand of mushrooms is being recalled. There have been no reports of people getting sick. The mushrooms were mostly sold in ontario. The canadian food inspection agency says they could have been distributed in other provinces and territories. >> A couple from bali, ontario accepted an invitation of a lifetime this week when they accepted the invitation to the buckingham palace garden party. Canadians involved in public service were encouraged to apply for an invite. The couple were one of 30 people chosen to attend the party out of more than 700 people who applied. It was a rainy day for the event. It's london, of course, but it clearly didn't dampen their spirits. >> Lindsey: that's fun. Good for them. >> Akshay: a good garden party would be fun. >> Lindsey: this has been going on since 1860. It's a way that the monarchy would connect with people and come face-to-face. You get all dressed up. It seems really fun. The number of cups of tea and cake that was served. The princess of wales was there. >> Kelsey: if it wasn't raining, it could have been nice. Here is what we are talking about in weather, we have heavy rainfall warnings in place in southern manitoba. It is going to be very wet. 50 to 60 millimeters of rain. Elsewhere in the country, less humid today, but we have some morning thunderstorms. I will track those coming up after the break. And below average temperatures to kick off your thursday morning. That's all ahead after this commercial break. We are back in just 2 It's the People... and the Passion It's the Community... and the Commerce. It's looking back to help plan a better Future. For the Love of Our City ... only on ctv. Here's a fresh take. We think burgers taste better when they're made with Canadian beef. Fresh onto the grill. Fresh off the grill. Never frozen. Always juicy. ( ) ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at (upbeat piano) Announcer: Northern Alberta's only newsroom with two full-time meteorologists ctv Edmonton is your first and only source for the region's latest most reliable forecast.

Cory: Temperatures set to rise Announcer: Watch Cory Edel weekday mornings to find out what the day has in store before you leave the house Josh: No sign of any heavy or steady rain Announcer: and, trust Josh Classen to give you the edge you need to get you through the day and into tomorrow giving you the edge - The Weather Edge Exclusively on ctv and ctv Edmonton dot c a It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! r windows and doors are foggy, wasting energy, or damaged Reflect window & Door can help! From residential to commercial, they offer a full range of Windows and Doors, along with a wide selection of Hardware and replacement parts! Add beauty to your home with Reflect Window & Door! ( ) When we work to end inequity... ( ) we help start something better. Support Even the Odds. She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. >> If you are waking up this morning and you are thinking it's a little cold. It is cold because our jet stream in the mid-latitudes where we are is below the international border. When that jet stream dips, it allows the cold air to settle in. There's a bit of ridging that will happen in ontario and parts of québec as we head into friday ask saturday. You notice in behind that, the jet stream stays well south of our prairies. It really takes until sunday before there's a bit of amplification happening through western canada. Monday, tuesday, that will build. And we will see that long-range forecast. Temperatures begin to rise in the west. Before we get there, it continues to be cool in many areas, which is helping to influence that fire behaviour. Still seeing air quality statements in the far northeast of B.C. including fort nelson area. That is holding steady. When we look at yesterday to today. A few showers lingering in central alberta. Parts of west/central saskatchewan. A few showers in southern manitoba. That's just a pre-cursor of much more active weather that is set to move into the region as we head into tonight. Temperature-wise, high level fort nelson and fort St. John continue to be warmer than areas to the east. It is cooler than average for many prairies communities including into southern alberta where it will be barely double digits today. In calgary, in pinscher creek ask red deer. Temperatures rise into the long-range forecast. It will take until saturday before they are seasonal again. We will also see cooler than average temperatures in parts of saskatchewan and manitoba. Look at dawson and brandon. Winnipeg dropping to single digits. That is due to the influence of rain. Now that is not until later on tonight. Before we get there, it is going to be fairly cloudy across all four western provinces. A few showers mixed in. The rain intensifies overnight tonight and into early tomorrow morning across the international border with north dakota. Areas of higher terrain will flip over to snow. That is how cold it will be by mid-afternoon on friday. That continues through friday evening and saturday as well. Notice we will have some clearing in southern saskatchewan by saturday midday, but otherwise it's a fairly cloudy outlook. It's due to the fact that there is that area of lower pressure in the upper atmosphere. We see the possibility of rising air which creates that cloud and creates precipitation from there. For atlantic canada, you have a line of thunderstorms that moves its way in. We are going to see a reduction in the humidity in new brunswick after this front moves through. It means there's a risk of severe thunderstorms in new brunswick later on this afternoon and evening. That will persist overnight heading for areas like halifax and up toward newfoundland by friday midday. That line of storms tracking its time across newfoundland right through the rest of friday. Now here is a look at your local forecast.

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