
CFRN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 01:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

difference in people's economic lives. >> Zoller zach says the cost of living is the driving factor behind the increased need for support. Both macintyre and zoller zach don't expect to see the need to slow down anytime soon. >> The cost of living doesn't just change because the ripple effects go along with that. And so whether it's food paying rent or fuel, those kinds of things. Certainly has a ripple effect. And it takes a long time for people to get out of poverty. >> Of are super ctv news. Lethbridge. The new leger poll supports the food bank fundings and found that 64% of canadians feel that the rate of inflation of the grocery store is getting worse. >> 29% blame grocery chains attempting to increase their profit margins. 26% pin the blame on global economic factors. 20% blame the federal government. For the first time ever. The 2 are a few heat for humanity. Bus has made it to alberta run by the friends of simon wiesenthal centre, the bus springs age appropriate human rights, educational programming to schools. As bill mcfarlane reports, lessons taught there have residents for at least some of the calgary's grade 9 students. >> It's a complicated and sometimes uncomfortable subject that these educators are working to bring to life. But this is our first time in alberta, despite starting in 2013 and visiting more than 1200 canadian schools. The tour for humanity bus is only on its second day in alberta. The unique mobile classroom to relate the message. We can see. >> Mistakes that were made in the past that we can hopefully change or present condition and going forward in the future. The wasn't all centre is focused on educating canadians about the holocaust and anti-semitism. But today's lesson at calgary's queen elizabeth high school. >> Covers canada's history ties to slavery, residential schools, the chinese head tax and japanese internment camps. Despite examples of decades ago, it resonates with these grade 9 students. >> This is what went wrong. This is the groups have been affected by this. And there are so many facts on even today hurts me a little to say that like some people in our society are hateful towards. >> People only because of their gender or their race. >> The presentation comes as world events bring questions of human rights into everyday conversation. The russian invasion of ukraine to the ongoing war in gaza. There's always someone in the room that has a family connection or someone has a has an experience that's going to render them extremely uncomfortable. >> Well, distressed and we have to pay attention to every perspective. It's an hour. >> The presentations strive to steer away from current events as much as possible. While offering tips on reporting and guarding against online hate. No matter how subtle it's those little things that can add up to >> A bigger problem while the world is complicated, the goal should be simple. But at the end of this, what it's about, it's about making people feel comfortable and safe in our country. >> And being able to be home for people that have been looking for homes. >> Bill macfarlane, ctv news, calgary. >> Still ahead, how oilers fans in edmonton are helping the team succeed. >> So the in the playoffs when we have this year. >> Here's a live look at edmonton. Josh has your full forecast next. [Music] On paper, my life looks exciting. In reality, not so much. (Grunt, thud, audience applause) Everyday, it's same old, same old. (Growling) (Grunt) Clock in, clock out. Then I discovered Play Alberta. I could play casino games any time. (Clattering) (Chime) Bet on any game. And buy lottery tickets anywhere in Alberta. I think my spleen is ruptured. Me and my husband farm here for 23 years. We farm just outside of Olds. We raise broiler chickens, and we have a crop farm as well. We farm together with our three kids, They all really love helping out on the farm. I teach them how to care for animals, to work hard and see the results. The chicks are hatched in the hatchery and the same day they are delivered to our farm. We placed them in a free run, climate controlled barn. And we walk to barn every day to make sure they are healthy and comfortable. And make sure that everything's in order. As farmers, we care about the environment. Like our farm, all Alberta chicken farms are family owned. We really enjoy doing soccer as a family.

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